Andi1216Andi1216 Forum Posts (10)


if you have a heart, you'll shed a few tears! REMEMBER ALL OUR HEROS... 9/11

They'd go to the beach, hold hands, collect shells, and make sand castles. Even though they were young, this was the start of something new.

One day after Mandy's 6th birthday, Billy came up to her and asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" and she said yes. They sat there by the pond and they promised forever.

They hugged, they kissed, and their parents knew they were perfect.

Every day as they grew older, their love kept growing stronger.
They became teenagers, and they loved each other more than ever.

They spent their summers together,
they had sleepovers, they were the best of friends, and more than anything, they were lovers.
They loved everywhere,
even if they were miles apart.

It was perfect. Years passed and passed and finally, they got married.

One day, after Billy got home from work, Mandy had some breaking news:
she was pregnant with a baby.

On June 22nd, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
She grew bigger and bigger, and soon,
Mandy found out she was pregnant again.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on September 13th, 1997.
They were a perfect family.

Until one day, on September 11th.
Billy was on call to a terrorist attack.
He went down to the station and got ready to go.
He told his family he would always love them and no matter what happened, "forever." His wife begged him not to go, but he kissed her, and right as he walked out the door, he whispered '"Forever, I promise."

He raced to the Twin Towers. Two men went in (one of them being Billy), but only one came out. Unfortunately, it wasn't Billy. He rescued a woman, but he couldn't save himself.

Later that night, the firemen came to her door with the bad news. She fell to her knees and cried. She held her necklace with her wedding ring on it and whispered, "Forever baby,

forever." Later that night, she went to the pond where they first had their memories. She sat there and cried, and looked at the pond and remembered them.

But then it started to rain. She headed back in when she heard a noise. She looked out the window after she got in.
It was pouring and she saw more than half her town standing there with candles in the pouring rain. She started crying and held her children close.

A couple of years later, when the daughter had to bring a parent in on September 11th for Career Day, she wrote a speech about why her father wasn't there. That day, when she went with no one except for her mom, the kids all laughed and said her father didn't care enough about her to come. So she got up there and told everyone why he couldn't be there, and how she was so proud of him.

A tear came to her mother's eye.

All the kids were so touched. The teacher hugged her and told her how proud she was.
Her final words before she ended everything was, "and the reason I'm not sad anymore is because Daddy isn't really gone, he is in my heart."

Even though her mom sat up and cried every year on that very day, she knew he was never gone.

RE: how is drinking this weekend

here, here! I'll second that!!!cheers

RE: Are You a Child of the 80's?

aahh... those were the days! cheers

RE: Are You a Child of the 80's?

wow, am I evergrin

RE: This Where Roses Reside So Come On In and Take a Gander

yep... I'm new... just started trying this on-line dating about 2 weeks ago, only 2nd time in a forum

RE: This Where Roses Reside So Come On In and Take a Gander

good morning everyone wave

some good advice I received....

this is true, but inhumanity is a learned trait.... not something we're born with.

does it not take only one domino to cause a chain reaction and eventually make them all fall?

some good advice I received....

that is true.. but am I the only one who thinks that's sad?.... I don't have much faith in the human race anymore, but I believe I still have faith in humanity.

some good advice I received....

1. give people more than they expect & do it cheerfully

2. marry a man/woman you love to talk to. as you get older, their conversation skills will be as important than any other.

3.Don't: believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

4.when you say "I love you", mean it.

5.when you say "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. engaged at least 6 months before you get married.

7.believe in love at first sight!

8.never laugh at someone's dream. people who don't have dreams don't have much! deeply and passionately. you might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely. disagreements, fight fairly. no name calling.

11.don't judge people by their relatives. slowly but think quickly.

13.when someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask "why do you want to know?"

14.remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

15.say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

16.when you lose, don't lose the lesson.

17.remember the 3 R's- respect for self, respect for others and responsibility for all your actions.

18.don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

19.when you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. when picking up the phone, the caller will hear it in your voice.

21.spend some time alone.

Anyone who would like to pass on some good advice they have had, please feel free to do so.... I think everyone could use some good advice sometimes!cheers

Single mom in Andrews givin' a shout out to the single men

Hi, my name is Andi. I'm looking for dating, possible serious relationship down the road. Been down that road a couple of times and been burned, so looking to take things slow right now. This is my first time trying the on-line thing. I just signed up yesterday and have mostly only had people from long distance or way too old for my liking try to contact me. I would like to meet someone close by, because I just moved to NC in April, so I'm not looking to move anytime soon :) Check out my profile if you would like to know a little bit more about me! wink

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