Yes or No Game


do you ever think u can tell wat people are thinking?

Yes or No Game


ever wish u could tell someone the truth about ur feelings?

Yes or No Game


ever apologise to an argument if u were wrong?

Yes or No Game

nope not that kinda boy

ever have some one two time u?

Yes or No Game

no dont believe in them

have you ever had a one night stand?

Yes or No Game


have you ever wanted a one night stand?

RE: three little words....middle one please

up to nothing

Yes or No Game


have u ever fallen asleep at computer?doh

Yes or No Game

never i would forgive myself if she did

would u ever pay for the whole date?

Yes or No Game

no sometime sleeping in college is better that listening to someone boring

ever fall asleep in college/work?

Yes or No Game

i would hope she would offer to pay half but would be willing to pay the lot

would u offer to pay half on a first date

Yes or No Game

no then i would of missed out on all the chatting

ever wish u could stay awake just a little longer?

Yes or No Game

laugh ill try very mad

did that work?

Yes or No Game

well the same yes and no ive just alway found that it matters to other people so ive kind always been lookin for someone my own age but if to people get on and like each other then nothing should really matter

do u think we should be getting to sleep now?

Yes or No Game

yes because i have done but only because the real reason was a bit stupid

does age matter in the person u are dating?

Yes or No Game

i wonder if people knew i asked a question?
and salanky herehug

Yes or No Game

not big on clubbing dont mind it either but i like nights in

if a date cancelled with a good reason would u think he was lying?

and here hug

Yes or No Game

yes love big hugs

do u want a hug?

Yes or No Game

if it was a small think yes maybe, if it was a big thing no if they dont like it bout me then they dont like me

would u?

RE: What would you do to the person above you.

confused was that one of the choices

Yes or No Game

if i had a feelin they wanted to kiss me id kiss them

if you had a chance to change anything bout ur self/life would u?

Yes or No Game

not straight away but probably at some point in the night

if u wanted to kiss someone would u wait for them to kiss u?

Yes or No Game

month no, two month ago i have

do u like a date to be ended with a kiss?

Yes or No Game


have you sleep in bed with someone in the last month?

Yes or No Game


ever wish you could go without sleep?

Yes or No Game


a date ever ask u to do something you didnt want to?

Yes or No Game

yes sometimes

ever go get drunk on ur own?

Yes or No Game

a normal question no, certain questions yes

do u hate when ur expecting something and it doesnt happen?

Yes or No Game

yes sometimes

do u ever find it hard to think of ur next question?

Yes or No Game

sometimes and most of the time i get no reply

do u ever sent the first message?

This is a list of forum posts created by LiamMG.

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