This has always been a 'live and let die' world. No

RE: How old were u when u had first

In French boarding schools, we had wines with dinner; about second or third grade level in North America...we learned early laugh


Thread: WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? part 48579237592

Hate watching vids; prefer the radio, like station WKOS 'Radio Kaos' with "The Rock an' Doctor' insanity and chaos...
betcha U can't find it!laugh

RE: What color hair attracts u more?

Technicolour is my favourite otherwise the same as my sign:Neon.laugh

RE: I am Woman! Hear me ROAR!

Times, history goes full circle; welcome back to the Stone Age populated with the usual neanderthal types but this time with keyboards...instead of clubslaugh

I am Woman! Hear me ROAR!
Forums Home » Advice » I am Woman! Hear me ROAR!
You are?
How often have you read "Myra Breckenridge"? laugh

RE: Spoiled

Spoiled or soiled, rotten is rotten by any name; are you looking for a soil mate? Someone to get down and dirty with??laugh

RE: Ladies ,do you like the

You forgot one of the best loved chores/ time wasting frivolities ever for women: cleaning out the ovens! Women even go house to house searching for ovens to clean!

rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Old flics...

There is a huge book; 12" by 18" on the inventor of Rodan, Godzilla, Mothra etc. creatures showing all the creatures and all the sets of Tokyo that he built for the films after the war. It is simply amazing what all he, I didn't note the name of it when I saw it last year.

RE: Who are more qualified/Educated in the world ?

No, Futurists were an art movement/ group,(mostly Italian artists) that produced some spectacular art of motion with many having had their roots in the DADA movement.
Now to your poll question: it may dismay some here but for the last several years all over the world, more women have been graduating from colleges and universities than males, especially in North America. One factor has been the economic 'downturn' that affected mostly males to seek employment while females continued their schooling; finding work in their field of studies and gaining their experiences. The ratio in North America is about 20% higher female graduates than males. They also seem to adapt far easier than their male counterparts to the changing job challengers.

RE: Should novels specific to events like this be banned?

It has long been acknowledged that many novels are truths that must be called 'Fiction" in order to be published without undue backlash to the authors.
Absolutely no censorship under any circumstances!!

RE: hi

Don't give up or cut yourself off from real/reel life and stay on here 24/7 as some do...
Are the TV people still filming CSI there in Vegas, if so go watch and sign up as an extra...hey, beats being here and it pays! And it's fun! Same for the full movie sets that may be filming therelaugh

RE: Is it not possible?

Well, it certainly seems to take in all the Broadway and Hollywood theatrics needed for a good musical horse opera...well, camel opera in this case....gittyup Clyde! Go boy, oh wait, let's retreat then charge again just like we did last summer...darn, I'm mixing up too many songs! wave

RE: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!

Poll Question: Obama calls moving a way from reliance on oil a “national mission” ! Support!
Poller: Hot_Single_Dude
* End America,s dependent on oil See a better world

I would imagine that any and all reliance on "foreign oil" by the US would stop totally the moment the US has taken over any and all presently foreign countries that produce oil, making them US property 'for reasons of National Security' or made States as part of the US....again, for all those secret, never mentioned reasons of and for 'national security'! laugh

RE: Is it not possible?

I'm both puzzled and somewhat amused by your question. I'm not sure if "Cantafi" refers to a new form of Cantata that gives me a picture of a Libyan choral work singing about revolution or perhaps you meant to say Cantate which is also sung as in a canticle, but either way it still sounds as if a lyrical drama has been set to music, but just who is singing the proscribed vocal solo? Then again "Cantafi" just may be a new style of musical drama that you have invented; a sort of 'Desert style musical' which if it is, then I can understand why in reading your post, it reminds me of the song and act "Ahab, The Arab" by Ray Stevens, which is hilarious...Will it ever play on Broadway?? Will Colonel Muammar Gaddafi attend ??? Does he have a camel named Clyde ?laugh

RE: What's your favorite rose?

You forgot the Black rose. Though genetically manipulated in a lab, it is real and a rose is but a rose by any other colour...laugh

RE: Libya - Latest Updates Part III

solitare: A newspaper headline from the time of Saddam Hussein read
Now that the so called provisional leader of the Libyan 'rebels' has asked the US for weapons, a soon to be newspaper headline will surely read "LIBYAN HEAD SEEKS ARMS"...

