intomiltechintomiltech Forum Posts (102)

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

And those that did that got dealt with too, and quite harshly!!

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

You don't see Catholics beheading people, shooting little girls coming home from school, or blowing up buildings filled with people just because they don't like what they believe, do you?

Taking evidence of Obama forgery to voters

4.A very simple mistake was the fourth error found. The ad explains that typewriters start each line in the same horizontal position. But it shows on Obama’s document, the word “Kapiolani” is a half-space out of alignment with the word “male” which is just two lines above. “The fact that not all the lines are flush to the left is suspicious. No other birth certificate exhibits this peculiar style,” the ad states.
5.Fifth was irregular line spacing. The forms during 1961 were designed so that every time a typist returned the carriage, the paper would advance to a new line. “This was common to all forms made for typewriters,” the ad states. But the investigators were unable to find another birth certificate from Hawaii with uneven line spacing like Obama’s, where sometimes the typewritten characters are immediately above the line, sometimes hanging in midair. “Typewriters do not do this,” the ad states.
6.Sixth was irregular letter spacing, which reveals that spaces between letters, which should be equal, are not. “Old mono-spaced typewriters always moved a specific space after a letter was typed. We feel that the forger, assembling these letters manually on a computer, could not replicate the exact spacing that the old style mechanical typewriters produced. This is proof of forgery,” the ad said.
7.The last issue dealt with in the ad was the white halo. “No other birth certificate has this. See it on Exhibit ‘A’ below and Exhibit ‘B’ showing how it should look. This was caused by the Adobe Photoshop filter used to sharpen edges. It does this by choking back the edge leaving a white halo. We show in Exhibit ‘C’ how we did the same thing to our specimen example. This proves forgery because the Hawaiian Department of Health is supposed to have put the original birth certificate on a copier and printed to the special green security paper instead of white paper. The only result possible from that is Exhibit ‘B’ … NOT Exhibit ