omonoountes Profile Review

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omonoountes Review Details
AMALIADA, Central Greece

Are you ready?

A wise man said that whether a camel walks up a hill, down a hill or on a straight road, it will be the same for the camel because it will still have its humps. If the camel relocates to another country, it will be the same for the camel because it won't be able to get rid of the humps.
I mentioned the above because most of us who are on a site, were married a few years ago and at the beginning-no matter for how long-we thought, we loved our ex very much and now we are alone, while many of us have fears, terrors and nightmares at night
Reading many profiles, I strongly doubt that we have realized if we have become better people, whether we have struggled to transform any of our vices to merits, in order to start a new life with the ex-if possible-or a new spouse. We think that we never had any vices faults or failings. We believe that our spouse was the wrong person for us. Not only this, but that we are innocent and happy! Therefore we are looking for another person-listen, listen, to share our happiness. Personally, I am quite sure that many people are confused about “happiness”. Any-one that has difficulty believing this, can look it up on the internet to understand the confusion about this so-easily-used word “happiness”.
Last week I had a very beneficial conversation with one of my beloved daughters from my first marriage. She told me amongst others: “Dad, it is very difficult for you to understand me. I know, you know I love you, but I do not feel you as a stranger nor as my real father, because when I was a little girl, you were not here to hold my hand. Whenever I saw a girl walking with her father, who was holding her hand, I would cry. I would say that I love you with my mind and not with my heart, as we never lived together. Please God, she cried, help people not to get divorced”. Whether it is acceptable or not, we love much more the evil habits in our character than our children. We (more or less only men) do not consider them at all, just ourselves and the desire to please anybody else rather than our children.
I believe that a man and a woman, as a couple should NEVER be independent and they should never try to be. It must of course be understood that they do remain a man and a woman, BUT have to be ONE human, one Anthropos; otherwise their belief will be deluded and their marriage sooner or later will be destroyed.
Another word that people and especially the “good” couples use very constantly is the verb "to share". It is definitely unacceptable to me, because when we share, it means the other person lives outside of our inner self, our heart; you treat and feel him or her like your car, your house, your jacket. FROMM, SCHMEMANN and many others agree with me. I am interested in a person and not in an atom. I believe that we should respect anybody's opinion, but we should never forget that The Human's Opinion Divides Humans.
Nevertheless, it is time for all of us to realize deeply the consequences of our divorce and repent. Obviously we are “the camel” and the “humps” are our faults and failings, as well as our narcissus, which does not allow us to love anybody, anything. We often think that we love somebody, but could it be that we 'love' them simply because they do what we want them to do for us or because they make us feel good? We ought to make a real, but bloodless, war against our inner self, our vices and never again any human or anything else, in order to clean our heart and make a space for our ex and/or our new spouse and, of course, above all for our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the only ONE that can give us the ability to love.
We must never forget that a man and a woman, as a couple, are two persons in one personality; they are two persons, but one human. Only then one completes the other and both of them are completed by our Lord-God.
This is the real aim in this life; to be completed by Jesus Christ, we have got to be connected with Him, with our spouse, with humankind, nature and everyth
Mar 5, 2015 12:10 PM CST
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by omonoountes
Created: Mar 2015
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