Ode to the One I Love

As are you my friend... as are youhug

Well last year cost me a few things...

With two friends an hour I will only have to keep this thread alive for another two minutes to regain my entire list of friends. So I will bump it one time for good luck.

Thank you Carol and Don for remembering me.hug

RE: Please Wake Up.

Just one of the many reasons that I value your friendship Don. You have a very profoundly simple outlook on life that I wish could be imparted wholesale upon the entirety of humanity. We would be far better off and I am certain this would have staved off this material doom that seems to be entrenching itself in the lives of far too many people worldwide.
Thank you for being you... it does give me something to strive for.hug

The Dawning of a New Year

Not just my dreams young lady. The blessing is for all. I would gladly sacrifice any portion alotted to me if it could but be shared with others.
Happy New Year to you too!!!hug

The Dawning of a New Year

The medications I am currently suffering through because of an eye injury from work have laid me low and left me less than lucid for the past few days. I tried to manage my time well enough to witness the birth of this glorious New Year filled with all the promises left unfulfilled from the one previous but I have failed miserably it seems. My long-term inability to maintain any regulated sleep however has raised my head from the distorted sleep of pills far too early, but in this time of solitude I have time to reminisce and dream.
Looking out my window at this early hour I can see the snow gathered on my backyard trees, strewn like the confetti from the last nights celebrations. Its pristine sheen glimmers, reflecting the orange light from the streets and to a lesser degree the light from the heavens above. Each sparkle representing the endless possibilities that began at the stroke of midnight throughout the world.
The cottony white blanket on the boughs of my evergreen leave a dual impression in my mind. The weight of time bears them down in some ways, but there is also the warmth provided in their clinging grasp. Sweet serenity in the togetherness.
Later today I will see the doctor for my eye issue and with any luck the splint will be pulled from my eye. Physically this will be much easier than the ongoing battle to remove the one that resides in my heart. It is more unwelcome than the material one as it does so much more harm. Not only to myself but also to others that I share life with. The doctor will heal the one in my body, and I am at a loss to define the exact nature of the healer for the one in my heart. I can only imagine that it will come from the spiritual bastions that excel in spiritual evolution. Many of whom I have met here in this lovely world online.
My one wish for this year is that we all practice the medicine of spiritual healing for the benefit of all around us. If each sparkle in the snow represents a union of sorts in a poetic manner, then perhaps we can in unity become that simple pure blanket that comforts the tree.
And the tree could become our community.
The birth of a New Year is upon us, hopefully in more than a mere chronological way. Let it sink into our hearts and truly this could be the dawn of a New Year.

God Bless,

~ Mark

Well last year cost me a few things...

... besides the time and my personal issues with family, my profile was burglarized and I lost all of my mail. My contacts, my friends list, everything. It was like I came back to my profile one day to find that I had just joined in some ways.

I would like to start out this New Year with an invitation for all to whom I have shared friendship to please add me to your friend lists. It is comforting at times to come here and see that you are online and to know that I can reach out when I need to blather on or reach deep into your strength to bolster my own as well. It is also quite nice to know in some way that perhaps when the troubles come from the other side that someone trusts you enough to let you be there.

Happy New Year everyone, it'll be as promising as we encourage it to be, and I plan on making the best of this year for sure.

~ Markhug thanks group hug

What has Cs given you this year before it is gone...?

And hopefully Santa brought you a wider chair my friend as we do have issues with withdrawal when you decide to take your butt for a walk you know...tongue

Happy New Year

What has Cs given you this year before it is gone...?

We all get the scammers. I do believe they are here for the humour content to achieve its directive. They are funny in their own bizarre way. And there will always be those who have nothing better to do than pick on someone else. Just ignore them as they do most of the work of weeding out the wastes of time all on their own.
I am pretty sure you already have managed more than a few friends too so congrats on that.

Happy New Year

What has Cs given you this year before it is gone...?

All good things require patience and a little effort. You are off to a good start then it appears. Friendship is often the blossoming of true Love. Keep your eyes pealed in 09 you just never know.hug

What has Cs given you this year before it is gone...?

Stick with it young lady. There are many fine persons of both genders here and you will find what you are looking for to be certain.
I would be willing to bet that 90% or more of your disappointments come from those who are not represented in the forums. Those to who effort in such a lofty search is managed by casual flowers and copycat notes email bombed out to hundreds at a time.
Try posting regularly in the forums as the personality or the ability to present and receive personal revelations is far greater than a dry email.
Happy New Year and better luck next year for sure just keep your chin up or you might miss the One right under your nose.hug

What has Cs given you this year before it is gone...?

