RE: Which is the most boring "sport" in the world:

...the usual: Baseball,basketball, football, hokey, soccer ad nauseum...I like Pygmy basketball from the Congo...Rickshaw races from Hong Kong...Zulu Volleyball from Kenya... Bushman Tennis matches from the Kalahari...I know, highly unusual... laugh

RE: Looking for Rare Movie Suggestions 70s, 80s

Young Doctors in Love with that lunatic Dabney Coleman as the Hospital CEO! LOVE it!! So has everyone that I've mentioned it to...It is priceless; also a total take off on an old 'soap' called General Hospital and virtually all the cast came from the major 'soaps' on TV.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: colors!

Since I was little, my favourite colour has remained the same and on any form that asked me for it: Technicolour!!laugh

RE: Is It Normal?

Exactly! Normal is relative!
For me to actually live with a woman now, would really be quite abnormallaugh Never mind her state of mind...if she has one, which she could not and be interested in me...laugh

RE: Is It Normal?

RE: Libya update - the off topic thread

Speaking of being in search for another war is just slightly incorrect, techically, it will be simply just an extension of the policy known as 'perpetual war for perpetual peace' as advocated for the last several years and which became the basis for the very well known US author Gore Vidal to write his book "Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace" and "Dreaming War" based on the foreign policies of US blood(mainly) for oil to be taken over by the US, as outlined by the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld junta. Both books were written in 2002; and the programs are being followed with a bit of of "hey, they're unstable, lets grab what we can while we can" attitude. Who ever said covert 'destabilization' of foreign states was over....
Another very well known and acclaimed author from the US, Chris Hedges has also written a book entitled "War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning". It also follows the current policies of waging a systematic program of perpetual war to control as much of the oil and mineral wealth all 'third world' nations may have in the sole interests of the US empire. Perhaps after reading them and other related matters , one can then perhaps see a bit more than the sycophantic 'news' channels and the depth of more than just newspaper headlines by journalists of very questionable honesty and integrity.

RE: Money can't buy love

": Money can't buy love" The saying is wrong; money is used to rent 'love'. Without money, you are next to zero; no one wants or needs you around. With money, it opens doors including doors to find and basically rent a relationship as once the money sinks too low or runs out, so does your relationship, or what may have been a marriage. No one wants someone without money or a means of getting it. Love is not really 'for sale' ever; it is for rent and like an apartment or house, you pay on it or it gets foreclosed as it were. Stop and really think about having any type of positive relationship without money and if you have it, is it enough....can you have a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear etc. PLUS entertain takes money to have your honey, even to rent some for a little while and for a few moments, you remember that perhaps you are human but without money, you're nothing and you have to hire others to make that go is cruel to those without money in so many ways...

RE: Your choice of whiskey or beers to sip on are

Same here; I prefer to sip liqueurs, even with a straw!laugh

RE: is there a GOD

You must mean the Caral-Supe Valley mounds. Yes, about time they were explored as they were first noted as far back as 1905 but no one paid any attention because there were no graves to rob...
So called experts have claimed before that there was no writing systems in South America and they were wrong, as usual. Writing systems is a very loose term and I've never figured out why the so called experts have such rigid interpretations as to what exactly makes a 'writing system',ie. hieroglyphics, cuneiform etc. What may appear to be chicken type markings could very well turn out to be actual writing that some group developed...others have been found but are hidden way in museum backrooms, unclassified or misclassified like 'religious items'...same as ancient Egyptian eye glasses and even Roman eye glasses complete with lenses were classified as 'religious objects until about 3 years ago...go figure...laugh

RE: is there a GOD

Are you talking about the Reptilians?[/quote

laugh , No; get off the David Ickey fascination and forget his reptilian fantasies; that imbecilic Barney would shame him. Read the Sumerian creation epic the Enuma elish; surely it can't be that hard to find....

RE: is there a GOD

"Or on a lighter note we could a social experiment started by aliens and thier just sitting back watching and studying us....just joking"

It is no joke. Compare ALL the Creation "myths" of all the ancient peoples and the civilizations that some of them built and you will see and read for yourselves the commonalities. The only and first ancient civilization to write down all their Creation accounts were the Sumerians, in very explicit and detailed language. There is no way not to understand what they recorded.
Find and read several copies of their creation epic by the very few that have deciphered their cuneiform writings . They are this planet's most ancient accounts;the "Enuma elish". It is deemed to be the source of all creation stories. The ancient 'Gods' depicted were not human as we understand the term and the descriptions of human creation in excruciating detail read like a medical textbook describing the in-vitro fertilization programs.

