TB1223TB1223 Forum Posts (8)

This is a list of forum posts created by TB1223

RE: polls on Obama

Your "scare people" and "paint dry" statements simply prove you've never watched. I agree that Sean Hannity is very closed minded and won't listen to a word if it's coming from someone he disagrees with... just as you are.

Limbaugh is far too "over the top" as well... O'Reilly is *not*. Huckabee is *not*. They screamed at Bush just as much as they do Obama. Glenn Beck wants to show that *all* politicians need to be investigated... no matter which "side" they're on.

Besides... you don't even *live* in this country. Why do you care at all? The dems are printing money faster than at any time in history. Who's going to pay that back? It won't be you! It'll be our great-great grand-children.

Govt control over health-care? LOL! Just check out the veterans administration and you'll see plenty of reasons *not* to let the government get control over health-care... I'll accept their arguments when they prove they can run, just one single agency, with it collapsing into a cesspool of corruption and mismanagement. Help the veterans first! Then, we'll talk about their ability to help the entire country.

Obama: I want this health care problem to be solved by the end of the month!!!

Did anyone hear the Obama family took nearly 6 months to pick the "perfect breed" for a family pet?

But... if you're going to judge an entire network, it may be best to watch it for a while. You just might be surprised.

BTW... from now on, while watching that paint dry, be sure to do it in a well ventilated area.

RE: polls on Obama

Boy... it sure is easy to blame Bush for everything. There's a crack in my driveway! Damn that Bush administration.

If you check your facts, though... You'll see that "crashing world stock" started long before Bush took office... but, then again, that couldn't be blamed on a terrible "Republican", so, who cares, right?

..and, let's not forget OBL flying 2 ject liners into the WTC... or, is he now considered a Republican?

Holy crap. Left wing loons are *everywhere* these days.

Face it folks. Dems and Republicans share the blame for the mess we're in... Also, check the history books. See which party was running the white-house in nearly every war during the 20th century... If you guessed the evil "Republicans", better re-read... this time without blinders.

Finally, name something "good" that's happened since Obi became POTUS.

RE: What do you think is the most common cause of divorce?

BTW... I say it's worse in larger cities because one side or the other simply assumes they can leave and disappear into the crowd... which is true in most cases... Not so in a small town.

RE: What do you think is the most common cause of divorce?

Selfishness. Especially in the larger cities. Everything from stealing the last piece of pie, to a full blown affair, can be traced back to selfishness.

I was married for 25 years... our entire adult lifetime... We'd still be married if she didn't pass away. We shared *everything*.

When we did get into little arguments, it was because one of us was selfish. Period.

We rarely argued, though. In fact, our son was talking to a friend while we were having a "shouting match"... he asked his friend if he could call back in a few minutes after "my parents are finished with their bi-annual argument". Of course, we heard that and ended it on the spot with laughter and a big hug.

RE: Are men as shy as women?

Can't really say "men" and "women". Some guys are shy, others aren't.

Thing is, in "real life", it's 99.9% up to the guy to approach a lady, so the shy guys end up alone.

All women have to do is smile and say "Sure!" or "No Thanks"... That is, if the woman has any class at all... otherwise, she insults or "sticks her nose up" at the poor guy who's approaching her... which, in turn, makes that guy even more leary of approaching another.

Personal opinion: No one is human "better" than any other and I have no idea why some think they're the center of the universe.

RE: Is Dylan the most influential singer songwriter of our times?

My vote goes to John Lennon.

RE: Where in California Are you?

1.8 miles south west of Disneyland. Great day today, weatherwise.

RE: Why do you men view profiles without saying a word?

Now I'm wondering... do you send an email to every profile you see?.. or... how about... do you reply to all emails you get?

This is a list of forum posts created by TB1223.

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