The Little House That Grew Into A Home

Pen me a future, pen me a life,
Write about cowboys, a man and a wife,
Make her a "looker" who's all "can do",
Build him rugged, with "want to".

Give me a family with lots of stay
That'll sure enough tough it- not move away
Cut out a herd for them to graze,
Manage this ranch in holistic ways.

Hang family pictures upon the wall
And sweat stained Stetsons in the hall,
Round-up boys with guns and knives
Show 'em the Lord to run their lives.

Move giggling girls in upstairs
Let them play dress-up and put on airs,
Then ride bareback in the rain
Racing up and down the lane.

Paint me white and trim me blue
Fix my roof and windows too
Ring a bell at dinner time,
Hang a rope for kids to climb.

Tend my garden, make it grow
Mount solar and watch me glow
Fence the yard and mow the grass,
Wave to neighbors as they pass.

Clutter my backroom with cowboy tack
A freezer of beef and spuds in a sack,
Add the smell of coffee perks
Line my shelves with classic works.

Fill me up with Christmas cheer
Pop a cork to start the year,
Ride a toboggan down my hill,
Drink hot cocoa to fight the chill.

Throw a party for the thrill of it
Gather friends, turn beef on a spit,
Choose pie or cake to top your plate,
Oh, such fun! I can hardly wait!

Tune a fiddle and start the dance
Then I'll have had another chance,
You'll then have your cowboy poem,
The Little House That Grew Into A Home.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2011
About this poem:
What fills a home. Mary asked me to post this for her.
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The Land Where The Cowgirl Grows

The sun kissed West
In romance dressed
The home of the summer snows
Where the wily camp bird builds it's nest
In the land where the cowgirl grows.

The rope keeps time
To the hoof beats rhyme
And the tanning breeze that blows
From youth to age man's at his prime
In the land where the cowgirl grows.

There circle race
And fall to place
As the lariat she throws
Across the blue flit clouds of lace
In the land where the cowgirl grows.

She's blithe and brown
She fears no town
And laughs wherever she goes
It's there they help the man that's down-
In the land where the cowgirl grows.

They sing by rote
And swear by note
In the home of the sun's repose;
But it's ladies first, when they go to ride
In the land where the cowgirl grows.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2012
About this poem:
Life can only be best described in rhyme spoken by a woman who lives in the West.
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Of Beloved Dogs

Inevitably they talk about their dogs
Leaning against the bar;
Leaning against the fenders of their pickup trucks,
Gazing at the stars.

Little do they know
Those little silver specks in the heavens;
Are the reflections from the eyes,
Of all their old friends long gone.

And those silver streaks, not falling stars
No, frisbee balls and sticks
That got away in the weightlessness of space.

I was on duty often when they came
And I cried along with their masters;
When their time had come,
The rich, the poor, free spirits and cowboys.

Old couples, young children
Survivors of the holocaust;
Marines home just in time.

Well, we know where they go
But whence came these drifters?
Some just showed up on the porch, quietly waiting
Like they had an appointment.

Others came in little squeaking boxes
And restless hands fed them with nippled bottle;
Their mothers lost,
Until irresistibility became full value.

And they rode home
On the leather seat of the Rolls Royce.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2011
About this poem:
The experiences while working as a veterinary technician.
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The Walls Are Crumbling Down -Some Thoughts About Poetry Corner And Adding Two Cents

When I became a member of the Poetry Corner over 10 years ago, this place was warm, welcoming and a balm to one's soul from the weariness of the world. It was a happy place and we were loved and supportive of one and all. cowboy

Over the past two years, someone had come here and caused one heck of a ruckus. Tomes were written and feathers were more than ruffled.Finger pointing and accusations were a ' flyin'. Some even left to never return because of it all and then some.

Sides were taken and sides were listened to without bias nor complaint. questions were certainly raised and not in a good way. Screenshots saved, e-mails saved, page upon page of accusations and blame gaming have been SAVED. RECEIPTS have been kept should anyone have need of them. The long and end game is now coming into play.

For two years, ugliness has reigned here and for what? Oneupmanship, someone ALWAYS has to be on TOP? What For? It boils down to ego and control. You know what it does? It causes new members to leave and for older members to stop sharing their works. It makes us ALL look bad. Every. Last. One. Of. Us. It becomes a self-containing, navel gazing echo chamber. Surely you want better than that? Right?

We should be better than this. We should be behaving like responsible, mature adults. Instead, the walls have been crumbling down here and have for two years. Continue on as you are going right now and this place is FINISHED. This shouldn't ever have to said.

Please keep my words to heart. No STALKING, no harassment, no more sadness for all and sundry. I'm law enforcement so be sure to take care with words and actions from here on out because CONSEQUENCES will be coming for us all. Be supportive of one another, gently guide and remember to always be kind and gracious TO ALL.

ReaderOfSouls (ROS) cowboy
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2022
About this poem:
Some thoughts on the sadness that is permeating and destroying this loved place. We should all take heed of our own actions, words and deeds from here on out. cowboy
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Southern Signs Continued...

ARMADILLO (Nov 22- Dec 21)- You have a tendency to develop a tough exterior, but you are actually quite gentle. A good evening for you? Old friends, a fire, some roots, fruit, worms and insects. You are a throwback. You're not concerned with today's fashions and trends. You're not concerned with anything about today. You're almost prehistoric in your interests and behavior patterns. You probably want to marry another Armadillo, but Possum in another somewhat kinky, mating possibility.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2022
About this poem:
Just having a bit of fun coming up with these at work one day with some colleagues. I hope they may elicit a chuckle or a smile to your day. cowboy I'd meant to post these around Valentine's Day, but got busy at work and time got away from me for a bit. Love ya'll!! cowboy hug
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Southern Signs

What's your "Southern" Sign? Some of us (especially Southerners) are pretty skeptical of horoscopes and it has become obvious that what we need are some Southern symbols to break up the monotony of those danged 'ol other astrological signs. cowboy

OKRA (Dec 22- Jan 20)- although you appear crude, you are actually very slick on the inside. OKRAS have tremendous influence. An older OKRA can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. Stay away from MOON PIES.

CHITLIN (Jan 21- Feb 19)- Chitlins come from humble backgrounds. A chitlin, however, can make something of himself if he's motivated and has lots of seasoning. In dealing with Chitlins, be careful. They can erupt like Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with CATFISH and OKRA.

BOLL WEEVIL (Feb 20- March 20)- You have an overwhelming curiosity. You're unsatisfied with the surface of things, and you feel the need to bore deep into the interior of everything. Needless to say, you are very intense and driven as if you had some inner hunger. Nobody in their right mind is going to marry you, so don't worry about it. wink

MOON PIE (March 21- Apr 20)- You're the type that spends a lot of time on the front porch. It's a cinch to recognize the physical appearance on Moon Pies. Big and round are the key words here. You should marry anybody who you can get remotely interested in you. It's not going to be easy. This might be the year to think about aerobics or yoga. Or-maybe not.

POSSUM (Apr 21- May 21)- When confronted with life's difficulties, possums have a marked tendency to withdraw and develop a "don't-bother-me-about it" attitude. Sometimes you become so withdrawn, people actually think you're dead. This strategy is probably not psychologically healthy, but seems to work for you. One day, however, it won't work and you may find your problems actually running you over.

CRAWFISH (May 22-Jun21)- Crawfish is a water sign. If you work in an office, you're always hanging around the water cooler. Crawfish prefer the beach to the mountains, the pool to the golf course, the bathtub to the living room. You tend to not be attractive physically, but you have very, very good heads.

COLLARDS (June 22- July 21)- Collards have a genius for communication. They love to get into the 'Melting pot" of life and share the essence of those around them. Collards make good social workers, psychologists and baseball managers. As fas as your personal life goes. stay away from Moon Pie. It just won't work. Save yourself a lot of heartache.

CATFISH (July 22-August 21)- Catfish are traditionalists in matters of the heart. Although one's whiskers may cause problems for loved ones. You Catfish are never easy people to understand. You prefer the muddy bottoms to the clear surface of life. Above all else, Catfish should stay away from Moon Pies.

GRITS (August 22- Sept 21)- Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself. You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. You love to travel though, so maybe you should think of joining a club. Where do you like to go? Anywhere they have cheese or gravy or bacon, butter or eggs. If you can go somewhere where they have all those things, that serves you well.

BOILED PEANUTS ( Sept 22-Oct 21)- You have a passionate desire to help your fellow man. Unfortunately, those who know you best- may find that your personality is too salty, and their criticism may affect you deeply because you are much more softer and sensitive than you may appear. You should go right ahead and marry anybody you want to because in a way, you live a charmed life. On the road of life, you can be sure that people will always pull over and stop for you.

