thesoldierthesoldier Forum Posts (5)

This is a list of forum posts created by thesoldier

RE: Obama made History! Now Economy, Energi and Peace!

ok first of all to the autrhor of this thread.... are you NUTS!!!!!!

ok now that being said now to dismantel this whole flip[ping thing.

first the health care reform... having studied medicine, coming from a family full of nurses dentists dr. and what not... this plan of his just screwed everyone. think about it what was MEDICARE and MEDICADE for the same GD thing. it was a no or low cost insurance for the seniors diables and pverty stricken... all the NORMAL working people pay for that GD crap in the form of FICA and MEDICARE taxes and the damn goverment cant even keep their grubby mits off it to keep the damn thing running. and then when your out of job because of say a KNEE injury that you need surgery for and you cant pay for your own insurance then the carps given out to those unwed mothers with 15 children and no job and the lazy perfectly health bastage that just doesnt FEEL like working, and that moron that thinks a HANGNAIL is a GD permenant physical disability that everyone should feel sorry for.

what do you think makes the american medical care system so great and far advanced??? thats right because its PROFITABLE. people refine their technologies their practices, and invent more because of the money that can be made.... now look at your other countries with healthcare for everyone governments... like germany. crap you go to the hospital for say an Xray you end up with an MRI xrap spinal tap eeg ekg blood work and god knows how many fingers jamed in ya for a prostate check. they take forever and they dont diagnose you worth a damn but by the gods they have mental institions that just because you want a nice comfortable bed to sleep in you can go chek in with the crazies...but the taxes of the country are tremendous and the jobs are non existant. so yeah the government pays for every person in the country most of them dont work and those that do barely get by because of the damn taxes they pay.

health care fore everyone BAD IDEA drs. wont do nearly as good of work because they wont get paid anywhere close to what they used to and the technology upgrades in medical field will slow to a crawl. GREAT PLAN cause your going to foot the damn bill for it all.

RE: What Country is the most Free...?

there really is no such thing as freedom just your vision of what freedom really is.

freedom is not free its paid for by the blood of the fallen soldiers that sacrifice all they have for your visions.

what is freedom? can you threaten the presidents life? no but you can disagree with his disecisions. being free is doing what you want when you want without reprocussions of your actions. there is no country state or continent like that. every place has its rules.

the ability to guide your life in the direction you want to take it would be a more appropriate question if you ask me. in that case i would prolly say that Europe (continent and countries) and america (USA) would prolly be in the top of that list. with asian countries falling closer to the bottom of that list.

RE: Capital Punishment

thats the problem though even those days cost the tax payers tons of money and now they live even longer, and even then they also still had the death penalty. if you tried to escape from the chain or from the jail they shot ya dead. today if they were to shoot ya you would sue their socks off the gun makers socks off, then the bullet manufacture, then the prision, then the fence maker, then the grounds keeper, hell you would prolly try to sue god and satan too!!!

i think of capital punishment like WAR. we go to war to fight for our freedoms and protect our country. in war people die... yes you try to make sure its the "bad guy" but sometimes innocent civilians die too. is it right? no!! but it happens. in capital punishment you kill the "Bad Guy" is it 100% of the time the bad guy? no!!! someitme innocent people are put to death accidently too. its not perfect and yes i kno it sucks for the family but who the hell in prision ACTUALLY did their crimes??? lol i dont think i have ever heard a criminal say they did it they were all wrongfully tried convicted and sentenced cause nobody did anything wrong LOL

personally save the dang money it costs to keep a person in jail (average $750,000 per year for max security) put a damn bullet in their brain (cost $2 for a good bullet) dang look i BALANCED THE BUDGET *starts looking for his nobel peace prize*

RE: Capital Punishment

in any legal system be it a dictatorship or a democracy there is alays that chance. you then focus on improving your crime solving skills and methods. yes i know of a couple people that are in prision that i feel are completely innocent. but thats what being judged by a panel of your peers is for.

the jury panel is never your friends relatives or even acquaintences they are people selected at random and screened. then the proscecutor pleads his case and shows his evidence that you are guilty. then the defense pleads his canse and shows your not guilty and it is up to those 12 people to decide if there is enough to say you did it. is it 100% accurate no. do people who are innocent get imprisoned or killed yes. but it does limit it down and we can improve from there to hopefully get to a point where no innocent person pays for a crime they did not commit.

however in the meantime more effective in prevention of crime the public carrying out of said punishment. think about it if you go to your town courthouse and witness a man have his hands brutally lopped off in front of you, you hear the screams of agony and pain, you see the blood as it pours from the wounds, are you going to think twice or more about going out and shoplifting that shirt or piece of jewlery you have been wanting? the answer is YES.

so often we talk about the human rights of the imprisoned and we fail to see the rights the peace that human god given gift of freedom that was taken away from the victom.

people who are rapped violently go on the rest of their life with fear unease and the inability to open themselvs up to others like a loved one for fear of hurt. tell me why that victom should have to go through the rest of their life that way, while their peerpitrator gets to sit in a nice air conditioned, and heated building, eating 3 good meals a day, get good cloths to wear, watch tv, use the computer and internet, lift weights and educate themselves? i am thinking we as aculture have it backwards. the victem should get all these benifits and help, while the criminal gets to live in fear and suffer.

in my view, we are favoring the criminal not the victem. if you want to take the rights and human qualities away from someone else then we as humans should remove the criminals rights.

RE: why older women dont accept young guy?


put it this way... we always want what we cant have. i myself have been married 2 times i also have 2 daughters i also take care of those girls. to me marriage is a piece of paper and a ring and nothing more. i found in both of my marriages that the she and i changed alot after the marriage that broke us apart. that change doesnt always come before that marriage and after that marriage its then too late.

women want older men in my opinion because they think age dictates maturity and that is not always the case but most often so. men want younger women because its more of a trophy. its like that sports guy you prolly know that displays all his trophys and talks all these stories about his triumphs. its a way of dominance over you to show they are better then you bigger then you stronger then you smarter then you. when a man gets a young beautiful bodied woman its no different.

some men like you from what it sounds like arnt into the trophys and the domineering triumphent stories. but more into realistic things like partnership love care and that need to care for someone else and show them the joys of life like oyu have experienced yourself. i am that sort of man. but eventually you will come to realize that you can still achieve all that without that paper and that ring.

a wise man once said " you dont have to really say "I DO" to really DO it" if you care for someone saying I DO wont make it any stronger or more true. but gives you the opertunity to continue to prove that everyday your together

the soldier

This is a list of forum posts created by thesoldier.

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