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Never let those haters bring you down! pt 2

• Don't take it personally. The person doesn't know you or any thing much about you. They are spewing hate and critical remarks from their own sense of failure and self-criticism. Their hate is about them, not you.
• Remember when you've had a bad day and attacked someone or been a jerk on a forum somewhere and give them the benefit of the doubt. They may be having a sucky day too. If they persist, then they're a troll and ignore them.
• Most haters succeed in riling you up because they have found a nugget of truth in your behavior, comment, appearance, cause or business that needs to be examined. Look for the kernel of truth. If it's there pick it out and leave the rest. Thank them (silently or not) and work on changing that part of yourself - consider it a gift. Ignore the packaging. If you can see there is no truth at all in anything they say - wish them a blessed day, thank them for commenting, or ignore them. Other readers can see they're a jerk - you don't have to point it out. Don't let them rent space in your head.• If you continue to steam, fume, complain and whine about attacks, you're letting them control how you feel. Don't do it. That's their goal - to upset you and distract you. Notice them and acknowledge their remarks like you'd notice dog poop on the sidewalk and step around it, not in it.• Understand that 1 in 4, or 25% of the population are psychopaths or sociopaths with no conscience. This person may be part of that 25%. You don't want a sociopath with no conscience mad at you. Quietly and gently get off their radar by not engaging, or engaging respectfully.
you can’t defeat haters because 

haters defeat themselves the minute they give you attention.

Think about it. Would you waste your valuable time on someone you didn’t like? Exactly. So the fact that a hater is giving up their free time on you should make you laugh out loud. You should see it as a compliment.

You probably think you’re a nobody but look at the attention you are receiving for just being you? They either want to be just like you or they wish they had the things you have. They can’t be you so they envy you. That’s another victory right there.

Just because they don’t say nice things about you doesn’t mean that you should ignore the attention or not see any positives as a result of their actions. Their lives are very probably dull and miserable. They’re very likely to have failed in life to be able to spend so much time on you, opposed to themselves and their families. Could you find the time to waste on someone you didn’t like? No. Because 

you have achieved in comparison to someone who has failed.And if a hater has to lie about you, that’s when you should really celebrate your victory. 

Haters will lie about you when they they have failed to hurt you or bring you down.

Each time a hater mentions your name should also be seen as a victory.

Remember what I’ve told you before, never quote their name should you choose to blog or vlog about a hater because 1) It will give them satisfaction and 2) You will be promoting them and giving them attention.

Don’t feed the trolls! Just smile and remember, you won the minute they ran their mouth about you.

A hater cares about you. They are attached to you. You own them. You just haven’t looked at it this way before.

People love you so who cares what a cowardly hater has to say about you? Just laugh at the time they’re giving up on little old you! And if you don’t want to laugh at them because you’re a nicer person than me.
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Never let those haters bring you down! part 1

This is a very long blog, I need to divide it into 2 parts. Actually, I got this from my boyfriend when I was stressing out for what people did to me.. It helps me a lot when he told me this so I wanted to share you this...

?1In order to understand the process of why haters hate, you must understand the definition of a hater. A hater is "A person whose jealousy of another person success or achievements makes them verbally nit-pick any flaws no matter how small or just make up flaws in order to somehow try and belittle the successful person."

?2Instead of getting mad at haters for hating, keep doing what you do that brings hate your way. Having haters is one way of knowing your constantly doing something right. It's always good to have your name in someone else's mouth, keeps you popular.

?3Understand that it's in a haters blood to hate. It's not that they hate you, but rather they hate themselves or hate others who have. The distaste a hater has for you will only grow over time If you continue to suceed, so push forward.

?4The most simple way to deal with a hater is not to deal with them at all. They seems to always posses a negative aura around them and it may rub off on you if you're around them to long, so let a hater do their job, drink haterade!
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