My Miracle

3 1/2 years ago I had a divine healing, I know there are non-believers out there and skeptics that's why I won't allow comments, this is my story....

It all started with severe pain, I thought it was my back so went to doctor and he put me on muscle relaxers and pain pills, not once did he do x-rays or run any kind of test. Well, meanwhile my ex-husband developed a pain in his neck (no it wasn't me laugh) so he went to a neurologist and he had a disc in his neck that could be treated with muscle relaxers and heal overtime, but he insisted on surgery, the doctor agreed and this is where my story begins.

My husband had the surgery and I was with him in the hospital, at this point I could barely walk and couldn't write at all. I never said anything until the nurse asked me to fill out some insurance papers. I told her I couldn't because I couldn't write, she said I asked you to do that on purpose, she goes I was watching you walk last night and noticed you were barely moving. I told her yes I was having problems, she then immediately called the neurosurgeon to come in and check on me. He came in and ordered a Cat scan of my neck and back...2 hours later, he came back white faced and said I don't even know how your standing, much less walking...he said you should be paralyzed right now. I had 2 shattered disc blocking my spinal fluid totally!! So off to surgery I go, I had 2 titanium disc put in. Upon waking up from surgery I noticed immediately I could move my fingers!! A couple of hours later, they let me get to try and walk around, I could walk very good!!! The best feeling I had ever had! The doctor came in and was astonished that I was up and walking around, he thought there might had been some spinal damage, THANK GOD there wasn't!! He said I had I not got the surgery when I did, just stepping wrong could have caused me to be paralyzed permanently. So God used my husband to put me in the right hands at the right time or I would be paralyzed today.


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by SoonerGal
created Nov 2013
Last Viewed: May 9
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