Crazy for sympathy

we are sitting in our station and having a cup of tea latte, after a momentus of craziness in shifting, informing, preparing the patients for operation. The telephone rings, and the other line says "please recieve your post op patient here in OR, both minor cases". we hurriedly finish our drinks and check the rooms of the patients if open and proceed to the elevator..

Routine endorsement by OR staff and Ward staff were done and checked the patient if she is awake and coherent.. a little drowsy coz of the anesthesia, expected.. And re-orient her about the time, her name and that the operation is finished.

We ushered her back to the ward and the patient is seem so silent and comfortable lying down on the stretcher.. we came into the room and the husband is there. once our patient is in the bed and saw her husband was there in the chair and staring at us, She started to roll around the bed and moan and say words as if she is in great pain. V/s checked all normal, pain reliever given, re orient the patient and she is still moaning like a little kid. i smiled and raised my other eyebrow..

this kind of patient is not new to me... Most of the women do this, trying to win the sympathy and attention of their partner or significant others through this act. (well not all patients are the same. One test to determine if she is acting, i asked the husband to give us a minute and leave the room for a while to check the patient in her private area, once the husband left the room. my patient stopped to moan and be in calm state again.. and act like a normal alive, aware, and active person. then i asked the husband to come again and my patient start to roll in the bed again and moan again... and was just checking the venous fluids and she is moaning like a kid again (well hardly recognize if it is of pain or a moan like having a climax?)

By the way the operation has no incision site or wounds or blood to extract or any organ remove. and given a low dose of anesthesia.

Well she got what she wants.. her husband symphaty.

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Comments (4)

I would have being giving her the Pillow Treatment.laugh laugh laugh laugh
Maybe she was afraid and needed a little extra sympathy then usual? Just because it was not major surgery does not mean that to her it was not a major ordeal.

You would hope that medical professionals would understand this and be sympathetic to it.
Frothy tea ????....She was going for the sympathy vote,a rag loaded with chloroform would have calmed her down. Pronto!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing professor bouquet
All things attended, kept comfortable on bed provided quite environment and advised her to sleep for a while,.. chcked if she ate her food once awake and all queations and buzzing entertained. Sympathy is already provided both by words and touch. We've seen and encountered different cases and kind of patients, FROM ANNOYING, DISTURBED, FUNNY, HEART CRASHING stories, truly patience is a virtue and not all the time being kind and sweet works all the time. U got to be firm and show them u know what u are doing or they will manipulate u and will have doubt on ur credibility as a licensed nurse.

This is just one simple and usual scenario.
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Al Asimah, Kuwait

A pearl hidden in the dessert. I hate people who judge a person by race because not all are the same.. Self reliant, independent, well educated and with good manners (though sometimes im sarcastic =p)
proud to be PINAY!
Sleepy head...
Bully someti [read more]

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created Jul 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Jul 2011
Amalia_ria has 30 other Blogs

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