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Last Viewed eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Last Viewed, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

Truth... ecard

"Truth is the torch
that gleams through the
without dispelling it."
claude adrien helvetius

my truth ~ i am wholly mesmerized, captivated, entranced
your presence amidst my world...

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This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Is the soup still warm..?? ecard

What do you mean ...
---> "is the soup still warm..??"

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
My   Garden For You... ecard

Here's My Garden For You...

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
A Smiles ... ecard

Sending You a Smiles to Bright Your Day ! ...

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Happy Birthday ecardStaff

Hope your day is as special as you are

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Hang in there ecardStaff

Hang in there..
tomorrow's another day

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
You make my heart soar ecardStaff

Thinking of you makes my heart soar

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Miles Between Us ... ecard

Love Does Not Pay Heed to the Miles Between Us ... It is Measured by the Nearness of Our Hearts. I Know the Distance Keep Us Apart ... But the Distance Can Not Change the Feelings in My Heart

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Thinking of YOU ecardgnj4u

Happy Mother's Day!

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Home. ecardstephengriff

A picture of Pen-y-fan in Wales, Near the village where i grew up.

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
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