violinsandbowsviolinsandbows Forum Posts (286)

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

waverider thanks for reply,how you doing buddy, i suppose i'd sooner be a fake than insane, your getting nicer,THOUGH NOT NICE ENOUGH,no i'm not a fake wave,i do want a wife, im divorced, not married,all my threads are a test wave,why shouldnt we play have fun an hopefuly learn, your wrong wave,not very good,keep trying, i'll pretend this once you aint a doc...God i'm

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

dvdmcm33 thanks for reply, break that horse in a bit axe grinder, cheers...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

Professer thanks for reply you have my respect,your the experts, just wondered, i tend to trust the experts... im sure some of the laws of gravity in some senses are credible, though perhaps theres senses we cant grasp as yet, take your explanation of whats proved as a law thought that was brilliant an not without hope of evolving...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

50-year-old magnetic mystery solved - quantum structure obeys classical physics
January 7, 2004

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio State University physicists and their colleagues have demonstrated for the first time a type of magnetic behavior that was predicted to exist more than 50 years ago.

The behavior involves a special kind of energy transition among atoms in a very small magnet, called chromium-8 (Cr8). And while scientists have long thought that the effect was controlled purely by quantum mechanics, the magnet's behavior appears to reflect the laws of classical physics.

The classical laws of movement and energy are ones that people experience in daily life, and they normally only apply to objects that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. In contrast, the molecular magnet Cr8 is so small that quantum mechanics -- the science that describes the interactions of subatomic particles -- should rule its behavior.

The finding could help bridge the gap between quantum and classical approaches for understanding these tiny structures, and aid the future development of useful devices based on nanotechnology, such as very powerful, very small computers.

"This shows that we can understand important aspects of quantum behavior with classical thinking," said Oliver Waldmann, a visiting scientist in the Department of Physics at Ohio State. "That's a twist that I like."

Waldmann and his colleagues published their results in a recent issue of the journal Physical Review Letters.

Materials such as Cr8 are called molecular magnets, because they are composed of only a small number of atoms that form a large molecule. The spins of the atoms' electrons provide the magnetism, and the molecule itself acts as separate magnet.

In the case of Cr8, the structure contains eight electrically charged chromium atoms linked in a ring that measures less than one nanometer, or billionth of a meter, across.

The spins of four of the chromium atoms are magnetized in one direction -- spin-up -- and the other four in the opposite direction -- spin-down.

But Anderson's theory suggests that the magnet will generate a second kind of excitation called the N¹el excitation when the electrons in its atoms are at their lowest possible energy state. This kind of N¹el excitation has not been demonstrated, until now.

Waldmann performed the theoretical work that underpinned the experiment while he was at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany, and colleagues in Europe performed the experiment. Waldmann recently analyzed the data while working with Arthur J. Epstein, Distinguished University Professor of physics and chemistry at Ohio State.

To Epstein, the study demonstrates that magnets based on molecules with special internal molecular structures can produce new phenomena, such as Waldmann's observation of the N¹el excitation.

He added that using molecular magnets gives scientists the opportunity to use synthetic chemistry to tune magnetic properties, and introduce previously unknown properties into magnets.

"This enables both new fundamental science and new potential technologies," Epstein said.

The scientists cooled a sample of Cr8 to only a few degrees Kelvin -- colder than minus 450 degrees F -- to lower the energy levels of electrons in the atoms as much as possible. Then they bombarded the material with neutrons to energize the electrons just enough for them to display N¹el excitation.

T materials," he said.

Co-authors on the Physical Review Letters paper include Tatiana Guidi of the Universit??litecnica delle Marche in Italy; Stefano Carretta of the Universit?? Parma, also in Italy; Claudia Mondelli at the Institut Laue-Langevin in France; and Angela Dearden at the University of Manchester in the UK.

fridge magnet we dont know

cutedevilsmom thanks for reply,hope your fridge magnets got there ears covered

fridge magnet we dont know

nwnstar thanks for reply, yes its a law an apparatus so we can go figure an i respect the law for what it is, wonder how this law will evolve perhaps telling a totally different story...excepted understanding for the moment...measuring part the infinate...

fridge magnet we dont know

Abracadabra thanks for reply, i see what your saying and why to a certain extent your saying it,and its hard to argue with experts, do we fully know the force of magnets, atoms, quantum, related affects, everything plus connected,we dont know and what effect of things we dont know about on magnets, therefore repecting are current science laws i just beg the question besides the weight of proven laws in this direction, im going on this record to say theres more to learn about the force, can you feel the force...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

The Professor thanks for reply, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, as brilliant as theses Geniuses where, theres holes in there theorys, take your point, best law of time, my point is not restricted by any laws mine is guessing what the true picture is now, i realise truth changes every split second, as the truth about now changes, as the truth about the past changes...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

animica thanks for reply youve noticed also hahaha

fridge magnet we dont know

The Profesor, thanks for reply, i think i know what you mean, humans need to feel theirs a foundation an we make it as true as we can, though im beginning to realize my laymen doubt about the true ressonance of many parts of the foundation are probanly magnified with minds like your own, so we have an explanation for say 'fridge magnet' i suspect like 'gravity' its not 'adequately understood' ive heard to many fellow experts, say mmmm we dont know, officialy we've an explanation, we have to say something fo that part of foundation, we say all we know, that might be a fraction of the true picture, jigsaw piece....perhaps

fridge magnet we dont know

nwnstar thanks for reply, first i have nothing but admeration for these experts in their fields ive heard radio programs with these experts in their field voicing the vast jumps in knowledge in recent years although just how little they knew about many areas, such as gravity we dont really totally know many theorys...

