RE: Prospects for peace in Afganistan

"Pack attack"is a MUST in CS forum,attacking,belittling,been sarcastic,calling names the poster,asking for links, proves,insinuating levels of intelligence,and so on, just because some people,they feel must be winners all the time,having a different view from the poster.Am not innocent by all means,though am regretting it,having done in the past.wave

RE: Do women really nead a man?

Same for the men as well,most of them MISS having one around,irrespective some claiming the opposite.

RE: Opera

Would you like to discuss classical music,by all means,opera never wanted to know anything about.Am of topic,please shoot me.-

RE: Love

Heystack disappeared,only the needles left behind.-wave

RE: Prospects for peace in Afganistan

So the war in Afghanistan is what i call " a hole in the water"" meaning nothing.-Again cannot be,maybe some mineral gains,apart,as everybody claims,non existing oil.-

RE: Solutions to the conflict in the Middle East (Israel/Palistine)

My decision is FINAL am voting for Colleene.-laugh

RE: Solutions to the conflict in the Middle East (Israel/Palistine)

Am voting for you,to be the ""President of World Women League""grin

RE: Are Independent,'out spoken,funny and smart woman scarey to men?

Not all of us men prefered,meek and needy. grin

RE: Are Independent,'out spoken,funny and smart woman scarey to men?

Am not threatened,try me.

RE: Are Independent,'out spoken,funny and smart woman scarey to men?

Rejection works both ways.

RE: Favourite Quotes

Life is simple,people make life complicated

RE: shall I keep this baby?

You mean my spelling error??? It was a second one child(shild).oh well, never mind,a lot will read it,very few will noticed .- laugh laugh laugh wave

RE: shall I keep this baby?

Sometimes is better not to bring things head on, for the shake of your shild/children.-

RE: my date walked away

First you did not have to argued with her about the chair,secondly when the chair was given to you by the waiter and soon after, you heard her comments,you had to get up and your date,leave the restaurant staight away,advising the head waiter or the waiter for the reasons for leaving.And if you have had booked in the restaurant, to tell them,the reasons of leaving.And your date,not man enough to support his date,in her hour of need,though he just been out with you,first time.-Now you know what to do next if this happened again in the future,with so many CS'iers advising you.wave

RE: shall I keep this baby?

I had the means to support my son,and going to court to claimed maintenance,i wasn't prepared to lower myself to her level,besides we moved to Greece within a year,since my son moved in with me.-So problem solved.-My motto is. Creating a life,you have to support it emotionally for the rest of your life and financially,even as adults,if don't have the means.-

RE: shall I keep this baby?

I was paying since my son was 2,5 years old, till he was 13,when he moved with me.i asked the reverse(been paid)without going to court,and her answer was a flat "no you must be joking".

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

I wonder, when "Tomcatwarne" and you going to announced,your engagement.

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

And this in initiative has started already. The EU wants to resolve the issue with Libya,rather politically,than military.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

Am not a military expert,ask the Nato General in command,what the Greek vessels doing in Libyan waters.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

We are part of NATO since 1952.- According to our population and economic capacity,we contribute accordingly.

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

As i said in previous post,if NATO is going to ask Greece to contribute more,am sure will obliged.-In the latest Nato meeting Papandreou offered that much military,and NATO did not say this is a LIMITED involvement by Greece.Politically we are involved aren't we??? and if you consider the state of our economy,your so called LIMITED involvement of my country,i considered FAIR.

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

The officers are Army+Naval+Air force career personel,under the orders of the political superior,the Minister of Defence.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

They part of NATO forces,we said this is our contribution towards this campaign. We did not self excluded ourselves from this campaign.-Nobody from NATO said, Greece offered less.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

We are involved directly,our naval+airfields bases used by our NATO allies,we have a couple of vessels patroling Libyan waters,and one AWAC aircraft patrolling the NFZ.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

There is discontent with some corrupted policians and puplic servants, protected by laws,and not going to jail,but i don't think,it will go far enough,as uprising like the Middle East.

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

From my earlier post about Libya,advocated military action against Qaddafi.- US is a NATO country,and as such, is unthinkable not to support the NFZ directly,Germany supporting it indirectly,also a NATO member,by saying am supporting it in principal,but am not allowing my Arm Forces to take part.wave

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

Freed lately from what???we only freeing criminals when their jail sentences is over,people demonstrate now and then against the economics and stractural reforms required.Bankruptcy has been avoided for the time beeing,as we follow the IMF+EU guidelines.We have a supporting role within NATO forces in the Libyan campaign,and all our western bases,with proximity to Libya,are available to Nato forces.-

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

Egypt,Libya,Syria,North Africa the Middle East countries,they have heredity rulers,Kings,Sheihs,etc,and long time not democratically elected ones,like Qaddafi,Asand in Syria,Mubarak an ex in Egupt,and so on,been for a long time on their throne,and haven't realise it was time for change.-Those rulers are looking primarely their own interests,how to amassed a fortune,and how to pass the rulling of their country to their heirs,not their citizens. Thats why the people protesting,because is not a fair distribution of the countries wealth.-Billions,and mansions in every big city and banks in the west,those rulers have.- Has it ever occurred to you??? how those people have amassed so much wealth???

RE: Anti American and Anti west ..2

In the other hand, if all of us were the opposite,of what you are saying in your post,don't you think,it had to be excruciatingly borring.????wave handshake

RE: Whisper in my ear...

Can you hold for 3 more days,am popping over.

This is a list of forum posts created by chris27292729.

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