xXxSYNxXxxXxSYNxXx Blog Comments (10)

This is a list of blog comments created by xXxSYNxXx

RE: Feeling Suspended

you are truely a remarkable woamn. You're handeling this thing with a grace and dignity i know that in a million years i could never muster. I'm impressed at your ability to keep sane at a time like this. Please know i admire you, even though i do not know you, and since i've been reading your blogs i have kept you in my thoughts. I hope the outcome is the best one possible. Keep us updated please.

RE: what is left of me

again, stunning use of words, the emotions protrayed are evident!
you write beautifully!


beautifully written, and so very true!

RE: Remembering

beautiful quote at the end there!
nice post too!


well Mr. goatee, iffin i told ya, then they'd kick me outta the secret womanhood soceity... so, i'm sorry i cannot be of any help, however, i can tell you this...9 times outta 10, we're not really sure what we want, so there's noway for you to anticipate what we want, therefore, there's no way to win here at all...


Contrary to popular belief, falling cats do not always land on their feet. In fact, every day cats sustain serious injuries from falling out of open windows, off balconies, and from rooftops. Cats do not fear heights and will often leap after a bird or a butterfly only to find themselves falling through the air. The trauma sustained from a fall of over two stories (24 to 30 feet) is known as high-rise syndrome.

If a cat falls a short distance, he can usually right himself and land on his feet. If he falls more than one or two floors, however, he may sustain injury. Although he can right himself, his legs and feet cannot absorb the shock.

Cats have exceptional coordination and balance and a flexible musculoskeletal system. They are normally able to orient their bodies in space in such a way as to land on all four limbs.

This is true, my cat once jumped off the roof next door, i'm not sure why he thought he could clear a jump of that mgnitude, but he tried, and when he landed he dislocated both his back legs...po po kitty was just kinda stuck lieing there on the ground... we noticed his absence at dinner, cause he always showed up to get hand outs at dinner, and he wasn't there, so we went looking for him and found him there.


wow, nice write on this poem!


ouui, wow, so you really in your heart believe this huh?

ok, i am not saying the above thing to sound hateful, but seriously, this faith thing you guys have i guess i'll never grasp. Hell i'm even pursueing a degree in religious anthropology, just so i can understand how people can believe in anything to this magnitude.

so question here...
how exactly does jesus give you a sense of confidence when faceing a world as we live in today? I mean does this carrying your faith around like a badge of honor give you a semblance of self worth, as in I'm a good person, i am going to heaven, so therefore i feel good about myself, and my ego is inflated there in due to this?

And we all want someone we can trust, how can jesus give you that when he's not even here? I mean, yes, you can trust he was once alive, and you can trust he said what he said according to what actually made the bible, but what about all the things he said in scrolls and stuff that didn't make the final cut in the bible when they created it to keep the massses inline and afraid to be bad. I mean if i were to have faith in a belief, i surely would want to know everything that was said by someone i was dedicating my life to...

ok, for now, i'll stop...

RE: Dear Blog, Today I offer a free date with me

haahhaa, i am truely giggeling over this native english speking requirement you have going on here...
being in america, the melting pot of the world it seems, i find it gets increasingly harder and harder to understand the accents of those around me everywhere here. Although it's a given here in america that people be all around you that don't speak the native language of our country, i find it odd you're in germany wanting a english speaking person. I realize a lot of people there do speak english, i dare even bet a few more then here in america...but what i really want to know here is, are you german? Or are you an american stuck in germany on business or something like that?
I was actually born in Trier, but i live in Texas now...gods help me, its hellishly hot here, and english is a dieing language here soon to be replaced by spanish...

RE: “Top Ten Pickup Lines Used By Adam”

haahaha, those were good!

This is a list of blog comments created by xXxSYNxXx.

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