For myself it has given me a place to seek the comfort and wisdom of some very fine people. A resource filled to the brim with positivity when my own sources are greatly diminished.
I have reconnected with some very fine friends whom I had left behind from my last incarnation here.
And I have gained some very special new friends with whom together I know all the challeneges of life will seem but molehills.
A chance to laugh,
A chance to share in the tears,
Opportunities to learn,
and hopefully once in a while to teach.

Thanks everyone you make the darker days have a dawn at times, and the promise of a tommorow doesn't have to seem like a last meal on death's row.
I just hope that I have not taken more than I have given but I fear that would be quite impossible, because you guys are truly wonderful.
Happy New Year

... and to new friendships and moments to share.hug

RE: an other year has passed

Empty comes from within. It cannot be filled from without. Once you are filled from your own wellspring it will overflow and draw life to you like the scented sweetness of flowers draw butterflies and of course bees. (And all the other pollinators so as to be fair and not segregational here). Be wary of the stingers of those who seek only to harvest your bounty and receive only those who have like energies to share.hug

Trust in you and then trust in life in that order and you will reap as you have sown.

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Alrighty then bossy I will take your wisdom and allow it to flow through my veins. It better not push the meds out or I am going to be pissy all day from hereon in though and I will proclaim you as the reason.
The New Year holds as much promise as any let it. I have no hold on any part of it and prefer to experience it just as it is delivered. My responsibility therein lies in simply making the best of what manages to stick to my life and then share as much of that as I can figure out how to with those whose gifts have likewise lightened my darkest days.
As for the age thing it is not my fault. Cali told me I am an old soul and Paws once told me that I likely knew Moses. So I have been told and it has stuck I suppose.
Now as to the health thing you likewise should find yourself in better health for this coming year so the celebration can lift you in its arms and spin you round the world to share your inspiration with those who have lost their grip on their own.hug

RE: an other year has passed

Young lady life has a specifically circular manner of producing the blessings that we so deserve from it.
Just like the cycle represented in the growth of plants.
Imagine a forest live and vibrant. Full of lush verdant canopies and rife with the music of life. Now imagine a fire. The land once filled with promise seems barren and desolate. In truth it is as it richest. The residue from the blaze falls to the floor and provides invaluable nutrients to the foundation which typically lies unharmed. The freedom from the shade that once protected and harboured the cool patches is a revitalizing burst that allows the tender new shoots to seek their rightful place in life. Eager fronds and tendrils reaching up to the life giving sun.
Time is of no essence really. Just ensure that you nurture your seed as it will be needed to fulfill not only your own promises but the place in which you belong. No seed knows where it will fall but it must know what it is that it will become.
An ice-cream cone never lasts as long as it should, and a test is always far too long. Time has a way of confusing us and stretching itself one way or the other. I am no Lover of time for this.
Just ensure that you find yourself so that when you are needed for the next stage in your life you will be ready and not othereise occupied with tasks that must be completed first.
Going out to the movies, not if your laundry lies heaped on the washing machine. No shower yet, and the wash is just in. More delays... Get all of your apples in line and they will provide you with time for the things you desire most and of course apples are a great attractant or lure for a healthy companion.

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

You could rescind your overly kind offer of friendship you know if it in truth has managed to worm its way so deep into your being that it is making you sick. I am not that sort of person to take any joy from the unwellness of another.
I will understand of course if you do so for even though sharing is a wonderful gift in and of itself you must needs take primary concern for your own well-being first or there will be no energy to share with others to whom your spirit is such a gracious boon.tongue grin hug

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Well off with you then lovely lady your repast awaits. Oh what a glorious bounty to be spread before you and all of it free ninety nine. That is my absolute favourite price as well, but I rarely bother with the eating thing so I will just meander off to lull my aches with words that soothe equally so for a starving brain. See you later young lady enjoy yourself.hug

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Alrighty smarty pants (assuming you are wearing pants as I would not wish to be seen as forceful here and you can dress as you see fit- I swear its the meds...), perhaps a thread and a topic on which to begin this discourse... Since you postulated this event you must perfoce be the erstwhile leader and chooser of said forte...hug

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Two friends now!!!??? What the heck are you lovely ladies doing to my besotted mind? When it was one I believed I was lucid and perhaps it was of pity now I am back to realizing it is indeed the meds playing havoc with my dusty brain. Surely you jest or perhaps one of you has placed a camera in my window and this will be on Youtube or even worse I am thinking I have been punked...?? Where is that Kutcher fellow at now??tongue

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

I swear its the meds... if only you could see the stains on my dimples from sleeping drugged from my unfortunate incident at work then you'd know. I just thank God that I am not so youthful that I would be forced to drink any of that vile coloured rot they swill down the necks of unwell children. The adult versions are just as nasty but leave a few less stains.
Morons live in Salt Lake City Utah not in California. You might perchance be a dancing raisin but definitely no moron...tongue

