Africa the Final years

IF you haven't read in order some things will make little sense
Africa 2
Africa 3
Africa Sweet sweet Africa
Africa the final years
Due to a lack of space here I have added a poem to Africa Sweet sweet Africa
I learnt a lot about various medicines and herbs from a wise woman out there. she also taught me about the various spirits and how to call on some of them and introduced me to ganja as weed was called there. Once she took me to a tribal dance where they were invoking up the spirits she hid me in a hut. Told me to stay very quiet as the witch doctor would not like me being there. I saw and learnt things that night that whites never usually see but she felt that in some way I like her was destined to be a healer.
She was right I am what people call Fey and I have basically untaught skills I am visionary, attuned to the supernatural, magical in ways, augury and metempsychosis. I have all my life since leaving Africa used these skills to help others.
Many times I have felt someone needing help and have been able to reach out either physically or mentally. When I am in peril my spirits rush and protect me, I have 2, the timber wolf a true friend and guide and unusually for a female the powerful golden eagle The eagle I believe I was granted that night by the witch doctor who had known I was there when he entered his trance he said I walked with him in the spirit world. I was named mzuka mtoto(spirit child) this is my African name.
Africa opens your eyes to what for most is hidden behind veils there is much in this world that lacks a logical explanation this I believe is when for an instance the veil lifts.
If you have belief you will see more and learn more.
Sadly most will never see these wonders. I follow the teachings of the spirits and some of the gods and goddesses I live by the guidance of Mut (mother nature) ask Pax for peace and Sirona to help with healing.
I believe I would be a far different person if not for my time in Africa. I am glad that I am who I am and each day I try to help and give to others. I do this freely as I believe that if we are given such gifts of the gods they are not meant to be used for profit.
My thanks is to have helped. I don't need the so called riches of the world I feel blessed each and every day.
Thank you all for taking this walk down memory lane wih me I hope you have enjoyed seeing the journey through my thoughts even if at the end you can't believe, pause and stop to think of the things that are inexplicable.
I rest my case


Author: shadow1950
~© Linda Hillier 27/02/2013


down in the woods
deep in the glen
is our fairy home
a place of wonder
hid from human eye

some think us a myth
a tale for kids

when a fairy ring
you find, pause
look around
feel the beat
of fairy wings

if you wish to see
our fairy queen
a special stone
you will need

a glamour stone
will enable you
to espy her or us,

through the hole
you must look
magically now
we will appear

maybe, maybe
a wish we
will grant you

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Comments (1)

Jambo Whtwhb ty for reading
Yes I see you understand and for those who don't take this example

Do You believe in Fairies?
most Adults would answer no even if they did wonder secretly

Ask a child of under 7 and they will say yes
This is because as you get older adults start to scoff or just guide children away
Children are open hearts and minds it is civilization that clouds the mind and a fear of being thought foolish ,touched or even mental Yet in each and every one of us there remains a spark.
Why else do so many believe in God? Like fairies he can't be seen, yet blindly people follow and worship him, Yet how much damage and how many wars have been done for his name? How much mistrust?
MUT mother nature is guilty of none of these things all she does it try to put our wrongs to rights
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taunton, Somerset, England, UK

artistic, intelligent (mainly) straightforward, national finalist in national poetry anthology 2014 published poet [read more]

About this Blog

created Mar 2013
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Mar 2013
shadow1950 has 7 other Blogs

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