Rover63Rover63 Forum Posts (33)

This is a list of forum posts created by Rover63


"I believe that increased danger of conflicts and wars is exactly why
the threat of global warming has been designed. It will lead to more
profit for someone. "

Exactly! And it is about the UN and New World Order wannabee new world fuedal lords.. Who will be making the most profits...

RE: Is global warming an issue as you view it? If so...

You want some really concrete "Green" wisdom go back through the history and many prophecies of Paul Ehrlich, still one of the so-called Green Gurus... This guy has more pubished green nonsense than Mickey Mouse has cartoons...

He was the author of the completely discredited "Population Bomb" and then followed it with another piece of crap "Population Explosion" when the bomb was delayed... These are the sorts of "Experts" who are fueling this Global Warming myth and Al Gore, Jr.. trying so hard to make a name for himself [his father was the chairman of the Senate subcommittee which illegally diverted tax dollars to the Manhatten Project... Al Sr. was the protoge' of Armand Hammer... Oxy Oil etc... devout Russian communist Jew...who made Al Sr a Senator and rich, as in Oxy Oil stock, which is today still Jr's main income...

Do the research and it becomes clear that there is an agenda that has nothing at all to do with the environment...



"Sorry that was rude......but come on!!! Really this stuff is too much"

Maybe you think it is "too much" but shortly you will understand the objective of these wannabee New World Fuedal Lords...

google in United Nations and look at about the third pick or fourth down that clearly states that their date for achieving the UN objective [for one world gov't] is 2015

They missed the target date set back a couple of decades ago of 2000... in fact they kept that date for achieving their NWO right up to 1998... when it was determined that both America and Japan were going to be too stubborn to achieve their goal in 2000..

So whether you are aware or not, it behooves anyone who is concerned for their liberties to start paying attention...

notice the attempts to push the North American Union? Go do some investigating of the European Union if you want to know what that is really all about...


The quote about their monetary system was made by Henry Ford in 1913 after the Federal Reserve Act was made Law.. here is the direct quote by ole Henry "I have no doubt that if the American public understood OUR [my emphasis] monetary system they would march on Washington tomorrow morning."

Henry became a devout communist... he understood that communism was the ideal centralist ideology..., centralizing everything in government means that the super rich establishment will control government and the masses. Marx and Keynes knew that their Hegelian Materialism was a NWO design. Funny thing, both were financed by Rothschild banking interests and both were Jewish???

Come to think of it most Americans do not realize that the Bolshevics were led by rich Jews from Odessa, a community in southeast Russia. And both Trotsky [born Bernstein] and Lenin were Jewish. The Board of Commissionaires set up by the Bolshevics after they took control was comprised of some 318 representatives of which 264 were rich American Jews, 15 ethnic Russians, 5 Armenians, 2 Blacks and the balance Jews out of Odessa. The Gulags were run by Jacob Rappaport and his 5 wardens... all Jewish.

The controlled media/press never told the American people this fact... it was the revolution of the proletarian masses... Nothing is said about how the citizens were misled nor that the Russian Czar had created a backlash by liberating the serfs that caused a surge of economic hardships on the country. Fact was that the Czar was trying to create the sort of free republic he admired of America.., both he and his father had become so enamoured of the United States that they had been moving Russia towards a free republic... this was resisted by both the royalists and most of the military generals, especially in Petrograd... When the Czar went to the Eastern Front to lead his troops himself the Czaress Princess let her favorite bureaucrat totally foul up food distribution in Petrograd, which led to the riots there. Actually there was enough food, but it was spoiling in the warehouses because the idiot arrested the custodians in charge of distribution... The local generals saw it as a chance to exert their own power and presto you have the atomosphere to create a revolution...


Want a really enlightenment about the UN? Look up the 1962 assault on Katanga... Katanga was a member of the old Congo.. see how the commie serial killer Lubumba, backed by the Soviets and the West, with the UN, using American planes destroyed the free providence of Katanga - [Katanga was about the size of France]..., destroyed all communications, schools, hospitals, etc... it was so bad that the UN report was not published for fear that American and British citizens would demand their governments withdraw from the UN.


