Jan 24, 2010 12:20 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
Jeckle09Jeckle09ponca city, Oklahoma USA1 Threads 21 Posts
Well the good thing in allthis..Obama's wife Michelle used too live right here in Ponca city, Oklahoma laugh
Jackson1862Jackson1862Biloxi, Mississippi USA12 Threads 283 Posts
obama has done the following well

1. Lying to the American people
2. Increasing our national debt to the point where we as well as our future generations will be in debt till the end of days.
3. Trying to shove a socialized healthcare plan down our throats while at the same time telling us we are trying to protect you from the big and bad medical system
4. Lying to the people here saying he has created jobs which he has not but at the same time the unemployment rate has been climbing at a steady rate. People are being laid off, college grads are unable to find employment and the employment positions well are few and far between.
5. Making us look bad in the eyes of the world and trying to make us appear guilty.
6. Trying to take over the Banking system while at the same time saying he is doing this to protect the consumers from big and bad banks. Why is he so eager to take over the banks? He must have a reason in wanting to do so perhaps to get his cut of payoff?
7. He has made race relations worse in this country and some of his supporters are out to get whitey.

8. He has made us look weaker in the international community by appeasing known terroists such as khadafi and Chavez. Who would have ever imagined that a U.S president for christ sakes would be doing this?
9. Him and his loon administration are not that supportive of the second amendment as those under him like Sunstein, schumer,Feinstein and Holder want nothing more then to penalize honest people who practice the right to bear and keep firearms.

10. Some of the ways in which they want to do this are ( Below)
1. Taxing the heck out of Ammo as much as 98%
2. Making honest gunowners turn in their fingerprints and submit to being listed on a database file like a ****king common criminal.
3. Making it illegal even to own firearms for self defense purposes oh but i guess criminals can just come right on in and assault you or your family.
Feb 13, 2010 10:21 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
RillyNiceGuyRillyNiceGuySoutheast, Arkansas USA839 Threads 13,003 Posts
I want my year back! sigh
Feb 13, 2010 10:55 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
Then you mean it is CONGRESS, that is failing this country.
Heh.... We Agree. Although Obama's agenda of bailing out the economy and creating jobs with a Credit card is not a very good idea either.
Politicians and Greed.. Not Good. Democrat or Republican.
Fire them all professor
Heather2212: He has done what he can do, but the congress has most of the power, not him
Feb 13, 2010 11:04 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
viva007: Obama after 1yr.......received a nobel peace
frustrated doh doh doh
Feb 13, 2010 11:06 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
Maybe Obama should give up while he is just Failing.
A Complete Failure will even be Worse..
Feb 13, 2010 11:11 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
ttom500: Heather, you mean we can hold the DEMs that controlled Congress the final two years of GWB term......more accountable for the government failures of 2006-9 than GWB?
head banger
Feb 13, 2010 11:23 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
jvaski: Obama .......We KNOW what you came in with .........and all clear thinking Americans appreciate what you're attempting to do ! ( regardless of an entire conress that needs to be replaced )
I suport you 100% ......STILL !

And How's that "Hope and Change work'n out for Ya?
Feb 13, 2010 11:26 PM CST OBAMA AFTER ONE YEAR
moonmana1moonmana1Wyoming, Minnesota USA3 Threads 364 Posts
oldfoxyguy: Sorry, and I understand the part of the U.S. that you call home is the land of fruits and nuts like Queen Pilosy.
Obama has only worked hard to add another S to the U.S.A. I can not forgive him for that. He has set race relations back 10 years and our great grandchildren will still be paying for his so called leadership.
Lets hear it for the Elections where the Democrats get their walking papers. The silent majority will no longer be silent! !


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