Lots of loose heads and arms around, both figuratively and literally...makes me wonder of the 'artists' behind this evolving canvas are all delusional surrealists...Bring on the torsos for those rolling heads and flailing arms! laugh

RE: Libya - Latest Updates Part III

A newspaper headline from the time of Saddam Hussein read
Now that the so called provisional leader of the Libyan 'rebels' has asked the US for weapons, a soon to be newspaper headline will surely read "LIBYAN HEAD SEEKS ARMS"...rolling on the floor laughing

RE: A Meterite Headed For earth

Should all Nuclear Power station washrooms have a sign saying "Best place to have a leak"?
laugh wave

RE: Witchay Woman's PIRATE SHIP! YAR, Me Hearties!

Ahoy Matee!
Check your mail filter; sent you info on dcd set!!wine
you'll love it...grin

RE: A Meterite Headed For earth

In March 1998 astronomer Brian Marsden, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory in Cambridge, Mass. issued a rather spine chilling announcement. Based on 88 days of observing asteroid 1997XF11, his computer calculated that the massive rock would come 'perilously close to Earth at 1:30pm Eastern Standard time, on Thursday, October 26, 2028. It would miss Earth by a mere 30,000 miles, only about one-eights our distance from the moon. If the rock, almost a mile wide, struck the Earth the devastation would be too horrendous to contemplate.
The next day, before the fundamentalists cult leaders had time to integrate this possible cataclysm into their Second Coming prophecies, Marsden was humbly apologizing. NASA's Jet Propulsion labs had a seven year old photo of XF11 that permitted a more precise calculation of its path. This asteroid, as it crosses Earth's orbit in 2028 will miss us by 600,000 miles, about two and a half times the moon's average distance from Earth.
"Near Earth objects",(NEO's) is the term for massive objects that periodically cross Earth's orbit not far from our orbit. They include asteroids, meteoroids (no, no hemorrhoids) that are mostly asteroid fragments resulting from collisions, and comets from regions far beyond Pluto. Most collisions with Earth are in Sci-Fi films, like When Worlds Collide,Asteroid(1997), Deep Impact and Armageddon...
The asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains tens of thousands of asteroids with diameters of a mile or more. Ceres, the largest asteroid, discovered in 1801 is more than 6oo miles wide. Pallas, discovered a year later is about 370 miles wide. Juno, about 140 miles; Vesta, about 350 miles wide. These 4 asteroids combined account for more than half the total mass of all the known asteroids; altogether a planet smaller than our moon. In 1937, Hermes, half a mile wide missed us by about twice the distance from Earth to moon. In 1989, Asclepius, about half a mile wide missed us even closer. In 1996 JA1, a third of a mile wide, set a record for large asteroids by missing us by a mere 280,000 miles...only about 40 thousand miles more than than the Earth to moon distance.
We currently have no means available to divert a collision other than seen in the film Armageddon, or at least strapping nuclear bombs to the asteroid, blowing it up into fragments that more than likely will rain down on us. That will cause a large number of hemorrhoids for sure...rolling on the floor laughing
Suppose we do not have time to even try diverting an imminent collision and our Earth is shattered by an NEO that will hurl us into oblivion...what are the philosophical implications of such an event? This would be no problem for atheists, agnostics, or pantheists because they are already resigned to the fact that Nature does not give a crap about preserving a species.
What about theists?? Would a sudden extinction of humanity be acceptable? Probably. Your biblical Jehovah, remember is said to have drowned every man, woman and child, baby and pets except for Noah and his family. Would this OT bloodthirsty 'God" allow an extinction of humanity as he allows earthquakes to kill thousands, or plagues to wipe out half the human population, have any scruples about using an asteroid to end human history in fire and good ol' brimstone...get out your hot dogs Bubba!laugh

RE: Solutions to the conflict in the Middle East (Israel/Palistine)

Some how, the entire area should be carpet bombed with Neutron Bombs. End of problem. Equal annihilation.

RE: Which one is your favourite? Why?

rolling on the floor laughing ahhhh, democracy in action....rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Joan of Arc

She was a good electrician; got her arc lights going...

RE: What is the weirdest thing some one you have dated has done?

"What is the weirdest thing some one you have dated has done?"

She actually showed up
and we actually went out...and had a great time!laugh

RE: to be open or not to be open?

