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Against LOVE is no law

You can hate and kill and so you get condemned and suffer from your sin and suffer hell.
But if you LOVE GOD with all heart..,and love your neighbours as yourself (love all people) and other things that need, against your love is no law !
GOD is Love.He who love can,t be judged nor condemned,because is no law against love!
So learn to love all creation of God, and you become Victories and will be no law against you!
Love melt the hate as the sun melt the ice!
So love and hate not!
LOVE always makes you win and survive!
God bless you.
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Love defeat devil

God is love.With keeping love you defeat devil.
With Good you overcome evil.
With peace you overcome war.
There where is no peace there is devil.
Therefore keep love and peace and righteousness and you shall progress in all good things.
Doing good things you get blessed, doing bad things you get condemned.
Therefore love to do good things and away from bad things.
Repent of your sins and improve,this lead you to be saved.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as your self. (love all people).
God bless.
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Don,t let Evil deceive you

You know evil comes to mislead and deceive.
So many people go in hell and suffer so terribly because they didn,t believe and obeyed not God.
Man need repent of his sin so to not go in hell. and so pray to God to be forgiven.
Man need to repent and improve to be good with him.
You need love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours (all people) as yourself.
So get bible and read to have knowledge about God,read new testament and old testament.
if you don,t buy, you can find from google in internet:bible to read.
Do good for yourself and for others ,so you get blessed and so is needful.
God bless.
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Repenting is important

Repenting of your sins will save you to not go in hell.
Hell is repent.
Forgive and pray God to forgive you.
repent and improve.
You need God, so believe and obey God,God gives life and happiness.
Love God with all heart..., and love your neighbours as yourself (love all people).
God bless.
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Repenting and improving will help you

You need repent of your sins and improve daily that you get better and better and good.
believing and obeying God will save you.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as yourself.
God bless.
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Love exist

Love is from God and so God given you love,God exist.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as your self (love all people).
This will lead you to life and salvation.
Is important to believe and obey truth.
Anyone who love can forgive also.
The pure in heart shall see God.
Love is stronger than death.
Love heals.
Do love and be good and you shall progress daily.
God bless.
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The Good and The Bad,the joy and the suffer

In the begining there was only Good and Good make blessing.
Later came Rebellion of An Angel who became evil and comes sin and suffering.
The Good brings joy, the bad brings suffer.
Doing Good lead to joy and happiness, doing Bad lead to sin and suffer.
Those who don,t know God need to know and so will be lead to salvation and life.
The Good will be forever and the bad will end.
Doing Good will open door to see Heaven and Earth.
Therefore we are created to do Good and not Bad.
God is Love and Good.Therefore we become Good when we do Good.
The road to Good is infinite ,those that walk in this road are blessed.
The Good was in the begining and will be forever.
God is Almighty and know everything. God is Perfect and all righteous.
There are people who don,t believe in God and so they talk against God, that is sin and rebellion.
God is The True Judge who judge and punish the sin and rebellion.
The Evil make those against God to be rebelled and to sin.
Every thought, every word,every deed that do Rebellion,bad,and sin comes from evil !
And so it make to do against God,against men and against his self.
Every thought,every word,every deed that do Good lead to Heaven,to blessing ,to life and to God and Happiness.
Therefore start to do good and you will find yourself in the road of Goodness.You need to believe and obey God,this will lead you in the road of Goodness which is infinite.

God bless.
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Love vs hate

Love is what you need.
From love comes forgiveness.
Hate is what you don,t need when comes from evil.
Hate makes killings.
You have to choose to love and not hate, this makes you what you need and who you are.
Hate makes not what you need and makes not who you are,but ruin and destroy you.
So love God and love all creation.
Is said:Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as yourself(love all people).
To love is to be.Love heals, hate makes sick.
To love is to know God and yourself and your neighbours.
Love brings happiness.
God bless.
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whatever thought against God is sin

There are many people that think against God.Cause of sin is rebellion and rebellion comes from devil.
whatever thought against God is sin and sin lead to destruction.
You need to repent and improve to not go in hell or to not be judged.
You need believe and obey God,at least two greatest commandments:1. Love God with all heart...,
2. love your neighbours as yourself (love all people).
This will an able you to have eternal life and lead to salvation.
You need trust God,God is love and is good .
God is Perfect and his judgement is right.
anything that make you dishonur God make you Demon possesed.
Honouring God and be humble to God makes you free from demons.
whoever you are you need God to save you and become children of God.
you will live in heaven and on earth with God.
God bless.
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You are not created by yourself

It is God that created you and given you life.
Therefore you need to believe and obey God that you to get saved from sin and from evil .
Read Bible to get knowledge about God,start with new testament.
Love God with all heart...,and love your neighbours as yourself (love all people).
This will lead you to be saved and have eternal life.
So seek Truth and you shall find.
God is Love and is Good,therefore you will enter his kingdom one day, and so you will live in heaven and on earth.
nice day.
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Peace and Violence

Do you know that Peace is so important?
Have you ask yourself why you are led to violence?
what violence can do to you? It lead you to sin against yourself and against God!
Violence comes from evil to you,God will judge you for it if you do and it lead to destruction.
Violence can make you enemy of yourself and of others!

Peace is so important like food when you are hungry and like water when you are thirsty.
Therefore do peace with yourself and with others!

Peace is key to every knowledge,it will free you from hurting yourself and others!
How will peace free you from hurting yourself and others?
It mean:peace will heal you from anger and sadness, and so will make you to love yourself and others.
Peace will heal you from so many things.
So keep love in your heart and peace in yourself.
Those who do peace:shall be called:children of God.

So read bible and seek God and Jesus to know ...!
God bless.
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Hell is not a joke,is real

Many people think hell is a joke or is not real.this it deceive them.
Hell is real, those who go there suffer terribly,suffer demons that torture them,suffer without water,
are so thirsty, and suffer fire.

Jesus who is truth said to pharisees :how can you escape hell?is imposssible, because they done evil
and repent not, so they go in hell.

To not go in hell, need believe Jesus and obey his commandments,and repent of your sins and improve.
Love God with all heart....,and love your neighbours as yourself (love all people).
This will lead you to be saved and have eternal life.

So lose no time, seek salvation.
you are created to live with God in heaven and earth.

God bless.
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