BikeswimBikeswim Forum Posts (8)

This is a list of forum posts created by Bikeswim

RE: Whats the hottest thing youve done in Vegas?

I've been to Las Vegas at least 20 or 25 times since I was 18. It's more than a town. It's a way of life.

Hottest thing I've ever done?

I recommend Cirque Du Soleil's nudie show ("Zumanity"). It's a tad silly at times, but definitely a turn-on.

Another turn-on is to win several hundred dollars on one hand of Blackjack. I've done that a time or two (and also the reverse, but we won't discuss it).

I think the hottest thing you can do in Las Vegas or anywhere is to find someone you're absolutely crazy about, bring them to Las Vegas, get a really nice hotel room, and then make the entire evening (dinner, show, a lil' gambling, etc.) be one long session of foreplay. Make sure no one drinks too much and don't go too far from your hotel or you'll be standing out in the cold (it does get cold in Vegas sometimes) waiting behind 80 other people for a cab to take you basically across the street or a block or two. Those things can kill a mood.

By the time you get back to your hotel room you should be ready for the hottest time ever.

Or so I've heard. doh

RE: 40 something and never been married

One female friend of mine said in my presence to a female friend of hers, "If a guy is, like, 37 and he's never been married you have to ask yourself what's wrong with him." (She was in her early 30s at the time.)

Let's just say I've never let her live that one down.

People have prejudices. I hate them, I fight them when I can. But ultimately they are really difficult to get rid of.

I'm sure people have asked themselves about me why I reached 40 and never married. I've asked myself the same question.

But here's the bright side: I'm 40 and I've never been divorced, either. I consider that an accomplishment.

RE: ok one for the guys!!

For a first date I always suggest a public eatery where I am comfortable. If she accepts the suggestion, great. If she suggests another place, I'll go with that unless I have a serious objection. The point is to meet in person and be comfortable, not go overboard.

RE: Controlling personalities

I don't wish to discuss it. This subject is closed.

And furthermore... don't wear that shirt again.


RE: the english

It's too cold in England to speak. Everyone's rushing to get home and start a fire.

Kidding. What do I know? Maybe they're already on fire.

RE: I'll tell you if you'll tell me

I call myself "Bikeswim" and I realize that some may assume that I enjoy bicycling and swimming. Ah ha -- not so!

"Bikakaka" is actually the ancient Norse god of shoe leather. Legend has it that he was wandering in one of the many deserts they have in Norway when he came upon an ice cream stand. Hoping to buy an orange slushee, he approached the counter and the water sprite who was behind it pointed to Bikakaka's collar and said "Ah me! I am slain!" and sailed for Egypt the next day. And that is why we have rain instead of ooblek (true story).

"Swimallovia" is street slang for "swi mall over you" which really has no meaning but I heard it in a rap song about malls (I think).

Just kidding! Actually my user name is a combination of my dog's name and the name of my street.

RE: Pros and Cons of Dating Sites

Pro: There's always a chance to meet someone new.

Con: Many people don't actually want to meet anyone new no matter what they claim.

RE: have any one from usa and england have irish roots and have you been to ireland bad or good time

I visited Dublin in 2004 (I'm mostly Irish meself). It was the middle of winter but I had a good time. It was a strange trip; I was recovering from a failed relationship and so I was alone. I stayed with the family of a girl I know in Los Angeles; they were very nice but didn't spend much time with me so I was on my own mostly.

I love the theater so I went to three shows: one at the Gate, a pantomime at the Gaeity, and I saw an American play ("Proof") at another theater. Good shows all, but I was the only one laughing at all the Chicago jokes in "Proof". I also got a kick out of the actors' attempts at American accents -- most were very good.

My most memorable side trip was to the Bram Stoker Dracula Museum outside Dublin. That place is truly, truly one of a kind.

I also really appreciated how much the Irish love their writers. Where else on Earth can you find a writers' museum?

I kept meeting French women while I was there for some reason. Very strange.

This is a list of forum posts created by Bikeswim.

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