It is NOT you that is wrong for wanting direct honesty, but the males who seem to be for the most part secretly like the Taliban in regards to women. The men are not just sad, but quite pathetic as opposed to most Western Europeans. We like our women beside us, not behind us; no double standards about being direct and honest.
Bravo for you!wine

RE: Prospects for peace in Afganistan

More talking and jabbering heads, just what Afghanistan needs. Normally I steer clear of these types of forums for a number of reasons but in this one allow me to point out that what is called Afghanistan if not the entire region has not had so much as a single decade without a war since the time of Alexander The Great. Count the days, the centuries; that is a long time and no one has yet beaten those people nor their geography, including the once mighty British Empire and then the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Empire. Now it is the turn of the 'Evil Empire" as it is called there. So far, all bets are still on that country's fighters as primitive in some respects as the Viet Cong were using very primitive weapons made of wood not to be detected by metal sensors, spears and in some cases simple bows and arrows tipped with lethal poisons, even land mines in wood containers...
One possible solution to this war that the US has not tried, but may yet...(laugh ) is to make that troublesome country a State... with US citizenship like any other in the US, then it becomes an internal matter of 'domestic/ civil unrest and the State troopers from all over the US can be sent in to stop it as the US military can't or shouldn't fire or bomb their own citizens without suffering the same restrictions as just imposed upon Clo. Qaddafi and his country of Libya... rolling on the floor laughing
In fact for all future foreign wars that the US is just itching to get into ans wipe freedom out around the world, this could be the final solution by nationalizing all the countries it attacks and no one should interfere in what would then be a "domestic affair"....brilliantly scaled down to nothing more than a 'police matter'...rolling on the floor laughing But what to so with all the then screaming of and about 'police brutality' nothing as usual as when Afro-Americans are screaming it...just ignore itrolling on the floor laughing

RE: Should Irish Women wear a Burka and walk behind their man ?

rolling on the floor laughing and an 'industrial combat strength' jock strap or cup after some place some well deserved kicks...simple Kevlar underwear just won't do rolling on the floor laughing

RE: A woman's Worth......If only we could achieve this!!!

Thread: A woman's Worth......If only we could achieve this!!!
Category: Poems, Quotes, Writing
Thread Author: ClearlyStated
Post Author: ClearlyStated

"Yes I wrote this about 3 years ago, do you think this is possible to achieve??"

You must be an aspiring science-fiction/ fantasy writer. Good try but it won't be a Best seller' as most people won't be able to relate to it, but nice try...NEXT!laugh

Seriously, I applaud the sentiments but it unfortunately does sound like fantasy...women around this entire globe are still basically regarded as 'inferior' and much worse both in private and even in public. This lingering attitude can be very clearly seen and heard in low to moderate income groups who are usually also severely under-educated and barely above the the barely literate stage which in North America is viewed as being somehow virtuous in a 'folksy way'; anything/ anyone above those levels do not count as they are regarded as lynching material, as are people who are not certifiable 'red-necks'. They only exist to drink, make illegitimate children by running away getting into more bar fights, finding another trailer court with a similar class female and repeating the whole circle again. There is reality and it will never change because it is their constitutional right not to.American society as a whole will never progress beyond the confines of a trailer court and anyone who even tries is regarded as a traitor to their country and to their race by those types.

RE: Landing on Moon: was that true??????

Oh, that is easy, there is still no McDonald's on the moon!
Besides radiation, there are tons of micro asteroid pellets that tear through all the space ships and kill the crews, like in movies such as Pitch Black...speaking of movies, NASA would have to borrow the technologies from Hollywood and a spaceship for sure as they are basically broke and have wasted their funds on lifting a Mac Donald's up into orbit as a space station.
Again, speaking of movies, while Hollywood has for years been making movies on other planets, they have not told NASA how they manage it. Hollywood even made a docudrama called "Capricorn One", about just how bad NASA faked their moon landing...gee, I mean, hasn't just everyone seen it yet!? It's been out for years!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Will Qaddafi put down the rebellion and maintain power?

One other way in which he may 'stay in power' is if those oil starving 'coalition against human suffering' nations, aka NATO, strongly suggest that Libya be partitioned, either in half, north to south , say from Sidra to the border with Tchad or quarter it, let's say from Sirte south to 25 degrees latitude...what ever, but with the proviso that the major ports for oil exports be given to the 'rebel faction' while Gadaffy stays in what is left of Libya ending with an Eastern and Western Libya, with a possible 'Caprivi Strip' created as between Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia; a sort of legal 'no man's land' wherein any and everybody is 'fair game'...the new European and American tycoons and buffoons dictating what will be as usual...

This is a list of forum posts created by solitare.

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