How well can you handle chronic depression? Quiz

created by Altair813 on Jan 201544 yrs old, Reno, Nevada, USA

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noeleena waimate, Canterbury New ZealandJan 13, 2015

I have for 0ver 35 years so i know what it can do and has done ,
i keeped a very close eye on day to day and mood changes and just every detail to make sure my partner was good , i missed 2 times and had meds changed and watched like a bird of pray to keep her safe ,

Yes there were flair ups and the whole 9 yards of anger depression and suicdal plus headaches and migrains 2 times a day so dont think your alone just some of us really do know what its like and myself first hand just not like my partner had / has ,is there a cure i cant answer that i only know how to help .


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