Sorry 'bout the emoticons but they are so vibrant to my hallucinatory vision right now and give me some reasonable merit to my foolish smiling that I cannot stop (as I have to concentrate too hard to make my face gather itself from its frumpy slumping- again the meds...)hug

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Congratulations to me!!!! I have a friend!!!! Yippeeeee!!!! I would dance about carefree but with only one eye right now I fear I would traumatize my poor cats far too much by slamming into the furniture. So instead I will just grin like the Cheshire cat and drool a bit from the meds I suppose... Hope no one is looking through the window right now...

hug cartwheel reunion

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

A Roman legion...? Am I tied to a rock on the beach in this one? Please tell me my entrails do not encircle said rock propping my diminishing spirit in the eyes of the predators...?

In truth I know this to be a fantasy of course as I have nary a friend on my list and certainly no fans. But you are kind enough to paint me in a wonderful light so perhaps the New Year will bring in this deluge or at least perhaps a drop of rain or two...


RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

But you see that is the point. I have not been able to manage a linear sentence for years and I was so looking forward to some concise logic buttered with a light glaze of romance...
I am oft too sentimental that I fear for the glucose challenged as they may be inspired to some diabetic coma from my overly honeyed tongue.

RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

Silly girl I already have that book, and in truth it does nothing for me excepting the aromatic pungence of its antiquated pages...


RE: suggest a resolution for the one above you

This lovely young lady should invoke her spirit to encapsulate her emotional writings into a book so as to reach the widest audience for receptivity. I would purchase one and cherish it for life certainly.hug


Happy New Year mate!!! Have a blast for me as I fear I am too old for festivities now. Besides the ailment I am suffering has put me in an eyepatch and heavily medicated to boot!

~ Markhug

RE: new years kiss?

Indelibly written in my own head and heart my friend. These are my words and experiences on the art of the kiss which sadly has become disposable in favour of more lustful desires and their immediate engagement.
I said I previously posted this here and I did but it was at that time that I initially wrote it for some other thread on CS.

Happy New Year Steevhug

RE: new years kiss?

I have previously posted this elsewhere (I cannot quite remember where though) but I will repost here...

Kissing is as important as any part of a conversation. It needs timing and rhythm to be properly experienced.
Lips come in amazing varieties but never have I seen a mouth that was shaped like a fish pucker or the hole from a punch, so it is entirely beyond me how anyone would present such to someone they wish to physically communicate with.
Kissing is not relegated specifically to the lips either, the neck, hands, arms, all parts of the face and virtually every other portion of the anatomy are all receptive to its magic as well. Timing again is the key, as rushing into forbidden territory without the silent non-verbal invitation required will certainly assure you a series of defense if not a good, well-deserved slap.
A kiss is not just about tongues, or pressure, or any one specific thing, it is an artistic, graceful thing that can only be worked as a paired art. The giver and receiver exchanging places so rapidly that the eyes of any bystander should never know who is doing what.
A real kiss is a physical poem, alight with passion and ardor, fire and flame. The language of kissing sadly has taken the backstage in the art of life, as we are thoroughly entrenched in our instant gratification and the world of me me me.
Fortunately for all, men and women, their remain artists and artistes through whom this lost art may yet be found. In truth they will likely have only one student for many years or perhaps their lifetimes, but they are out there.

~ Markhug

RE: If you don't like someone?

I cannot say from one email whether or not I like or dislike someone so to that I will always answer.
There is no harm done in responding and much more harm to share in outright rejecting someone without reason.
For myself I am not looking for anything beyond communication here so it is perhaps easier to discern this but I cannot see how sharing a smile is such a bad thing. Lingering to expect more or a return really is not very proper, but once again a smile costs nothing and is its own reward.
If there is persistence in communication then I will quickly draw a line that has to be recognized and respected.
The only emails I do not respond to are those from the teeming hordes of scammers that abound. They are fairly easy to discern though as they never show up on the Who's Viewed me list and often go on about things that are distinctly not represented in my profile.
To each their own of course, as this is merely my personal opinion and way of dealing with this issue.bouquet

RE: Why do you post on the forums?

It appears that we have finally found a bone of contention my friend... I post to disassociate myself from sanity. So ha ha we are finally like two peas in a disfigured pod it seems. Comforting really to know that through our differences we yet come from the same place... no?


RE: Say Something Good!!!!

You just had to wait and prove us both liars or at least committed to the past... haarrummph!!?? I tells ya if you weren't such a sweet young lady...

hug tongue bouquet

This is a list of forum posts created by BarrenPneuma.

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