Becca20Becca20 Forum Posts (777)

RE: Alone here on forums:))))

I'm still here!

RE: Alone here on forums:))))

your turn!

RE: Alone here on forums:))))

you're it!

RE: when a woman falls in

o_0 yeah...refer back to people's previous posts
It's ALWAYS the man's fault!

RE: im new in my area i need new friends

Good luck finding someone in your area! ^_^ Untill then, Have fun on th forums!

RE: Hi

Hey! Welcome to the site, You'll really enjoy meeting the different people here!

RE: when a woman falls in

umm..yeah...o_0 Who else's fault would it be?

RE: when a woman falls in

that's just the way it goes

3 proofs

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was black:
1. He called everyone brother.
2. He liked Gospel.
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Father's business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure He was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with His hands.
2. He had wine with His meals.
3. He used olive oil.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a
1. He never cut His hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Native
1. He was at peace with nature.
2. He ate a lot of fish.
3. He talked about the Great Spirit.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a
1. She fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2. She kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who
just didn't get it.
3. And even when she was dead, she had to get up because there was
work to do.


A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, he motioned for her to come nearer.

As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, "You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times. When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were by my side. When we lost the house, you stayed right here. When my health started failing, you were still by my side... You know what?"

"What dear?" she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with

"I think you're bad luck.

Sharing a room

A Man and a woman who have never met before, but who are both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a Transcontinental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly - he in the upper bunk and she in the lower.

At 1:00 a.m. the man leaned over and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am I hate to bother you but would you be willing to reach into the closet and get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold." I have a better idea " she replied, "Just for tonight, lets pretend we are married ".

"Wow, that's a great idea" he exclaimed.

"Good " she replied. "Get your own damn blanket."

After a moment of silence, he farted.

RE: Does spelling and formatting effect your first impression?

To a certian point it does
Not spelling in general, but when every other word is completley butchered or th3y talk in abrivations and "chat talk" then it's annoying!
I know my spelling is horrible, but use English at least not some gibberish! >_<!

RE: when a woman falls in

That one is easy...
It's the boy's fault...
It's always the boy's fault...
Get used to it...

RE: What romantic things do you like a partner to do for you?

I dunno, I love it when we just cuddle, or he can suprise me with something just randomly out of the blue because he was thinking about me...or take me out on a picnick somewhere in the mountians by a river where it's cool but not too cold and private

19 Sayings We'd Like To See On Office Posters

1. Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings;
they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

2. If you can stay calm, while all around you there is chaos,
then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the

3. Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing
the job WRONG fourteen times gives you job security

4. Artificial intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.

5. A person who smiles in the face of adversity probably has a

6. Plagiarism saves time.

7. If at first you don't succeed, try management.

8. Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

9. TEAMWORK: means never having to take all the blame yourself.

10. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

11. Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large

12. We waste time, so you don't have to.

13. Hang in there, retirement is only 50 years away!

14. Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their
shoes; that way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away AND you
have their shoes!

15. A snooze button is a poor excuse for no alarm clock at all.

16. When the going gets tough, the tough take a coffee break.

17. INDECISION: is the key to FLEXIBILITY.

18. Succeed in spite of management.

19. Aim Low, Reach your Goals, Avoid Disappointment.


"Guess what I heard today?" a man says to his wife. "What, hon?" she asks. "The mailman has seduced every woman on our block but one." "Huh," his wife says, "I bet it's that stuck-up Phyllis next-door."


wE miss you so you get your kilted butt back here ASAP!

RE: I just jioned the site last night.

I can't remeber if I said hi to you yet.. ^_^ Sooooo...Hi!

RE: Hi everybody...I'm new here on CS..looking for some new friends


The Potato Patch

ok, my last one for the night

An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison.

The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.
Dear Bubba, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be
able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to
be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me. Love, Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son. Dear Dad, For Gods sake, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the BODIES. Love, Bubba

At 4 A.M. the next morning, FBI agents and local police showed up and
dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to
the old man and left.

That same day the old man received another letter from his son. Dear
Dad, Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It's the best I could do
under the circumstances. Love, Bubbawink

Before you speed

In Richardson, Texas State Trooper was running radar. He had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn't getting any. Then he discovered the problem. A 12 year old boy was standing up the road with a hand painted sign which read "RADAR TRAP AHEAD!" The officer later found a young accomplice down the road with a sign reading, "TIPS" and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell

A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Plano, Texas. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.

A young woman was pulled over in Austin, Texas for speeding. As the TX State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the Texas State Police Ball." He replied, "Texas State Troopers don't have balls." There was a moment of silence while she smiled! and he realized what he'd just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left. She was laughing too hard to start her car.

You might be a blueneck if...