It is overwhelmingly clear that conservationists today have gone anti-capitalist to anti-American to anti-humanity. What is all the more perplexing about this new age eviron-intell is that they demand expansion of government into control of every aspect of our lives. On the international impact they are impeding commerce between less developed countries with richer nations. Their "smart growth" programs inhibit sane food distribution and providing "safe" and clean energy. But this is what they have to say about the provision of clean and inexhaustable energy to all...

In Mother Earth - Plowboy Interview 1977 Amory Lovins imparted this piece of Green wisdom- "If you ask me, it'd be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it. We ought to be looking for energy sources that are adequate for our needs, but that won't give us the excesses of concentrated energy with which we could do mischief to the earth or to each other."

What is disturbing is that the eviron-nmaniacs and their NGOs [non-governmental groups] are subsidized by taxpayer money through government grants and their gurus, through lobbies etc. have great power. Not to mention the private foundations that pump money into these NGOs. It is the politicans dream, because it demands greater government control and if there is anything they love it is more control.

Paul Ehrlich made this memorable wisdomizm in the Federation of American Scientists Public Issue Report 1978 "An Ecologist's Perspective on Nuclear Power," :
"...Giving society cheap, abundant energy...whould be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machind gun."

Environmentalism has become a nightmare for all of us who believe in private property, open markets, and limited government. Environmental pressure groups have nothing but distain for limiting government powers or individual liberty. They insist upon government control over every activity of our lives.

The evron-alarmists do whatever they can to avoid intellectual debates, declaring there is a "consensus" - a po;itical concept generally alien to the scientific method. They want to control lifestyles. And they don't want you to question their cause. For instance Robert Kennedy Jr saying that anyone who questions Global Warming is a traitor to this country. Environmentalists want to prosecute anyone who disagrees with them.

I forget which one of the nation's delebrated green gurus said this because at the time it was so absurd I gave it little thought... at the time I admit not knowing the full agenda of the Greenie nuts or those who were financing them. But the statement came back to haunt me when I researched the 1992 Earth Summit over the last year or so... I have to paraphrase the statement because I cannot find it, it went like this- "Everytime a person drowns in a flood in Bangaldesh a CEO from a major industry should be taken out and drowned."

This is the totalitarian mentality of the eviron-mania.

I would suggest that Americans start reading every possible debunking of the Global Warming scare and pay attention to the way our media and politicans are using it to justify their political objectives.

The truth is that the developed countries are the cleanest and least environmentally intrusive nations. Anyone who is concerned about their freedoms should be very skeptical of any of the Green initiatives.


Here is some of the more shocking views of the Environ-maniacs [at least to reasonably intelligent folks]... Yes, the references are here so hopefully you will reference for yourself... No intelligent person [even with my vivid imagination] could make this stuff up... and these are supposed to be our gurus on the subject:

Susan Sontag made this jewel of wisdom in the Partisan Review winter issue 1967: "The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parlimentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballet et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history. It is the white race and it alone-it's ideologies and inventions-which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spread, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."

A must read on evironmental terrorism is "Toxic Terror: The Truth behind the Cancer Scares". 2nd Ed., By Elizabeth Whelan, NYC. NY Prometheus Books 1993

Some of the quotes by Greenies in this collection of wisdoms is enough to send reasonably sound minds into tail spins...

From Lamont Cole: "To feed a starving child is to exerbate the world population problem."

This from Charles Wursta the chief scientist for the Environmental Defense Fund, in response to the likely millions who will die if DDT were banned: "This is as good a way to get rid of them as any."

Nice guy, huh? And just how did he get his job? Must be that he reflects the thinking of our leaders???

John Shuttleworth is a Manuel writer for Friends of the Earth: "The only real good technology is no technology at all. Technology is taxation without representation, imposed by our elitist species upon the rest of the natural world."

One must wonder what this brilliant "scholar" ??? figures to do... lets all go back to the caves? I doubt any of these minds could survive in a primative clan... the clan's warriors would use them as bait.

I sometimes think that the only really grave danger resulting from the technological advancement of Man has been that the least intelligent minds have been given credibility... The caveman did not have to put up with these idiots.
Man has probably advanced this far because our pimative forefathers had the good sense to throw these idiots out of their midst.