BUTTER BEAN (Oct 22-Nov 21)- Always invite a Butter Bean because they get along well with everyone. You, as a Butter Bean, should be proud. You've grown on the vine of life and you feel at home no matter what the setting. However, you too, should avoid Moon Pies.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2022
About this poem:
Just a bit of Southern humor. cowboy
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Cowboy Astrological Signs

Astrology is one of those wonderful pseudo-sciences like naturopathy or cattle futures that anyone with an imagination can rapidly become an expert in. If there is some question which sign you were born under, just ask a friend. I present these to you. cowboy

OKRA- People born under the sign of Okra are slippery, smooth-talking' and slick. Without self-restraint they can slide right over on their face. Okras make good molasses salesmen.

HOLSTEIN CROSSES - These folks start out slow, never look like much but like the sure and steady tortoise, often finish first in the race to everyone's surprise! Feed bosses and second sons fall under this sign.

COYOTE- Never one to hide from responsibility, they run from it! You hear them, you find their tracks, but they're seldom seen. They eat the crusty end off a loaf of bread, the fat off ham and fried shrimp tails. You can find Coyotes migrating every fall from Wyoming ranches to Arizona feedlots.

FLASHING BEER SIGN- People found under this sign are steady, bright and occasionally incoherent. They gather wisdom and glow. Then they display it in a blinking neon blizzard. Often you will find nutritionists, veterinarians and economists in this category.

ARCADE SPACE INVADERS-Space Invaders are born self-assured. This confidence comes from always knowing what color socks they have on and their current bank balance. They have very little patience with Coyotes and Dice. A.S.Invaders make excellent bankers and wives.

DICE- As you may have guessed, these people have a tendency to leap without looking, buy beachfront property in Saskatchewan and flip for the tab. However, as long as they're winning, we seen them as glamorous. Most DICE feed cattle.

MOUNT RUSHMORE-Individuals born under this sign spend much time gathering and accumulating knowledge. They can be very helpful but tend to be idealistic in solving problems. "Rushes" make good county agents, graduate students and columnists.

CATTLE GUARDS-Usually strong, stubborn and level-headed, they get run over regularly by Space Invaders, Dice, Okra, Holstein Crosses, Coyotes, Rushes, and Flashing Beer Signs.Oh, heck, they get run over by everybody! A large number of CATTLE GUARDS wind up ranching.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2022
About this poem:
A friend and I came up with this on a cold winter's night recently while reminiscing. I hope it brings a smile or at least a chuckle to ya'll. cowboy
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Reindeer Flu

You remember that Christmas a few years ago
Where you waited all night for 'Ol Santy to show
Well I heard the reason and it just might be true
The whole bunch came down with the dang reindeer flu

The cowboy elves had been busy all day
A' doctorin' Donner and scattering' hay
Dancer and Prancer were febrile and snotty
Comet and Cupid went constantly potty

Hallucinatory dementia was rampant
Why, Blitzen imagined that he was Jed Clampett
Dasher got schizo and thought he was Trigger
While Vixen's obsessions got bigger and bigger

By noon Santy knew he should find new substitutes
So the cowboy elves went out searching' recruits
They scoured the Arctic for suitable prey
And brought them together to hook to the sleigh

When Santy climbed up it was like a bad dream
He stared down the lines at the substitute team
A bull moose as old as the planks on the ark
With a head as big as a hammerhead shark
Stood hitched by a cow, Mrs.Santy's of course
Then next in the tugs was a Clydesdale horse.

He was paired with an elk whose antlers were crossed
An ostrich, a walrus, an old albatross
Were harnessed in line but the last volunteer
Was a blue heeler dog with only one ear

The cowboy elves gave a push to the sled
As Santy reared back, cracked his whip, then he said,
"On Cleo, on Leo, on Lefty and Jake
On Morpheus, Redondo, on Lupe and Snake.."
Smoke from the runners cut tracks in the snow
The team headed south, but where else could they go?

They started back East 'cause it got dark there first
And their luck, which was bad, got progressively worse
By the time they hit Kansas the tugs had gone slack
And all but the dog was now riding' in back

Santy was desperate. What on earth could he do?
When the lights of an airport hove into his view
Did they make it? you betcha, but there hangs the tale
Of how, on the Christmas they stayed on the trail

A man in Alaska said right after dawn
A low flying object passed over his lawn
He ran to the window and threw up the sash
And heard someone shouting, "For pete's sake, don't crash!"