RE: Worst US President;

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing cheering

RE: Looking for Rare Movie Suggestions 70s, 80s

Try "Gay ni**ger From Outer Space" 1992; comedy-sci-fi
Look it up on the Internet Movie Database
You'll love the the cast of characters; it is a good, funny filmlaugh

RE: Open Relationships

Well, there are a few 60's style ol' Hippie communes up island from here that live all together in open relationships and many out on the other islands around here. They all seem to live quietly and happily...small islands of sanity and bliss...laugh

RE: When was the last time you said NO

Several hours ago when I was offered black coffee to sober up...hell no! I prefer my condition to any alternative...besides, with coffee all you get is a wide awake drunk or tripper; now let's all listen to Bob Dylan's Rainy Day Woman several times mixing the speeds now and then...laugh Viva Cheech and Chong!wine

RE: gaddafi

Just a mere 12,000...laugh there are a lot more north-east of Khartoum...mostly special forces ostensibly to guard Port Sudan and the region around Suakin...(yes, of course they arelaugh )

RE: gaddafi

Just out of sheer curiosity, what is your opinion of the late Moise Tschombe of the short lived country of Katanga that had seceded from the Congo under Lamumba, back in the early 60's???
Tschombe was very anti communist and wanted the mineral wealth to be shared with the people, while Lamumba, was very pro Soviet and wanted their brand of Communism for the Congo to put it in very simple terms....

RE: gaddafi

You make some rather astute observations that are dead on target.
It is very fashionable to label it 'progress' and 'enlightened' when terrorists finally take a country, then immediately call themselves something 'democratic' such as the 'Popular Democratic Front of....' or The Democratic Freedom Front Of the Peoples of....' ad nausea ever since the 1970s when I had my first foray into combat in the Sahara when stationed in Tchad near both Fort Lamy and in the Tibesti Mountains bordering Libya. It was a farce as many changed sides and joined Qaddafi's forces. Fighting in the Sudan wasn't much better back then as the same problems still plagued the southern tribes until recently. Now those professing to be Al Quaida will gather and overrun both countries with long term benefits for China but no one is supposed to mention them or their special forces troops invited in by the Govt. of Khartoum. The old conflicts starting back in the 70's will just continue with new players. Now that the French have pulled out of Tchad, it is only a matter of time before the 'crazyness' infects that area, then perhaps, at long last Nigeria with its oil resources....
On the scale of 1 to 10 for butchering one's own people, I'd rate the Colonel at about a 2 perhaps when compared with ol' Idi Amin Dada....or even the late self styled Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Empire, now back to being a 'republic' at least in name but still butchering each other as is quite usual there...nothing changes really except the depth of the blood...and the spread of it like some perverse 'right of passage' which will now destroy the stability of Libya setting tribe against tribe. What a waste.

RE: gaddafi

I do not remember him being mad at anyone...upset, yes, but not mad...he liked to get even...laugh
I'd take him any day over anyone in power now or in the last 30 years. Well, perhaps John Cleese or Eric Idle, notwithstanding...
rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Tell me something good and heart warming that has happened in your town.

The local Victoria's Secret shoppe is having a 50% off sale on Italian lingerie...applause cheering
(those items are sooo expensive one can only buy for only a few ladies!laugh )

RE: should i trace my dream!

You're correct; without money you will not find love. Remedy that by taking an old bank deposit book, find a friendly bank clerk and have her put in a few hundred thou...we know that it is no good, but will a potential 'love'? Extremely doubtful. Always worked for friends...good luck!laugh


Good; sounds as if it belongs in one of the old Smokey and the Bandit movies with Jackie Gleason and Burt Reynolds...laugh


Just thinking the same thing...this is a predicament faced by both genders but the male usually is condemned by many females, especially in North America. In most of the rest of the world, people are far more considerate and compassionate in these matters. My own reaction is that most of the 'negatives' are superficial in the end with one exception as pointed out by one woman poster from Ireland; the improbability to have any children, but then what if the infatuation turns to real love...and both wish to express it by having the proverbial "love-child"?? If both are in good health, then the improbability becomes very possible...
Life, especially a 'love-life' is in most cases very short, so why turn it down when so many would gladly change places if they could. Cherish what you have found and enjoy those tears of joy while you never know but it could evolve into a life long deep love; remember the film Last Tango in Paris...the ending could have been much happier...Go for it!wine

RE: colonel gaddafi

That is highly doubtful as so far the 'unrest' has remained restricted within Benghazi, somewhat rather predictable as in the time since Qaddafi took over, Benghazi has rioted several times and troops had to put them down. That has always been the one area of troubles.
Perhaps this time Qaddafi will allow his notorious 'Amazons' to go in and put the riots down. His so called Amazons of the military forces are quite bloodthirsty...quite good soldiers.
Personally, I've always liked 'whacky Kaddafi' as he used to be called by many ,especially when he was the number one enemy of the US in the 70's and 80's. It was rather nice when I was there off and on with the PLO and other groups that he gave sanctuary to. His goodwill has had a tremendous effect of most Arab freedom fighters which most Arabs still support in various ways.
In a general summation of his years in power, he has drastically improved life for most Libyans, especially when compared to what it was under the old King. Most Libyans are rather thankful for what all he has done for them. I would not start counting just never knows with him...

RE: Drunk

Hear! Hear! (and Here!)
So true; when was the last time anyone ever heard of any crazed dictator or leader of a country ordering the destruction of another country or peoples in a drunken stupor or rage...those types are all sober!!


RE: Drunk

The most dangerous mistake is allowing yourself to get


RE: For men: does every single one of you

How many roads are there in North America..? Are we talking the quantity of women per road or just one getting laid on every road there is...confused
What a weird question...lots of 'potholes' in that one...

rolling on the floor laughing


In a way, Shakespeare was pre-empting Andy Warhol's statement of (nearly) everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame; if you have a role to play, do your walk on, play your part and exit, stage left.(As Snaglepuss used to say... laugh )

RE: Alternative Photo Day once a month?

NOT just any moose, but Bullwinkle J. Moose of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota!! The very idea of just 'a moose'! laugh

Otherwise, I agree with you; in the early days of CS a lot of us put up all sorts of photos of almost could say that they were 'conceptual art self portraits' perhaps Yoko Ono would have portrayed you, if she had had the chance...rolling on the floor laughing

RE: 21 12 2012 Mayan End Age

Hate to pour cold water on this topic but there is not one shred of any type of evidence, whether by historical record, Mayan myths, archeological finds nor from any source of the Spanish from those who had direct contact with the Mayan peoples that the calender was created by the Mayan. Nothing It was discovered there in ancient ruins which indicate ages far too remote for the Mayan people to have built. Because it was found in a Nayan city it simply was assumed that the Mayans created it.It has so been perpetuated but the mathematical experts have never accepted it as a Mayan creation, as the Mayans do not and have never said, nor indicated in any way whatsoever that their people and culture could go that far back in time or at any time to have created the Calender stone. Everyone seems to forget that the time needed for an actual physical record to have actually existed for both the 'long count' and the observance of the precession of the equinox would have taken someone,( a people and civilization) a minimum of over 25 thousand years or meticulous record keeping. The mathematical details could not have been figured out without direct physical observance from some source. The so called 'experts' in all the related fields pertaing to the entire concept of this calender do not want to talk about this aspect in public and will never admit that no one really knows how it came to be let alone who may have created it.
The Mayans simply inherited it from an unknown people and their culture of which there is no record known; same for the ancient Egyptians and most other ancient peoples. It is as 'the father of archeology', Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie,(1853-1942), once stated(but now conveniently ignored or forgotten about), "that the deeper one digs in the ancient civilizations, the more refined are the artifacts", not cruder, so signs of any development stages; it is all backwards". Think about just how astounding that remark is...Other experts have also voiced this conclusion.
The calender does not predict any sort of violent destructive end to the planet Earth; what is predicted is an end to an Age and the beginning of a new one. Now the how and why, is what sells 'popular' best sellers...all contradicting each other.

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