Diamonds of Dust

By David Berg

God put on a "light show" the other day and we were there to see it! He said a lot of things, too, and we tried to listen. I'm sure He must have shown it before, but we were all too busy to watch. Watch with us this time—maybe you'll see even more!

If you were a businessman, or a frantic housewife, or a hurried student, you wouldn't spend an hour in the morning watching the sun coming in the window! If you did, they might put you in the nuthouse!

He let three tiny rays of light beam their way into our room, not through the shutter, obstructing the light, but through tiny peepholes, letting it in! The smaller the hole, the more perfect the image, the more accurate the projection it reflects! The smaller you are, the clearer they can see Him!

The rays were many different colors—all showing a different color of His Light, but the same Light.—Different gifts, but the same Spirit, each one reflecting in his own way the Light of God—each one letting his light shine, showing his particular kind of works to cause men to glorify the Beauty of God!

Hold your hand up!—The light shines right through it; you can see the blood and bones! Nothing is hidden in His eyes!

The thinner you are, the more the light gets through! The less there is of you, the more the light shines through!

We're like little rays of light in this city that's so dark! Even a few rays of light can make some kind of impression! Don't ever think because there's so much darkness, that it's no use to have just a little light, because even one candle can be seen a mile away when it's dark!

Even a grain of dust, as small as it is, can sparkle like a diamond, if it will get in the sunshine, if the room is dark enough. The greater the darkness, the brighter the light! A little diamond of dust or a little ray of sunshine shows up best when the room is very dark, because, "where iniquity doth abound, grace doth much more abound"!—Rom.5:20.

But what you see when you see the flame of a candle is not the fire itself, but the tiny little glowing particles, made white-hot by the heat of His Love! You're not actually seeing the light at all, because the light itself is invisible!—It can only be seen in the reflections of all those little diamonds of dust! If the dust weren't there, you couldn't see the light, and if the light weren't there, you couldn't see the dust! It takes both!

You may never see the little diamond of dust again, for some of them just flow into the light, sparkle for a moment and then vanish back into the darkness. They only have their moment of Truth! But if only once in its life it scintillates with the Light of the Lord, it's worth it! Even if only once in its life, it is life and joy to someone, it's worth it! But if it could stay in the Lord's Light, it could sparkle its life out to the end, like one candlestick gives light to the whole house until it is finished! The longer that little grain of dust stays right in the Light, the longer it shines and the longer it stays a diamond!

Think how much God can show you from even a little beam of light, if you're just simple and childlike enough to appreciate it, to look and to listen! "Except ye be as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of God!"—Lk.18:17.

To learn from the Lord, you have to stop—and look—and listen—or you'll get run over by all the cares of this life, instead of running over with His Truth, His Love and His Joy! You'll be overcome by the World, instead of overcoming the World through Him!

Stop—look—and listen—to the light, and let your dust become diamonds, that show the beauty of God!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven!"—Mat.5:16.

Copyright: The Family International

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Ocean View, Hawaii, USA

Greetings dear faithful and true, I'm a prophet of the wind... the spirit of a man on the mountain! I've been praying for a lovely woman to fill the need by my side, and a grandson I raised from birth turning 21 06/16 already left the nest, Jason. My [read more]

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created Aug 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Aug 2012
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