PollOrder by Most ViewedOrder by Most CommentedCreatedCommentedViewed

How would you describe your neighbours?

How do you feel about your neighbours? When we choose a home, we generally have no idea who's living around us, sometimes we're lucky and sometim...
3,2722850Sep 2011Sep 2011Apr 11

Stress Relief

How do you cope when life gets stressful...
2,9317866Apr 2014May 201412 hrs ago

Do You Care about American Politics

Cast your vote here....
2,5154478Oct 2016Oct 2016Apr 16

Your Favourite Music Decade

Tell us about your favourite music era and post your faves here...
2,47432108Jun 2016Jul 2016Apr 15

Information Sharing

How do you feel when people give explicit details about their personal lives on here...
2,4421750Apr 2016Apr 201621 hrs ago

Would you like to live longer .. or better?

We often read about how to extend our lives but sometimes I wonder whether we're better off living in the moment as we don't know when our flame will...
2,33743109Sep 2017Dec 2017Apr 7

American Politics belong on the USA forums

Game on...
1,9624342Jan 2019Feb 2019Apr 16

Tick 'em Off

Recently raised some prayer flags on a warm breezy day, sent a Thank You up to the universe, understanding that I already have all the things that...
1,122130Jul 2013Jul 201324 hrs ago


Please discuss...
1,105752Oct 2014Oct 2014Apr 16


I think the most entertaining side of this site is the CS Twitterer Genius....
698416Jun 2020Jun 2020Apr 12

This is a list of Polls created by serene56, ordered by Most Viewed.

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