It has been a long time since I have "rock and rol

I find myself in a torturous dilemma... I've got a thing for a girl I met on a dating website (not this one, surprisingly), but I don't know how long it can last. I'm going to U.S. Navy boot camp some time between now and January 13th (all depends on whether or not they find me an earlier ship date) and she is going to college soon. Her college is in the same state as me, but when I leave for boot camp I will be gone for a long time. We seem to have really hit it off, and I am almost ready to ask her to be my girlfriend during the time while I remain in Connecticut. However, we had both expressed early on that we did not want to get too serious simply because of the short time we might be able to see each other.

If I seem like I am rambling at all (which I'm rather good at), my problem is basically that I find her very interesting and attractive and she seems to really like me as well... I am worried that if we do become a couple that it will make it that much harder when we have to part ways. She is younger than I am, so I would not expect her to go through her first year of college and want to remain in a relationship with a guy she won't be able to see for a long time (till after both boot camp and job training). So what do any of you think I should do? Give in to my emotions and take this thing as far as it will go? Or do I make sure to stay distanced to avoid complication?
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