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Risk in everything

When you act, there is no guarantee you’ll succeed. That’s what makes success so valuable and so very much worth achieving.

When you venture forward with the intention of creating value, all sorts of obstacles will befall you. Make the commitment to work diligently and enthusiastically through each one, because that is where the value is made.

There is risk in everything. Instead of avoiding the risks in life, learn to successfully manage them and transform them into achievement.

It is only by accepting the risk of failure that you gain the possibility of success. You, and your whole world, deserve for you to create that success.

Yes, life is risky. Fortunately, you are wonderfully and powerfully able to learn and to adapt and to deal with whatever you must.

With your thoughtfully considered actions, you can minimize the risk and maximize the achievement. So go ahead, accept the risk, and follow it all the way through to great success.

— Ralph Marston

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Reasons to grow

If you had no problems, you would have no life. Seek not to be free of the problems, but to be free of their grip on your spirit.

Problems are only a problem when you’re down on their level. The more you rise above them, the less they’ll hold you back.

In fact, when you rise far enough above a problem, it becomes an opportunity. Look back on your experience, and you’ll see that this is true.

If you run from the problems, they’ll chase you, and will always, eventually, catch up. Instead of seeing a problem as a reason to run, see it as a reason to grow.

Then, not only do you grow stronger, the problem also shrinks in comparison. The higher you raise yourself above it, the more effectively you can deal with it.

Life will always have problems. The stronger those problems make you, the better life will be.

— Ralph Marston

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Gaining from troubles

There is much you can learn, and much value you can gain, from your troubles. Yet you don’t progress so much from just having those troubles as you do from actually overcoming them.

The key to getting the most from your troubles and problems is to accept them without being resigned to them. Accept the problems and then do what it takes to get yourself past them. That’s how the real learning takes place. That’s when the true and valuable growth will begin to come about.

Be honest about where you are, then turn and start heading in the direction of the place where you most desire to go. When you’re determined and committed to going forward, you won’t be afraid to look realistically at whatever troubles you currently face.

When you do, you’ll see those troubles not as overwhelming, intractable circumstances. You’ll know them as the true opportunities that they are.

— Ralph Marston

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Work your way through

Some of your efforts will bring valuable results. Other efforts will bring valuable experience.

No effort is wasted when you choose to value it. Everything you do serves to eventually move you forward.

Anticipate what might go wrong and take steps to avoid those things. But don’t make the mistake of avoiding action altogether just because there might be problems.

When the goal is worthy and meaningful, get busy and make it happen. Focus on the end result, expect the best, and make the commitment to deal with any obstacles that might arise.

Sure, it’s easy to compile a list of excuses for not taking action. But that will get you precisely nowhere.

Though you know it won’t always be easy going, take bold steps forward anyway. Be willing to meet the resistance that you know will come, and to work your way through, and real achievement is surely yours.

— Ralph Marston

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Within your reach

Your dreams are most certainly within your reach. Yet just because they’re within your reach does not automatically mean that you’ll reach them. It is up to you to move yourself toward them. It is up to you to use each day, each moment, each thought and action to go surely and steadily in the direction you wish to go.

If the place you plan to reach is just a few hundred yards to the north of you, and yet you insist on always walking south, you’ll have a very difficult time ever reaching it. Are your actions in each moment moving you toward the place you want to be, or are they moving you away?

There are certain things, wonderful things, positive, valuable and exciting things you intend to accomplish. Right this very moment is the time to be taking clear, definite steps toward them.

Rise above the distractions of the moment and look at the big picture of your life. Give yourself some meaningful perspective and then take a clear, objective look at the direction in which you’re headed.

Are you letting the distractions and temptations determine your direction, or are you following your highest vision for what life can be? The sooner you start moving in the direction of your dreams, the sooner you will get there, and now is the perfect time to start.

— Ralph Marston

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Happy, confident expectation

The good things in life do not create happiness. The good things in life arise from happiness.

If you wish to be happy, then be happy. It really is as simple as that.

There’s no need to wait until you acquire this or achieve that. If you constantly place conditions on happiness, you’ll prevent yourself from experiencing it.

Go ahead and be happy now, today, this very moment. Be happy for no reason at all, and you’ll find that you’re more effective, more productive, more creative and more fulfilled.

Indeed, happiness is a powerful state of mind that is available to you when you allow it to be. The best reason to be happy is because you can.

Being genuinely happy is a powerful way to express your confidence and your expectation that positive things will happen. And when you confidently expect the best, that’s precisely what you get.

— Ralph Marston

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Get busy

A small, simple action is infinitely more effective than a big, complicated excuse. Instead of putting your energy into avoiding effort, put that energy into the effort itself, and you’ll get something of value in return for it.

There is something right now that needs to be done. Imagine how great it will feel to have it finished, see what a heavy weight will be lifted from you, then get busy and get it done.

In this moment, in this place, you have a valuable opportunity. You can make something happen, and you can make a difference.

Forget about judging whether one task is difficult and another task is easy. Don’t be concerned about figuring out what is pleasant and what is unpleasant.

Just take a deep breath, sit up or stand up straight, and with a steady and confident sense of determination, get busy. Soon you’ll find yourself moving rapidly toward real and fulfilling accomplishment.

You can worry and complain about how nothing ever gets done, or you can take it upon yourself to make a real and positive difference. The moment for action is now, so get busy and convert this fleeting bit of time into an accomplishment that will bring you value for a long, long time.

— Ralph Marston

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Even when

Even when the day is cold and gray, life can be filled with warmth and joy. Even when trouble weighs heavily on the world, there are very real opportunities to move positively forward.

Even in the middle of winter, there is the ever-present promise of spring. Even when all seems to be lost, there are still many ways to turn the situation around or to move on through it anyway.

