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Most Viewed Love/Friendship eCards (295)

Here is a list of Love/Friendship eCards ordered by Most Viewed, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Lots of hugs

Lots of hugs

Sending lots of hugs

one in a million

one in a million

You're one in a million.. I'm so happy we connected

A rose for my Friend

A rose for my Friend

A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. -Leo Buscaglia Have a Lovely Day

Big kiss from me to you

Big kiss, from me to you

From me to you

Our friendship

Our friendship

I came to CS without expectation, never believing it possible to make a close friendship so far across the miles. But here we are... like we've known each other forever. ~getting to know you has blessed my life~

You light up my day

You light up my day

You light up my day :)

Good morning

Good morning

Good morning... hope you have a lovely day

When you love

When you love

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out. ~Elizabeth Bowen~

Stealing my heart

Stealing my heart

I think that you... might be stealing my heart

thanks for being in my life

thanks for being in my life

Thanks for being in my life You are so cool!

Beautiful Roses

Beautiful Roses.....

Beautiful roses to a wonderful person that lights up my day!!

Sending You a Big Hug

Sending You a Big Hug ...

Sending You a Big Hug To Say ... Keep Smiling, Keep Shining and Have a Happy Day !

Bear ly wait

Bear-ly wait..

I can Bear-ly wait to see you again

peace love harmony

peace, love, harmony

Wishing you peace, love, harmony and happiness as you journey through this day

White Rose

White Rose

A single rose can be my garden a single friend, my world. *Leo Buscaglia*

peace and harmony

peace and harmony

Wishing you peace and harmony in your life

Bear ry glad were friends

Bear-ry glad we're friends

So bear-ry glad we connected..

road to happiness

road to happiness

Together.. we can find it

your friendship is a blessing

your friendship is a blessing

Your friendship is a blessing May the Lord bless you my friend For the warmth and laughter That brought us together And the trust that keeps us close

Lifes better with friends

Life's better with friends

Life's better with friends.. Glad we connected!



We could make purrrr-fect music together

snowy walk

snowy walk

Your Greeting Here

Love across the pond

Love across the pond

Love across the pond

You make me Smile even on a bad day

You make me Smile even on a bad day

You make me SMILE even on a bad day! *************** *************** Thank U*

Pink Rose for your Beautiful Patience

Pink Rose for your Beautiful Patience

One rose will do, from me to you with love so true... you surely knew ~Blossoms~

Best Friends

Best Friends

I'll Bring You A Daisy A Day

A Yellow Rose For You x

A Yellow Rose For You x

A Yellow Rose For You X

Im Back

I'm Back!

Hey... I'm Back!

Daisy Dayz

Daisy Dayz

Hope your day's a daisy!



SMILE.. Somebunny loves you!



love me... love my Chihuahua

Song to my friend

Song to my friend

Have a great day, my Friend

In My Thoughts

In My Thoughts

I had no reason To send you a card, No great news to reveal But I wanted you to know That you're in my thoughts And in my heart as well And I'm sending you a Wish for a wonderful day I hope lots of sunshine Comes your way!

Romancing your soul

Romancing your soul

In the boat of dreams .... In the boat of love... In the boat of fantasy.... In the boat of life.... I'm the lucky one..... I'm no longer searcing..... I'm now exploring with you ...... I'm complete...lock me in your heart and throw the key ov

glad we connected

glad we connected

When I think of all the times we've spent chatting and posting together.. I smile -so glad we connected-

underneath the cool

underneath the cool

Underneath this fine, cool, sexy, attractive, intelligent, successful, fit, and modest persona.. lies the heart of a teddybear who just loves to cuddle

Galway Bay

Galway Bay

Galway Bay

Have a daisy day

Have a daisy day

Your Greeting Here

Come Walk with me

Come Walk with me

A walk on the beach.. hand in hand, listening to the water breaking on the sand.

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

~Heart of Stone~ Sometimes we make life harder than it really needs to be.. We need to find a medium between stone cold self protection and far too vulnerable. That will be a place for us to be safe as well as happy. Open

Thanks for being my friend

Thanks for being my friend!

This morning I searched my wallet. It was empty. Then, I checked my pockets. I found a few coins. I then searched my heart and found you. Then, I realized how rich I really am...