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Most Sent Love/Romance eCards (285)

Here is a list of Love/Romance eCards ordered by Most Sent, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

2 hearts 1 connection

2 hearts, 1 connection

two hearts... one great connection

You drive me wild

You drive me wild!

Love is the exchange of two fantasies and the contact of two skins....Nicholas Chamfort.

Love ya

Love ya

I could spend forever like this with you.

You and Me

You and Me

For today, know that you are in my heart, and that I'm sending you lots of love...

I Love Puppies

I Love Puppies!

When I count my Blessings I count You twice! (Irish Blessing)

Love is a haven

Love is a haven

Love is a little haven of refuge from the world. ~Bertrand A. Russell~

To Someone Very Special

To Someone Very Special

I'll send you all my love... Every day with a kiss...

Crush on you

Crush on you

I've got a crush on you

Piano and rose

Piano and rose

[Your Greeting Here]



[Your Greeting Here]

Sending you my heart

Sending you my heart

Sending you my heart




In love

In love

There's a sea between us love, and i wish that it weren't true. For every day when I awake, I yearn to be with you! There are many miles between us love, though you're always here in my heart, and every night, beneath the silver starl



Smile, my heart, smile Your smile means so much to me Your smile feeds my reality within Your smile liberates me From world-clamour and world-din Smile, my heart, smile Smile at least once in a while (Sri Chinmoy)

For a lovely person

For a lovely person

I dropped a tear in the ocean When they find it I will stop loving you

With out you

With out you

The world seems empty... I really need you

I will stand by you

I will stand by you

I will stand by you support and love you no matter what distance lies between us

You look great

“You look great”

Babe “You look great”

Distance cannot separate true love

Distance cannot separate true love

Distance cannot separate two hearts.. that truly love.. one another. ****

My Heart Wants to Say

My Heart Wants to Say ...

There Are So Many Things My Heart Wants To Say ... I Love You Sweetheart! ... There Is No Other Way.

Sweet dreams

Sweet dreams...

Well... Time to sleep I must leave for now, But don't forget me. Sweet dreams... Much Love!

Catch my heart

Catch my heart

Catch my heart... I'm falling for you

In love

In love...

I have no words to express My tremendous love for you... You mean the world to me. Remain by my side,forever! I love you,dearest!

You mean the world to me

You mean the world to me

You mean the world to me

Cant help falling in love

Can't help falling in love

[Your Greeting Here]

Sweets for my Sweet

Sweets for my Sweet

Sweets for my Sweet

Silvery moon

Silvery moon

[Your Greeting Here]



[Your Greeting Here]

Being with you

Being with you

Being with you is better than I could have imagined

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

We are one heart One soul One Love Together we are one This is Love as it is meant to be.

Love is in the air

Love is in the air

Love is in the air

Dance with me

Dance with me

Your Greeting Here

Ready to fall in love

Ready to fall in love

Ready to fall in love...

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Cool couple

Cool couple

We make a COOL couple