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Greetings from Bali island

Greetings from Bali island

Join this site to find friends and let's see if could be more and do you have any advice to myself and how to get more attractive to find Mr. Right? H...

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What do you think

What do you think?

Hi! Do you think there's a chance I find the woman who I'm looking for here. Am I doing everything alright?? Best of luck for you then ??...

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Is the cartoon look to much

Is the cartoon look to much?

Been single three years it is time to start dating!!...

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tell me what u think

tell me what u think

new to this tell me what u thing cheers....

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what do you think of my profile

what do you think of my profile

tell me anything you think and see...

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[ i waanna be your friend U WANNA WEB CHAT SOME DAY (ADD ME NAKED987HUNKK@YAHOO.COM...

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what do you think

what do you think

do you think this profile is ok or do you think i'm telling too much...

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plz see am i logical n honest n is it a turn on profile...

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Feeling old lol

Feeling old

Just want to meet a decent man for friendship first.Check out my pics and tell me which one will get me the attention of sweet and decent man?[color=p...

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im new here

im new here

what do i need to do to have my profile looked at...

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why i am i single

why i am i single !

Notable Life Achievements: -Can cook amazing instant noodles -Semi-professional bathroom singer -Has never been in jail before (except when pla...

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i looking female lo

i looking female lo !

my female is where...i am here for you :)...

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Haya guys

Haya guys

hey guys new pic up hope yous like lol...

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Please tell me what you like and what you do not like...

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good pic

good pic?

Just wondering if this pic is good enough or do i need something else...

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Hey guys Honestly I dont know what to ask for

Hey guys! Honestly... I dont know what to ask for...

hmmm..... Okay, now i have the option... If you out there, in South America somewhere, things that i might be something for you,...

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my first time trying this online. ANY feedback good or bad I'm okay with. I've been on here a week and have barely talked to anyone. So my pi...

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Life is a full of words wich matters often nothing at last,so i think we can not pridict our selves as it is subject to change constantly,so i pref...

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funny how youll check my profile and send me a mail D D

funny how you`ll check my profile and send me a mail =D =D

i just want to know what to do to have more friends here, im new here but still not having what i want....and how is my pictures :D...

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here you go

here you go

This place is nothing but people from nigera south Africa scaming every one I talked to just about are scamners most the one that get ahult ara nothin...

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why no viewer

why no viewer??

not getting viewers never mind mail so tell me why and how i can change this...

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Any Advice

Any Advice?

Haven't had much luck..just curious as to what I should change. Thank you:)...

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Come and let me know what u think Pls

Come and let me know what u think Pls....

Just being me...

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I love to love and be loved

I love to love and be loved.

I want to find myself a soul mate, that would understand me at all, which is ready to accept me as I am, with all...

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improve profile

improve profile

Need tips on how to improve my profile etc, behonest and tell me what you think.........

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im real are you

im real are you

What makes a man special to you....

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to tell the truth

to tell the truth

What makes a good profile, looks or the truth. If so which do I need?...

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How to improve

How to improve?

Any words of wisdom are welcomed. What does my profile need?...

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just me a nice guy

just me a nice guy

just tell me what you think of me and be honest !!!!!!!!!!!!...

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Im her for frineds im loking to faind frinds man only...

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No posts

No posts.

Hi! I don't know why I don't get posts from people. Do I need to look a bit more "available" or slutty since no mails? What makes guys want to write a...

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do I sound too arrogant

do I sound too arrogant?

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Why would I not think that we two didn't definitely belong together...

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What would you say

What would you say

Should I cut my hair? Do I look good with glass's or without? What do you think of my pictures?...

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give me a chance u wont regret it

give me a chance... u wont regret it

Do I look like girlfriend material? Is there anyone that would like to get to know me? I just want to know if anyone would want to give me a chance to...

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im alone

im alone

i need a gf just someone who will love the real me an someone i can show off to my family im 21 im lonely i just want to be loved...

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rate me

rate me

Hello its Elizabeth would like to see comments on my pics xx...

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What do you think

What do you think

Any advice?...

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this is me

this is me

what do yall think of my profile pic???...

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What are your thoughts on my p file

What are your thoughts on my p/file

Do you wanna or don't you wanna know anything about me????...

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POWER OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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