dJohnndJohnn Forum Posts (58)

lost in a world of hair

WTP? what's the point?
Just want to blow off some old wives tales or start new ones.
Add to those below or comment on your favorite hair

Below are some common themes, thoughts and misconceptions regarding all that hair.
(Personally, i have found true blondes to be very clever with a hint of deviousness and to be sharp witted)

*blondes have more fun or are they really just bimbos?

*redheads are passionate and have a fiery temper (<---my personal favorite and #1 pick, yes this is true of the redheads i know personally)love

*brunettes are level headed and safe.

*raven hair holds an image of the exotic and a bit of mystique.

*strawberry blondes___ ____ _____ ____ ___ __!!!

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

I never found a four leaf cloversigh

you lucky ladydancing

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

there is that island off spain or is it portugal cheering
party hardy all night long, cheers
just leave your wallet at home dancing
yay wine
head bangerthe things you will see wow

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

don't we all do that?banana

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

yeah, I am still howlingapplause

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

scaredy catbanana

Tell me something you secretly like to do and few people know about.

come on now, speak up


a few here and there, like the women, they are usually there and not heredunno


and the really sweet ladies are stuck with the really bad dudes

go figure

RE: You're Wanted!!

are all the women on malta beautiful?
everyone one I have seen

RE: You're Wanted!!

what is a coco loco?

what are your dreams?

familial dreams, a noble cause

RE: You're Wanted!!

last seen wearing a dancing banana
reason: way too sweet for comfort
****** too far away to be real
****** to honest to be real
******too real to ignore
reward: a life of love and care

corny? naw, not really

what are your dreams?

we all have dreams, what do you aspire to be at this time in your life?

one day the most unusual opportunity came to me to change the direction my life was going.
the path is not an easy one since I had to give up many of the creature comforts with which i am familiar,
i chose it anyway
i started at the junior college level to earn my masters of fine art
i do not plan on retiring, if I can talk, stand in front a classroom of students
and instruct, then I will until i move along
this is my dream, one day it will be a goal accomplished, then onto my next dream

RE: Cooldude the Guru. Ask a question of your future. If you dare.:.:.

Ulimaroa enlisted me in the recent recruitment of the ladies,
she suggest I ask you regarding
I will meet my love

what do I want?

that card makes sense in many ways since this is what i have been doing
patience and faith, being true to my beliefs
I am in the middle of the change,

much like Ice, I am a full time student, many hours of study,
a few hours of work when work is available

I could interpret all of the drawn card, let's say it verifies much of
what i know and live on a daily basis

yes, i know she is out there, when and where we meet is unknown,
until then I bide my time

what do I want?

tarot cards

I find this skill to vary in those who read, some readings can happen in a matter of minutes to days

other readings may occur over a longer period

which area do you fit?

go ahead, card me

I will check in later, i have a final math exam in 40 minutes and will check back this afternoon

i will check cooldude later

what do I want?

I have not tried to lead the playboy life since my 20's
In the past 20 years I have been with two women,
my last long term relationship ended 10 years ago
life got real busy, the bad and then, now, the better

i find life can be so much better when it is with another person

what do I want?

no regrets
although past relationships may hold a special place in my heart I do not ever seek to find that (relationship) with another person
I don't do clubs anymore
I do a lot of study to get where I want to be (4-5 more years)
Heck, I fall into the category of, 'you don't get out much, do you?'

I find when looking for a relationship it usually does not happen
so what am I really trying to say here??

maybe someone can tell me

RE: Ladies ...

actually, i had thought my use of the word 'shameless' had been misinterpretteddoh

RE: Ladies ...

uh oh i apologize if what i said was inappropriate or was taken the wrong way scold

it was in jest frustrated

i often get foot in mouth disease sigh then, sometimes, the use a word can be taken in the wrong context by some or the way it was meant to be used blushing

since my recruitment to these hallowed halls, i have been cracking up rolling on the floor laughing over some of the comments you ladies have been making. it has been fun and a pleasant past time, my hat's off to you all

cheers wine

RE: Ladies ...

Ladies, you crack me up, though there has to be some excitement every now and then

you all are shameless

i like thatbanana

RE: Ladies ...

yup, lured me in the same way, hook, line and sinkeryay

to you, what is romance?

rather than drink the wine I would like to play some diving for the corkbanana

to you, what is romance?

rather than drink the wine I would like to play some diving for the corkbanana

to you, what is romance?

boone's farm wine doh doh doh

to you, what is romance?

depends on how you feel about that, we would not want it ot go to waste
watch out for the wine hangover the next day, ouch uh oh

RE: Ladies ...

sleep sleep sleep


my thanks to those responsible for the active recruitment banana

it's been fun yay

to you, what is romance?

bathing in red wine would be really nice
wine wine wine wine

This is a list of forum posts created by dJohnn.

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