I...have no idea either...dunno

You might be a blueneck if...

I'm sure that you have heard all the Redneck
jokes. Now here are some takes on how Southern folks
in the United States see their Northern neighbors:


1. You think barbecue is a verb meaning, "to cook outside."

2. You think Heinz Ketchup is really SPICY!

3. You don't have any problems pronouncing "Worcestershire sauce" correctly.

4. For breakfast, you would prefer potato au gratin to grits.

5. You don't know what moon pie is.

6. You've never had an RC cola.

7. You have never, ever, eaten okra, fried or boiled.

8. You eat fried chicken with a knife and fork.

9. You've never seen a live chicken, and the only cows you've seen are on road trips.

10. You have no idea what a polecat is.

11. You don't see anything wrong with putting a sweater on a poodle.

12. You don't have bangs.

13. You would rather vacation at Martha's Vineyard than Six Flags.

14. More than two generations of your family have been kicked out of the same prep school in Connecticut.

15. You would rather have your son become a lawyer than grow up to get his own TV fishing show.

16. Instead of referring to two or more people as "y'all," you call them "you guys," even if both of them are women.

17. You don't think Ted Kennedy has an accent.

18. You have never planned your summer vacation around a gun-n-knife show.

19. You think more money should go to important scientific research at your university than to pay the salary of the head football coach.

20. You don't have at least one can of WD-40 somewhere around the house.

21. The last time you smiled was when you prevented someone from getting on an on ramp to the highway.

22. You don't have any hats in your closet that advertise feed stores.

23. The farthest south you've ever been is the perfume counter at Neiman Marcus.

24. You call binoculars opera glasses.

25. You can't spit out the car window without pulling over to the side of road and stopping.

26. You would never wear pink or an appliqué sweatshirt.

27. You don't know what appliqué is.

28. You don't know anyone with at least two first names (i.e. Joe Bob, Faye Ellen, Billy Ray, Mary Jo, Bubba Dean, Joe Dan, Mary Alice)

29. You don't have doilies and you certainly don't know how to make one.

30. You get freaked out when people on the subway talk to you.

31. You can do your laundry without quarters.

32. None of your fur coats are homemade.

And one for the guys!

--as an afternote--
An and all names in this joke no matter their closeness to anyone on this site's real name (ine for example) in no way really portrays that person, they are just names!

And one for the guys!

Becky was on her deathbed with her husband, John, maintaining a steady vigil by her side. As he held her fragile hand, his warm tears ran silently down his face, splashed onto her face, and roused her from her slumber.
She looked up and her pale lips began to move slightly. "My darling John," she whispered.
"Hush, my love," he said. "Go back to sleep. Shhh. Don't talk."
But she was insistent. "John," she said in her tired voice. "I have to talk. I have something I must confess to you."
"There's nothing to confess" replied the weeping John. "It's all right. everything's all right, go to sleep now."
"No, no. I must die in peace, John. I slept with your brother, your best friend and your father."
John mustered a pained smile and stroked her hand. "Hush now Becky, don't torment yourself. I know all about it." he said, "Why do you think I poisoned you?"Becky was on her deathbed with her husband, John, maintaining a steady vigil by her side. As he held her fragile hand, his warm tears ran silently down his face, splashed onto her face, and roused her from her slumber.
She looked up and her pale lips began to move slightly. "My darling John," she whispered.
"Hush, my love," he said. "Go back to sleep. Shhh. Don't talk."
But she was insistent. "John," she said in her tired voice. "I have to talk. I have something I must confess to you."
"There's nothing to confess" replied the weeping John. "It's all right. everything's all right, go to sleep now."
"No, no. I must die in peace, John. I slept with your brother, your best friend and your father."
John mustered a pained smile and stroked her hand. "Hush now Becky, don't torment yourself. I know all about it." he said, "Why do you think I poisoned you?"

Don't mess with a woman!

The joys of Google and twisted searches

feet and the number 6

Thank you Thank you
I'd like to thank...the other site I stole it off of <_< >_>rolling on the floor laughing

feet and the number 6

I sat here trying and trying to do it even before I posted it on here and was near hysterical laughing trying to get my foot to go the right way

feet and the number 6

This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep
trying at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can’t.

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your
right hand.

Your foot will change direction.
I told you so .....And there’s nothing you can do about ittongue frustrated


This may come as a surprise to those of you not living in Las Vegas,
but there are more Catholic Churches than casinos (in Vegas).

Not surprisingly, some worshippers at Sunday Services will give casino chips rather than cash when the basket is passed. Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method to collect the offerings.

The churches send all their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan
monastery for sorting. Then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in.
This is done by the chip monks.
Didn’t even see it coming ... did you?

This is a list of forum posts created by Becca20.

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