Life Despite Love

This blog is more for me than anyone else, but if you find yourself reading it then it is for you too and I thank you for taking the time to delve into my soul...
I have recently gone through a breakup with someone that I have held very dear to my heart for quite some time. An "Epic" person if you will. This person helped me unitentionally and effortlessly. Changed my life, so-to-speak. This loss has evoked a full spectrum of emotions in my heart, everything from sorrow to anger. At the beginning stages of this loss, I couldn't imagine how life could go on without having this person to share my life with. The dreams, plans, goals, good times, feelings, future and connection; all gone...
Now I see that this is just another wave on the beach of my life. I can choose to let this wave crush me against the rocks or let it cleanse the sand from between my toes.
I have learned many things about myself internally from this experience. Some of these things are worthy of great pride while others are worthy of regretful shame. I will spare you details, but know this: I am stronger, wiser, more whole and healthier than I have ever been due to this most unfortunate wave.
But if I readjust my perspective, I can see that this wave may not be as unfortunate as originally estimated. My growth in the face of this is unprecidented. I realigned my goals, dreams, and intentions after meeting this person. I know what you are thinking, "Why would you change yourself for anyone else but you?" The answer is simple: These changes were imminent regardless of outside influences. This person wasn't a reason to change, but more of an inspiration.
In my journey to become a complete man, I have traveled many roads. Some were rocky and dark, others were well paved and well lit. There were many in between those two extremes. But what I can say about all these roads is that they have molded the man I have become, and future roads will mold the man I have yet to become.
I refuse to stay grounded in the face of heartbreak and loss. Some are weakened by such events, others rise above and become a better, stronger person. I choose the latter. I will never regret or mourn something that once made me smile.
In the growth process we call life, we all stumble, make mistakes, act out of character, make poor decisions, obsess, act compulsively, become irrational, etc., but we also love, cherish, learn, grow, evolve, progress, rise above and survive.
I see my life in timeline form, with a line representing today. I find myself looking ahead of the line and saying to myself, "Jesus, look at the road ahead of me, look at how far I have to go..." The more productive thing for me is to look behind the line and say, "God, look how far I have come..." Then I must live the line. Looking to far behind or ahead could cause me to trip of a rock in my direct path.
I say, in conclusion; If you, the reader, have experienced a loss, heartbreak, turmoil, or any other form of unpleasantness in your life and have risen above it as a means of strengthening yourself and becoming a better, more evolved individual, then I truly applaud your character. If you have chosen to let these things hold you back and obstruct your ability to evolve, I emplore you to readjust your perspective and see life as the gift and miracle that it truly is. Live today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Until next time...thumbs up
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by Unknown
created Jun 2008
Last Viewed: Apr 28

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