slypoker4Mark: Life is short for us all so be my Mrs Right

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My Details

  • I am: 67 yr-old man seeking woman, 40-70
  • Located in: San Diego, California, USA
  • Last online: Online over 1 month
  • Height: 5' 9"  (175 cm)
  • Body Type: Average
  • Hair Color: Gray
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
  • Education: Masters Degree
  • Religion: Christian/Catholic
  • Occupation: Sales/Marketing
  • Income: $150,000+
  • Smokes: Never
  • Drinks: Never
  • Marital Status: Widowed
  • Has kids: No
  • Wants kids: Someday
  • Sign: Libra Libra Men in California

More About Me

I am a warm ,person with a huge smile and heart to match. I love to spend to spend time outside in the summer enjoying the beautiful weather while it lasts! I am a very positive person with a lot of love to give. I would love to have that special woman in my life that makes my pulse race when I hear his voice. The one that gives me that silly little smile.

More About my Match

I seek for an honest woman,caring, understanding,trust worthy , some one i can call my best friend since the best way to start a relationship is becoming best of friends first.


Self Employed

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