Even when there appears to be no hope, someone will have the audacity to be hopeful anyway. And more times than not, that person will be right.

The greatest opportunities for positive change very often arise from the most difficult situations. The most enduring strengths are always forged against the most stubborn challenges.

There are those who give up at the first hint of trouble, and then there are those who never give up no matter what. Those who never give up are the ones who, thankfully, always get us through.

— Ralph Marston

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Tell yourself you can

When you tell yourself you can’t do something, you’ll generally believe it and live by it. For example, suppose you constantly told yourself “I can’t get any work done around here because the walls are too bright.” That may sound silly, yet when it’s repeated often enough you’ll become absolutely convinced that the walls are preventing you from getting your work done. The sad fact is that when you tell yourself you can’t, you won’t, no matter how flimsy the excuse may be.

Fortunately, the same dynamic also can work in a positive way. Because when you tell yourself often enough that you can, you will. Think of all the things you’ve avoided doing because you told yourself you couldn’t do them. Now just imagine what would happen if you applied that same power of suggestion toward being productive and effective, toward getting things done.

A critical, fundamental initial step toward any achievement is to tell yourself you can do it. It’s simple. “I can do this.” It’s positive. “I can do this.” And it works. Put the power of your own belief to work for you. Tell yourself you can.

— Ralph Marston

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Practice creates mastery

The more you do something, the better you do it. Tricks and gimmicks and shortcuts might help a little bit, yet practice is what creates mastery.

If you seek to do it well, then do it often. There is nothing that can take the place of practice.

Do you wish to be more confident in unfamiliar situations? Then transform them into familiar situations by rehearsing them in advance, with lots of practice.

There are some things your mind remembers, and then there are those things remembered by the entirety of your being. Practice instills that powerful holistic form of memory.

Sure, it can be immensely frustrating when you’re not as skilled as you’d like to be. Make use of that frustration by channeling its energy into determination, and with that determination, practice.

Practice winning, practice losing, practice making the effort, practice peacefully accepting disappointment and gracefully accepting success. Every time you practice, you make yourself that much better.

— Ralph Marston
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Keep moving

When your efforts bring the results you seek and also when they don’t, keep moving. Welcome the achievements with humility, welcome the setbacks with confidence, and keep moving.

Don’t use success as an excuse to rest on your accomplishments. Don’t use failure as an excuse to give up.

Whatever has happened before, your best choice now is to keep moving, keep learning, keep making the effort, and keep improving. Build new value with what does work, and accumulate valuable experience from what doesn’t work.

When you realize you’ve been distracted and wandered off course, don’t let it get you down. Just accept where you are, figure out the best way forward, and quickly get going again.

When you’re standing still or being pushed backward, you have no control over what happens to you. Keep moving, because the way to control your direction is to have some direction, and the more assertively you move, the more control you have.

Life’s abundance is all around you, and each day brings new opportunities for fulfillment. Use every day to keep moving, and bring your best possibilities to life.

— Ralph Marston

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The power to change your world

Your thoughts can change in an instant. And because of that, your whole outlook can change just as quickly.

Have you ever been feeling down and then suddenly encountered a wonderful, positive surprise? Just like that, the world around you changed from dismal to beautiful.

The only thing that really changed, however, was your thinking. Yet it was more than enough to completely transform the situation.

You have the power to change your world because you have the power to choose your thoughts. Though it may feel difficult, and even impossible, as soon as you do make a change in your thinking you realize how quick and easy and effective it can be.

The most important thing about any situation is the way you decide to think of it. Your thoughts can turn any occurrence into an opportunity, any experience into fulfillment.

At any given moment, what you think of your life determines what you will do with it. Always think the very best, and be it.

— Ralph Marston

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Happy for no reason

Be happy to give of yourself, and you’ll be happy. Be happy to make the effort, and you’ll be happy.

Be happy about working through the challenges, and you’ll be happy. Be happy for the opportunity to transform problems into achievements, and you’ll be happy.

Happiness does not come when you try to obtain it. Happiness is a quality that you can choose to add to any experience.

Happiness does not come from arranging your circumstances in a certain way. Rather, happiness is a very powerful, effective and delightful way to relate to any set of circumstances.

Be happy to be living this moment. And not only will you be happy, you’ll also be creative and effective and purposefully focused.

Choose to add your very own happiness to the ups and downs and ins and outs of life. Be happy for no reason and for every reason, and experience life at its best.

— Ralph Marston

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Find Your Purpose – It Makes a Huge Difference
by JANE POWELL on MAY 3, 2012
“Have you reached your destination?”

Many of us grow up not knowing what we want to do with our lives. It can take years to figure it out, and some never do. Many women change jobs, careers and husbands, searching for their purpose and destination.

To achieve success in finding your way, soul-searching is a necessity. Have an honest conversation with yourself and answer a very tough question. “Who am I?” Think about your strengths, your weaknesses and most importantly your passions.

It may take a day, a week or a month but, when you answer this question, your personal destination becomes clear.

Your direction will not fall in your lap, so don’t waste another moment – create an inner compass and find it yourself.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: Being in tune with my passions has made my direction clear.

Share this Meditation:Break Free of Resentment

by Jane Powell on May 2, 2012

“Life flourishes when you let go of resentment.”

Resentment is like a parasite. It feeds on you and leaves you weakened by its presence. Its only purpose is to take from you – and take it will.

Break free and shake resentment off! There’s simply no room in your life for this negative energy. You have so much to do and so many places to go. If you let resentment get in the way you’ll never reach your potential.

Start by focusing on what you do have, not on what is lacking. Stop fretting about what should have been, and concentrate on what could be. Forgive, forget, and move on.

Let go of resentment today and you’ll be amazed by all the space it leaves in your life for better things.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am free of all resentment
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