Of course. our generation should remember the 50's environmentalist alarm: Betty Frieden in the Harper's, Sept 1958 "Certain signs, some of them visible to the layman as well as the scientist, indicate that we have been watching an ice age approach for some time without realizing what we are seeing... Scientists predict that it willl cause great snows which the world has not seen since the last ice age thousands of years ago."

Well, I suppose global warming has answered that little problem. Funny how God resolves these issues.


1992- The first United Nations Earth Summit held in Rio de Janerio... with some 1600 legitimate climatologists who would not sign onto the "global warming" alarm frozen out of the meetings and conventions delegates planned the use of "global warming" environmentalism to justify United Nations intrusion upon sovereign nations, businesses and individuals' activities worldwide.

more to report on this farce...


Two excellent books, not of Bircher origin and overviews that are perhaps guiding lights to focus on legitimate manipulation of our gov't- "Dirty Secrets" edited by Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani, American Free Press; and "The Juda Goats: The Enemy Within" By Michael Collins Piper, if you haven't read Piper's "Final Judgement" you should, but read "Dirty Secrets" first, because the overview of Final Judgement will help you with the book.

Other credible references: The United Nations Exposed; by William F. Jasper

Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary is another interesting insight... American Free Press is an excellent source

suggest that the researcher take nothing for granted; look up the references and do some of your own research. there are a lot of wild ones out there... including Al Gore, Jr's global warming BS.


1954 -120 of the most influencial world bankers, industrialists, media/press [under strict secrecy rules], military and political "One Worlder" centrailist ideologues, with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers heading the table, meet at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands. They meet annually with new potential members as "invited guests" in different country each year with as much secrecy as possible and with tremendous secruity. Bill Clinton is a member and Hillary was the first "First Lady" ever invited to a meeting during her husband's administration. Colin Powell was an attendee two times in a row, so it is probable that he is a member now, because few invitees are ever invited back unless they are taken into the fold. Powell was honored for having gotten the American Military into the NATO forces as the "standing army" of the United Nations, during the Clinton administration.

The Trilateralist Committee is the operational arm of the Bilderberg [the name associated with these world giants taken from the hotel where they first met]. David Rockefeller set up the Trilateralist as an operative component... Jimmy Carter was his first protege' set up to become president from the Trilateraliist.

This, of course is just one of the several operational fronts there are many others. They have their agents infilterate every sort of organization that poses a possible NGO influence. Using the Delphi Technique they are able to make any voices that do not suit their objectives seem the ramblings of a crazy... This way and through the Anti-Defamation League and other such groups any attempt to shed light on their activities is trumped with character assassinations... Being able to control the press and media keeps legitimate voices from being given national attention. The ADL of the B'nai B'rith has been very efffective at this for decades.


hmm wanted a couple of days off so decided that the only way the boss was going to let me take a couple of days is if he thought I was going crazy...

so I climbed up and hung upside down from the ceiling fan in the office... The blonde secretary came over and asked me what the hey I was doing... Told her that I was pretending to be crazy so the boss would give me a couple of days off... about that time the boss shows up and asks me what I am doing and I say , "I'm a light bulb lighting up the office." He says, "you're crazy take a couple of days off and rest."

I hop down and barrel out the door... The blonde secretary comes boounding after me... the boss yells at her, where the hey do you think you're going?... she replies, "I'm out of here for a couple of days, I can't work in the dark."

rolling on the floor laughing


Yep, have barrels with my name on them from my youth. Only you can't drink there... bummer


As an American and a Constitutional Libertarian I am much more concerned about our nations preserving it's sovereignty. albeit our individual freedoms and self-government than I am what other nations are already too far behind the curve to resist.


The former co-founders of Green have both left the movement saying flatly that "Green has gone Red" ...

Here's another bit of Green wisdom: "The right to have children should be a marketable commodity; bought and raded by individuals but absolutely limited by the State." Kenneth Boulding, originator of the "Spaceship Earth" concept...

Rebuttal: "Western environmentalists are interested in the environment only insofar as they can exploit it as an issue to attack free societies." French philosopher Jean-Francis Revel in "Anti-Americanism" 2003

here is another astounding bit of Gree wisdom: "To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem." Lamont Cole in Elizabeth M Whalen's book "Toxic Terror.