"On Budget, on Thrifty, look out Alamo
I didn't take out insurance, you know
And you, Number Two, try harder, yer Avis
On Dollar, on Hertz, Rent-a-Wreck you can save us

An extra day's charge if we make it by nine
Though the drop-off will cost us a bundle this time
Merry Christmas", yelled Santy, but he was all smiles
'Cause at least he signed up for unlimited miles

So that's how it happened as best I recall
When it looked like that Christmas might not come at all
And the truth of the matter, we all owe a cheer
To the Wichita office of Rent-a-Reindeer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2021
About this poem:
This was written one Christmas while ill with the flu. After the past couple of years, it would be nice to hear about the regular old flu. May this bring a good chuckle to you and may you all have a very Merry/Happy Christmas! cowboy
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Real Affection

If I could say the words I think
My tongue may over work and bust;
I'd make Old Shakespeare arise and say,
"What varlot now disturbs my dust?"

If I could do the things which I
Am simply aching to perform;
I'd rope the lightning and I'd jerk,
The terror from the blinding storm.

I'd use a comet for a bronc
And ride him straight-up and proud;
My spurs would be a pair of stars,
My blanket just a fleecy cloud.

I'd round up all the planets and
I'd do it sudden, sure and soon;
Then I'd sit back calm and watch,
Them mill around the helpless moon.

I'd do this all and maybe more
Providing that I thought it would;
To this here broken heart of mine,
Do any sort of passing good.

I'd do it all and take the chance
To hold the trail through and after awhile;
If he would throw me just one word
And tie it up with one sweet smile.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2012
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Schoolhouse Christmas Tree

They were living in a rundown place,some call it a labor shack
Two tiny bedrooms for seven kids, with a privy out the back;
Dad was a farmer's hand, but work was slow that year,
They were scrapin' ends to feed the kids, as Christmastime drew near.

There wouldn't be a Christmas tree, and gifts would be mighty few
A pair of socks for each kid,maybe a paper doll or two;
Couldn't afford a turkey dinner, so an old hen would have to do,
Perhaps a homemade apple cake to go along with the chicken stew.

Children went to a little country school, not too many miles away
That had been decorated with a Christmas tree to celebrate the holiday;
Strung with tinsel and paper chains with a gold tin foil star on top,
The youngest boy stared at that tree 'til it seemed his eyes would pop.

It was the last day of classes before the holiday
The little lad had hung around while his siblings went on their way;
He was still in the room and I wondered what was wrong,
"What happens to the Christmas tree, when everyone is gone?"

"I suppose we'll have to throw it out,I have one already at home
"No one'll be here over the holidays, so the tree will be here alone".
That little fellow got an idea as he gazed at the sparkling tree,
His next question nearly broke the heart of an old country teacher like me.

"Folks can't afford a tree this year,Do you think it will be all right
If I took it home so we can have a tree on Christmas night?
It seems an awful pretty tree to be left alone on Christmas Day,
I know it would make my family happy, if it could come to stay".

I fear a tear ran down my cheek when I heard that little elf
Ask for a tree to cheer his family, and ask naught for himself;
"That's a wonderful idea!"Smiling through my tears,let's load it in my car,
Then you and I can take it to your house, and you can you carry the star".

We lovingly placed that tree in my trunk, still decorated with silver foil
And drove it to that little shack, a few miles off blacktop oil;
His mother came to the front door when we pulled up to the drive,
If he had gotten into trouble, she'd skin that boy alive.

"I hope you don't mind, but could you do a favor for me?
School's out for the holidays, and don't know what do do about this tree;
Your son fears it will be lonely, and he offered it a place to stay,
"I'll understand if you say no, but I'd just hate to throw it away".

I could see her swallow her pride, when her boy handed her the star
Then a smile lit upon her face,as she helped take the tree from my car;
"It's so kind of you to offer,it'll sure help make this house a home,
And I agree that a Christmas tree, should never spend Christmas alone".
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2012
About this poem:
I write Cowboy poetry and this poem is based on a true event.One that took place in the two room country school that my father went attended many years ago.
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A Cowboy's Night Before Christmas

'Twas that 'ol Night before Christmas and all the ponies had been fed,
I was tryin' to choke down some beans before headin' off to bed
But my belly was a' churnin' bad , it just wouldn't sit still
It was goin' to be a long night, I could sure 'nuff tell.

