How Generous Are You Quiz

How Generous Are You? Quiz

created by QuizAdmin on Nov 200934 yrs old, Connecting Singles

Comments for this Quiz

Lonelymamasitaonline today!
Lonelymamasita La Puente, California USA48 QuizzesApr 10, 2023
blues I know I'm Generous! I just hate it though when people take advantage of me!crying
nadnas New delhi, Delhi IndiaJun 15, 2020
I was declared as fair generous man .... hope God will have mercy on me during this pandemic and even after blushing
Kenywhyt Dundalk, Louth IrelandDec 30, 2016
You guyz more likely got the exact words at which to discribe my status on generosity.
At first i was a bit confused but at this moment is a glow understand and i will be prowled with a good nature of mind towards your effort in the definition to your thoughts about my generosity.
canadiensarah Quito, Pichincha Ecuador7 QuizzesFeb 15, 2016
Just being a decent human and a good friend gets a very high score!
agoodlooker dublin, Dublin IrelandApr 14, 2015
If you give a little you get alot back
LegalNow Holbrook, New York USAJul 27, 2013

Polite Yes, responsible Yes.

Generous???? Not sure
rocketman88 prescott valley, Arizona USAApr 7, 2013
i always though to my self help others expect none in return.
willowcat51 saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada6 QuizzesSep 18, 2012
I thought it was a good quiz and you nailed my personality right on the head. I'm one of the most generous people around, I will go without to help somebody.
vcr50 Waco, Texas USAAug 7, 2012
77%that good
starfire_girl Lisbon Falls, Maine USA5 QuizzesJan 8, 2012
The funny part is answering questions about yourself you already know the answer to. I mean, if you're a cheap-skate, you're an INTENTIONAL cheap-skate! lol! (No one is accidently cheap)

I came out 93 % generous. That made me suspicious. What if I was 100% generous?? Would I disappear? lol!
Flaminglb Geelong, Victoria AustraliaDec 24, 2011
i got

70% Generous
Very generous
You are an extremely generous person. You are great fun to be around, and you would never see anyone struggle if you could do something to help. Perhaps you were just brought up to be very generous, or maybe you are just the sort of person who loves to make other people happy. If everyone was as generous as you, then perhaps the world would be a better place. You should feel very proud of yourself!
lovingtouch Bridgetown, Saint Michael Barbados2 QuizzesFeb 25, 2011
Thank you so much, you summed me up well, and yes I like to see and make people happy.
angelspirit34 kilkenny, Kilkenny IrelandNov 26, 2010
applause Very good quiz, not at all boring.
Aadheen Tipp, Tipperary IrelandNov 22, 2010
73% very generous, I would say that's true
kc1977 qawra, Gozo MaltaAug 23, 2010
so that how i am ...
should never change.....
JpMari Boston, Massachusetts USAMar 4, 2010
anime81 colombo, Western Sri LankaNov 10, 2009
my best friend regularly calls me 'a dim wit'....
also at times 'twit'..had a big fight about the merits of couriering B'day gifts..i was 'for' btw :(

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