But if you want to really frost a Greenie's ...umhuh... say this "Hey, how about that ozone hole closing up?
or Man, glad that global warming peaked in 1998 and it's been getting cooler for almost a decade now."
Watch their face, because with all millenarian doomsday cults, good news is a real bummer.

Have a nice day


And here is some food for thought: An analysis carried out by the Citizens for a Sound Economy shows that fully 90% of the "Scientists" who have signed a letter frequently cited by administration officials as evidence of scientific consensus on global warming are not qualified to be called experts on the issue. The letter, circulated by the environmental group Ozone Action offers names of some 2,600 alleged experts on climate change-only one of whom is, in fact, a climatologist, noted Patrick Burns, a global warming policy analyst at the CSE, "among these so-called experts on global warming are a plastic surgeon, two landscape archetects, one hotel administratior, a gynecologist, seven linguists and even on person whose academic background is in traditional chinese medicine. The Study concludes that the "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming Treaty is just "Hot Air" -The Heartland Institute Dec 1997

beware the traitor, for they are mischief within the walls, not the enemy outside the gate... They whisper in dark alleys and spread lies that make the nation vulnerable to the traitors' owners...

Wake up America...scold professor


Anyone taking the "Global Warming" alarm seriously should research the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janerio... Think they might find it interesting. The politically incorrect analysis of the environmentalists' extremism is that #1. There is no significant warming; #2. That the earth has had cycles that were much warmer without any imput by mankind; #3. that the whole global warming alarm was actually an orchestrated plan to justify UN intrusion upon sovereign nations and the control of business and individual activities whorlwide.

"Warming [and warming alone], throught its primary antidote of withdrawing carbon from production and consumption, is capable of realizing the environmentalists' dream of an egalitarian society based upon rejection of economic growth in avor of smaller population eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources more equally." Then UC Berkley professor Aaron Wildavsky on what he termed "The mother of all environmental scares."

George Monbiot, a British columnist, Oct 31, 2006: "Every citizen is given a fee annual quota of carbon dioxide. He or she spends it by buying electricity, petrol, and train and plane tickets. If they run out, they must buy the rest from someone who has used less than his or her quota"
This is the sort of "Green Nonsense that is the prevailing zeitgeist and it is a myth perpetuated by the elitist would-be one world government controlers... It is utter nonsense!

The bulk of the elitist influenced community almost automatically favors any expansion of government power so long as it is advertized as a way to protect individuals from big bad corporations, relieve poverty, protect the environment or promote "equality"... And increasingly these elemients is present in environmentalist rhetoric. A "Green leader" stated on Aug. 30, 2002: "Introduction of the flush toilet deplored at Earth Summit." Still more Green logic: "No matter if the science is all phony, there are still collateral environmental bennefits to global warming policies... Climate change provides the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world." Canada's environmental minister Christine stewart and a meeting with the editorial board of the Calgary Herald, Finacial Post, Canada Dec. 1998...

Here is a little sanity: "Scientists who want to attract attention to themselves, who want to attract great funding to themselves, have to find a way to scare the public... and this you can achieve by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are.." Petr Chylek, Professor of physics and atmospheric science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, commenting on reports by other researchers that Greenland's glaciers are melting .. Halifax Chronicle-Herald Aug 22, 2001.

Then, of course, there is the doomsday soothsayer of all time Paul Elrich who has prophecied more end of the world environmental crap than the sum total of all religious cultists... who, in 1968 said this. "the battle to feed humanity is over. In the 70's and 80's hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.." from his book "The Population Bomb" Oh and he isn't through in 1974... the end drawing near I suppose.. he issued another prophecy in yet another useless publication "The End of Affluence" ... "This nutritional disaster seems likely to overtake humanity in the 1970's [or at latest the 1980s] ... A situation has been created that could lead to a billion or more people starving to death." And if you think this idiot and his publisher were finished in 1990, forget it this clown is still a leading "Greenie"

But let's take a look at yet another green keeper... the year is 1975, "The world's climatologists agree...Once the FREEZE [my emphasis] starts, it will be too late." Douglas Colligan, Science Digest 1975.

professor doh

RE: would you be willing to move if you met the right one

oops got my senses confused...rolling on the floor laughing confused

RE: would you be willing to move if you met the right one

Upside though...minimal gravity, think of the possibilities

Hmmm wonder if the astronauts have tried Zero gravity? Sinse the revelation of drinking I am thinking that the testing of the effects of Zero gravity would be nearly irresistable...banana rolling on the floor laughing

RE: would you be willing to move if you met the right one

The moon is a little barren, think I'd rather kiss under the stars on a moonlit night..

