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The BIG Danish Lie!

This is a long post. I am breaking it up into multiple parts so that the forum software does not choke on it.
First, I have been told that there are links from Facebook and several other internet sites into this child custody thread in Foreigners in Denmark. We apparently have an audience that numbers in the tens of thousands of people around the world. With that in mind, I am going to provide an overall description of what has happened to Tammy in the last few year or so. It is truly ugly, disgusting, and certainly not civilized by any stretch of the imagination. Denmark and Danes should be ashamed.

Friends of Tammy are trying to take her case and others like it to the EU in Brussels. It is time to expose what is really going on in Denmark, for the anti-immigrant sentiment is permeating all aspects of Danish society, including family court. If anyone knows of additional cases where the Danish family court is unfairly favoring the Danish parent over a foreign spouse, please leave some contact information here or send me a private message on this forum. I will try to get you in touch with the appropriate people. It is time to join forces and put a stop to this.

Tammy has also written to the Queen of Denmark's office, and they have forwarded her complaint to the Danish Ministry of Justice. Tammy is now ready to go to the news media, and we (Tammy's friends) are going to try to blow this wide open for the entire world to see.

First, a review of the situation. Tammy is an American. She was working in Silicon Valley in California when she met and married a Danish man who was CEO of a company in California. This man is educated, is supposedly capable of being charming, and is using his senior management experience in Denmark to influence the authorities. Tammy and this man have two daughters. At some point in the marriage, the Danish man began physically beating Tammy. Without getting into the details of these kinds of abusive relationships, many women place the blame upon themselves and have difficulty leaving the relationship. This is a fairly common situation with many intricacies and will not be debated here.

Tammy and her husband moved to Germany because of career opportunities. Then at some point the Danish man took the children and moved to Denmark. Tammy followed and continued to try to make the marriage work, despite the beatings.

When the Danish man began physically beating the two little girls (ages 6 and 8 now), Tammy finally decided to get out of the relationship and started divorce proceedings. During this period Tammy forgot that one of the little girl's American passport was expiring. So the situation now is as follows:

Tammy cannot simply take the girls to the USA on their American passports because one of the girls no longer has an American passport. The U.S. Department of State will not issue a new American passport to the daughter because they require both parents to give consent. The physically abusive Danish father will not give permission for his 6-year-old private punching bag to go home to the USA. So Tammy can either take only one of her daughters home and leave the other to a Danish father who beats her (documented by multiple Danish Police reports to be discussed in a moment), or Tammy can stay in Denmark to try to protect both daughters. Something I personally find distressing in this situation is the fact that despite the documented evidence that the Danish father is physically beating minor American children and putting them into the hospital.

To be continued
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