North Carolina bill 972

Ladies and Gentleman I have come across an interesting article in the news North Carolina bill 972 which allows the heads of police departments either police or sheriff to hold back public information on there body cameras. Now Gov Pat McCrory thinks this is a good idea based on what has happen in Louisiana, Minnesota & in Texas. So with the stroke of pen this new statutes go into effect Oct 1st for part 1 and Dec 1 for part 3 if anyone living in or out of the state of North Carolina would like to read the bill its all there, short reading I've read the bill and I'm still shaking my head as Gov McCrory puts it, its makes the process more transparent in his opinion, now ladies and gents if you read the bill I don't see it makes more transparent, but perhaps I might be missing something. And please don't get me wrong ladies and gents I'm not calling for the killing of anyone, in my must humble opinion all lives matter no matter what ethnic group one belongs to under law nobody is above it one would think. As one reads this bills it would seem to me that it targets the middle class and the poor, so now something that was in the public domain is now something that courts have to decide and ladies and gents either they can show you all of the audio and video or some of it, or part of it, or none of it, now do keep in mind if the heads of the police department or sheriff department says no they won't show it to you, now here's where the problems begin, now you have to take a day off or so from work if its either you or a family member involved, there's a dollar amount attached to this and at the end of the day the courts can still say no, someone out please tell me is that the type of transparency this Governor wants? So this issue has been taken completely out of the people's hands and put in the hands of career politicians, this wasn't even put to a vote by the people. If this Governor is up for re-election this should be a serious issue. And you may asked who sponsored this bill in the first place again if you read the bill these are the sponsors: Repersentatives Faircloth, McNeill, Boles, Hurley these are the primary sponsors of this bill, now the Governor may have signed it, but the people that brought it to assembly bares alot of responsibility for this and again no public hearings or even a right to vote on it. So someone please tell me is this the republic we grow up in or truly has it become a corporation?
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by Unknown
created Jul 2016
Last Viewed: May 7

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