Mocknbird41Mocknbird41 Forum Posts (14)

Is there any hope that women who look like me will find a decent man?

I should've been born in the UK, where the majority of my ancestors are from anyway.
Is there room in Scotland for another woman??

Happy New Year!!! wine beer cheers


Is there any hope that women who look like me will find a decent man?

I'm not looking for a man to define me;
I would however like someone to grow old with.
ya know?

RE: Would you date a Ginger?

Tell me about it! I came out of anesthesia once during surgery.


Seriously? Neanderthals?? Really?
Funny.......most of the redheads I know tend to be above average intelligence. But then we really don't know much about Neanderthals intelligence.

RE: Would you date a Ginger?

Yeah, me too!
Red hair and blue eyes. A rarity in Seattle anymore.
Even when I was in grade school, I was one of only 3 redheads out of hundreds of children.

RE: Would you date a Ginger?

I used to dye my hair blonde or brunette, but now I want to keep my natural color. It's not near as bright red as it used to be!

RE: Would you date a Ginger?

As a redhead, I'd really like to know where in the word is it and advantage to be a redhead, I'd like to book my plane ticket!

RE: Would you date a Ginger?

I LOVE red haired men.

Can you say Conan O Brien? Seth Green's not bad either.
I've known SO many good looking red haired men. They are my preference, but they are rare. crying

Are you average men out there really expecting to end up with a supermodel?

Even when I was young I was cute, pretty....but no supermodel. Just seems like so many men want what's way out of their league!

The president's first name is Baraq. Not sure how it's spelled.

Is there any hope that women who look like me will find a decent man?

I know I deserve one. There are plenty of women who deserve a good mate, yet remain alone for various reasons. Self esteem is not a problem here. But then, when I look in the mirror I'm surprised that I don't see the gorgeous creature I used to be. Come to america. You'll see what I mean.

Are you average men out there really expecting to end up with a supermodel?

Not George Clooney...............Josh Duhamel, Brad Pitt, a young David Duchovny..........

Are you average men out there really expecting to end up with a supermodel?

Yes, but you're a nice looking man now. I bet you were really something when you were younger. So, you were probably both quite good looking. (not an "average" man looking for a supermodel".
When I say average, I was being charitable. It seems that the less handsome the man, the more he cares about how good looking his mate is. Like being with a beautiful woman boosts his self esteem. Ok, I'm ramblin'.............time to stop typing.

Are you average men out there really expecting to end up with a supermodel?

Are you going to go out with an average man? You are pretty and young (2 of the 3)and possible rich, too. I'll bet you are holding out for someone 1 Very Good looking 2 Rich or 3 both. That doesn't qualify as the average man. At least not the men my age. Believe me, as you get older, your perspective changes a great deal.

Olympia area singles=

I'm hoping to start a thread where singles in the Olympia area can converse, share info, get to know each other. I recently moved to the area from Seattle. What's fun to do around here?
Everybody welcome!

RE: People are like apples...

I love that! It's so TRUE!People are like apples.Some apples are beautiful outside but inside have a worm,other apples are look ok outside but clean inside!applause

This is a list of forum posts created by Mocknbird41.

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