fridge magnet we dont know

nwnstar thanks for reply, with respect, thats why i said 'ask a few'

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

catwm thanks for reply, how rathersome, Piano/clarinet and voice, yes you express yourself to your love, music i feel the ressonance...

fridge magnet we dont know

Abracadabra, thanks for reply, the top psysicists dont know exactly how gavity works, like we havent accepted the unifying theory and the laws of physics are not fully understood, ask a, ask a few...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

catwm thanks for comment, yes music is mood, an are moods can be angry, good, soothing,etc, Moonlight Sonata on the piano in the play catwm...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

animica thanks for comment, love your humour, an if your serious good....send out my magnetism now...

fridge magnet we dont know

Do we truly understand magnetism? We know that two magnets will repel each other if both of their north poles or south poles face each other, but can we truly explain this? If we try to hold these two magnets together against this repelling force our muscles will tire as we continuously expend energy, but the repelling force from within the magnet does not. Is it reasonable that an apparently endless force from within magnets will continuously battle any external power source in this manner, eventually exhausting all external power sources without an equivalent weakening itself? In fact, there is no identifiable power source at all within these magnets to support this endless force from within. Do we even know what magnetic fields are, or have we simply discovered how to create them and learned to model their behavior with equations? That is, are we confusing practical know-how and abstract models with true knowledge and understanding?
A closer look shows that solid answers to these and many other questions about everyday occurrences are not to be found in today’s Standard Theory.
The final theory Mark Mcutchon

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

The Professor thanks for reply...'Do we truly understand magnetism, we know that two magnets will repel each other if both of their north poles or south poles face each, other but can we explain this? If we try to hold them together our muscles will tire as we continously expend energy but the repelling force does not. Is it reasonable that an apparrent endless force will continously battle any external force in this manner, eventualy exhausting all external sources without equivalent weakening itself?
In fact, there is no identifiable power source at all in these magnets to support this endless force within. Do we even know what magnetic fields are or we simply learned how to create them and learned to model their behaviour with eqautions? That is are we confusing practical know-how and abstract models with true knowledge and understanding.
Many answers not found in todays Standard Theory!'
The Final Theory
Mark Mcutchson

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

The Professor, Thanks for your reply, did you hear of the final Theory by Mark Mcutheon, i downloaded a free first chapter, i will upload it you if your into some amazing thought provoking points?

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

animica thanks for reply, succinct, yet forceful. You have a power we all do, though these powers are individual, perhaps everything is connected, i say everything i meen everything +, i thing we are dealing with infinite perhaps many big bangs like the lights on a christmas tree, only no tree shape, in may directions (the fridge magnet....if i was clinging to a mountain i would eventualy lose strength an fall of, my physical power is limited, the fridge magnet as no limit where is the power coming from, some think quantum...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

dvdmcm33, thanks for your reply (i dont play violin, i compose orchestral music) hard to explain my fascination for you see i dont know why...theres most certainly nothing up with other woman, june...why not....mysterious yes thats true, though life is mysterious, we dont know where the power comes from a fridge magnet, we think it could be quatum, an gravity not that sure...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

xxxsunnyxx thanks for your reply i wouldnt marry you just for green card, i'd marry you because i loved you, and your an attractive woman, got me thinking some one will be happy with you...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

OneGoodWoman thanks for reply, you buetiful flowers are everywhere thats true, though im not in an unconsidered hurry, for although its the earlybird who gets the worm, remember, its the second mouse that gets the stilton...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

arabella, thanks for comment, wouldn't mind the money an the filling form in as i

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

animica thanks for your reply, ive no serious wish to extend my deadline, for you see every year as a june, you say, quote
'I am still, as you know, declining...'were all getting older animica, some of us wiser...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

Lionheared1967 thanks for reply, hahalol your rest assured was correct, i mean in the Artistic sense, an thanks for your wish, one i hope is granted...

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

Lionhearted1967 thanks for your reply i appreciate your appreciation, we are similer at being different...
a clever pretty woman, you have a cathartic affect, making sure ive no boring people on my mind...thanks

uk m wanting to marry a scandinavian woman by june

Lionhearted1967 thanks for your reply, im openminded an happy to give nice comments for great achievements, its good to take things in stride, ^^^^^^^^walking on the moon...

RE: My poem- "Two"

lametheone, nice serious poem that belongs not so much in the lighthearted poem section, more in serious section (in my opinion), consider relaunch in serious poem section, i'd like to see it where it belongs, you have a talent!


Its funny how i see your face in the clouds,
then i remember,
you went hangliding half an hour ago!

This is a list of forum posts created by violinsandbows.

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