'Cause in my string of horses, there was one called 'Ol Saint Nick
And thinking' about riding' him, was makin' me quite sick.
'Ol Flipper had come in with a front leg a ' draggin', last Fall during shippin' season, when we was out there on the wagon.

'Ol Saint Nick was an extra in the outfit's remuda, an' every time you got gettin' on him he'd be sure to give a gift to 'ya.That gift was a danged 'ol bronc ride, an I don't mean no 'hoppin'. You see, he's pure sin covered lightnin', that'll get your ears to poppin'.

But the boss cut him to me that's just kinda part of the deal, Flipper got turned out for the whole winter just to heal. I thought it kinda funny that it's Nick's turn to go with me out checkin' heifers, the next day in the snow.

So I lay there in my bedroll, with the fireplace a 'crackin, had terrible nightmares 'bout my poor neck a' snappin'. So I woke up at midnight, and again at two-thirty, I decided to saddle up 'Nick this time a little early. I thought I'll set him to soak with the cinches pulled up tight, come daybreak that'll help to take out some of that dad gummed fight.

Finally got 'im saddled, out there in the dark, it really was like hand feeding breadcrumbs to a shark. Finally went inside to wash the blood offa my head and got to see how much the blood had turned my white shirt red.

I'd just laid down to rest and closed my eyes when I awoke to such a racket, I stumbled up quickly and pulled on my denim jacket. As I walked out to the horse pens, the moon lit up the stage, those icicles shone so bright, on that high-desert sage.

Out in the big pen, on a fresh carpet of white, my eyes took in the most amazing thing, the most unbelievable sight. Saint Nick was making' a wild, crooked leap. with a pot bellied feller sittin' up there in the seat. He'd throwed up his head with one hand up in the air, Saint Nick touched the ground and growled just like a bear!

He'd just jump sideways as he chewed up on a foot, the red fuzzy coat popped out some chimney soot! He'd showed me his belly and stood him on his head, I noticed the fat fellers cheeks a 'turnin' a little red.

Saint Nick finally winded and throwed his head up, started licking' his lips all over, like an old an' gentle pup. The rider stepped down and handed me the reins I noticed in his mouth a broken candy cane. That's when it finally hit me , as my mind started to click. I've just seen 'Ol Saint Nick Himself ride 'ol hoss Saint Nick!

Then I noticed his team and a little red sleigh, you see, his reindeer were hobbled and eatin' on some hay.

He said "Merry Christmas,
Hope that present will do,
I knocked some of the rough off
That 'ol pony just for you".

Then he buttoned his coat and walked away
Unhobbled the reindeer
And climbed up into his sleigh
I heard him exclaim as he headed back North
"I ain't never seen nothin' buck like that 'ol horse!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2021
About this poem:
A new poem as has been requested. :-D cowboy I'd had this one in the pipeline for quite a while as it was re-told to me recently by a local cowboy who emphatically swore up and down that this actually happened to him out West. . This is my interpretation (which I shared with him and he absolutely loves by the way) and now with you, Dear Reader. cowboy
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A Christmas Beneath The Stars :)

The cattle were bedded down on the hill
It was a peaceful sight that I saw
The winter moon hung high in the sky
Casting shadows on the side of the draw.

The Christmas lights on the ranch house below
Sparked a thought of a night gone by
When shepherds watching over their flocks
Heard the message from the sky.

I stopped and looked at the stars above
And listened where all was quiet
Then into my heart came the message
The angels delivered that night.

I stepped from my saddle, whispering aloud
"Shepherds watching over their flocks"
My horse rubbed his head on my shoulder
As he shifted his feet on the rocks.

The horse held his breath as we listened
I could almost hear the heavenly choir
Then the spirit bore witness once again
And burned in my heart like fire.

Yes, the ranchers, herders and cowboys
Who work beneath the wide open sky
Can understand how the shepherds felt
When they heard the voice from on high.

Let the rich and the powerful pity me
Let the city folk think I am strange
My silent prayer shall continue to be
"Lord, thanks for my home on the range".
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2015
About this poem:
This was written many years ago and is shared with the spirit of Christmas. :)
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