breadcrumb RamiroVampiro Blog


all being humans have something in common,
dreaming to found out our perfect love,
someday, somehow, somebody, will reach us,
he (she)will scale all barrier,with brave heart,
then, finally, we will say: lonely, bye, bye!!
we, so accustombed, a happy endings films,
where life seems so easy, with few tears,
many smiles, happening unexpected good things,
and we have inherited and grown with false ideas,
perhaps they would be the cause of miseries,
because of try to get them, we´re on sadness,
all this world seems to be just vain ilusion,
preconceived ideas, prejudices,"big infatuation"
and day ends, nothing happens, we still are alone,
therefore, Im here again, writting to say me: hold on!!
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cansado de lo rutinario, de lo que es hasta ordinario,
por qué todos quieren ser poseros, mostrar q son guapos?
por qué no hablar de lo cierto, verdadero, y no lo casquivano?
porque un día habrá en que estemos arrugados y calvos,
entonces por qué no hacer la diferencia hoy y hablarlo claro?
platicar sin poses, sin pretensiones, sin el jueguito de la seducción,
simplemente con sinceridad, buscando amistad, de vos a vos,
de la niñez que pasamos, los juegos, problemas que afrontamos,
de lo que pensamos sobre la teoría de la relatividad, del más allá,
de nuestros viejos ideales, nuestros miedos y traumas ancestrales,
por qué no sacarnos la careta, total, nuestras jetas son imperfectas,
nuestro mundo sería mejor, nada superflúo, si tú quieres hoy!!
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what means "encebollado"??

how much desires I had for eat "encebollado". I bought two dishes, and of course, with "chifles" and a coca cola!
it just happened, like freely and suddenly, because when I´ve got desires, is because it´s not joke!
encebollado is a dish´s food cooked in base a fish called "albacora", with onion, parsley, and when dish is finally made, you spill over that "kind of soup" many times lemon drops. it is so delicious!!
and therefore, you ask yourself what on consist "chifles"...they are originally big bananas. they are not similar to comnon bananas.the are diferent, belonging to other specie. that kind of banana you can cut off it, and fry on hot oil.
encebollado is a nutritive dish´s food, contains very very amount of potassium. therefore, when someone is drunk and rapidly wants to remove drunkenness just must do is eat encebollado. holy remedy!!of course, you must drink a lot of water, too, but, when you stay on streets, drunk, always find to any little restaurant, whatever time open to offer this delicious food!
I invite you to visit!!. here, ecuadorbanana

with great pleasure I hope you join us!
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Im tired about rutin, including all vain things,
why all everybody wants to seem fashion guy?
we look so handsome... is there a great gain ?
would not be better to talk about things are true?
´cause, really, does it serve to the physico to shoot?
then,we talk clearly, dont use little games of seduction
we just with sincerity, first, friendship looking for,
one to one, we´re facing our problems, or remind childhood,
and other issues: relativity theory, what hides other life,
we should review old ideals, loved beings and ancient fears,
why do we not take off disguise? our face arent perfect,
sure, if you want, TODAY, our world will be better!!
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neglect to obey

sometimes, life can seems a puzzle without any end,
and till gold dreams we have had, suddenly, destroys itself
happens it really that way? I dont think it.
What causes all insatisfactions come on with prefabricated ideas what we must be. when we neglect to obey, and let up your essence free, is when all move to the best. we just dare carry on, always, carry on, because there is a good reason: we have a deal with ourselves. no to others, but we must to demonstrate how can resist!
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