Wyvampirechick: i want a best friend, that i can fall in love with!

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My Details

  • I am: 47 yr-old woman seeking man, 30-47
  • Located in: Burnsville, Minnesota, USA
  • Last online: Online over 1 month
  • Height: 5' 11"  (180 cm)
  • Body Type: Few extra pounds
  • Hair Color: Medium Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
  • Education: Some College
  • Religion: Spiritual but not religious
  • Occupation: Retail
  • Income: ---
  • Smokes: Socially
  • Drinks: Occasionally
  • Marital Status: Separated
  • Has kids: Yes, they live with me
  • Wants kids: No, but welcome yours
  • Sign: Capricorn Capricorn Women in Minnesota

More About Me

A bit over weight, stuck in the 80's, stubborn, hard headed, smart, sarcastic, helpful, loyal, cuddler. love my kids, love most music, action movies, supernatural, crime dramas romance books, history, architecture, & exploring my environment. I want more outta life than just getting by. wave

More About my Match

I want a man who is responsible but fun, passionate but mellow, strong but gentle, smart but funny. Someone who won't judge me & I won't judge him. A man who will hold me in his arms but not hold me back. A man who is supportive but not controlling. Looks don't matter that much, I'm no beauty queen myself. Most important of all though is honest & loyal!


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