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

" totally disagree with you Rover... I've even said that in a relationship before and believe me...I was not married and I dated him for 7 years....and I wasnt after a thing and wasnt afraid of hurting his feelings! Please dont dont look good on you!! "

You are one in a million... Thus generally speaking... rolling on the floor laughing

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

"that - and i don't give my trust too easy."

Good point and one we should all live by...

RE: Is global warming an issue as you view it? If so...

You should read some ot the nonsense politicos are trying to push...

The co-founders of "Green" have even abdicated, saying that "Green has gone Red" I have been keeping track of the UN Non-Governmental Organizations they are used to push One World Gov't agendas and most good folks are drawn in by the seemingly good causes.

The "New Ice Age" failed to get the attention of the masses, so the same activists switched to the new alarm, Global Warming. It is pure nonsense. The earth has always gone through cycles and Man has nothing to do with it. We are just another species on this planet and we'll do a lot better if we realize that.

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

ha ha

Okay. So what does a *woman* mean when she says she wants to take it slow?


Means she is married or she isn't really interested in a relationship with you... Women usually say what they mean, unless they are after something or they don't want to hurt our feelings...

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

"Okay, you have a point too... However, these days some women would play games with other men feelings and etc.... But most men or women who says things like "want to take it slow" are to be questioned and stayed away from, dont you think? "

Not at all LOL Most women never say that! Unless the guy is trying to get under her cloths within ten minutes. It simply doesn't happen that way. The fact is that most young men are out to score and keep score, but so do young women. There comes a time when intelligence dictates that being attracted is usually lust and taking time to actually get to know a person is more rewarding for both parties. If a guy has to tell a lady to "take it slow" it would indicate to me that the lady is more involved in lust than love and that might be a reason to take a little time to know each other better. Just a view from experience. It has been my experience that few women are interested in nurturing a relationship for greater understanding of each other... the good the bad and the ugly...

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

Now lust! Thats another matter altogether...rolling on the floor laughing

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

"Most people know when they click... However to tell women to take it slow means he does not know if they click? "

Heck, I "click" with most gals I meet, but that is no indicator that it is anymore than an attraction. Being attracted and actually having a reasonable amount of common interests and being able to put up with each others quirks requires a little longer acquaitance than a chat over dinner.

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

I submit that women are just as likely [and it is much easier for them] to mess around as any man and according to women surveyed, when asked if men or women are more likely to have an affair over 80% of the women said "women". Who woulda guessed??


RE: Is global warming an issue as you view it? If so...

A little background about Global Warming.

At the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio it was decided that the best way for the UN to be able to intrude upon national, local and individuals lifestyles would be to use environmental issues. With the bulk of the scientific community that refuted Global Warming frozen out of the meetings and conventions the ways and means of introducing Global Warming were planned. Al Gore Jr led the American deligation to those meetings. It behoves anyone who is buying into the global warming frenzy to be aware of the intent of the push for these environmental issues. The intent is to make "Humans" the threat to earth. Which is absurd. In the first place humans do not contribute the bulk of carbon gases within our atmosphere. The centralists are trying to push countries into "Regional Blocks" like the European Union. The plan is to put an end to "nationalism" and by using environmental alarms make it possible for the Un to dictate the activities of every individual on the planet.

I suggest that everyone do some research before believing all you hear and read in the media.


RE: would you be willing to move if you met the right one

Moving actually would be no problem, except that I happen to love warm weather and retired to Vegas for that reason. Guess just about anything is possible and I am a hopeless romantic. Think that is an affliction of most writers. No clocks in Vegas and that suits me too. Finally have time to work on a manuscript idea I've had for years and seems I lose track of time and wind up going out to find a decent meal at odd hours... no problem here. Think I'd rather have the lady move here though. Lots to see and do together and easy to hibernate at home... get up at all hours and go out to eat. But anything is possible.

RE: When a Man says he wants to take it slow...

...oops.. meant "days" finger slip...rolling on the floor laughing

This is a list of forum posts created by Rover63.

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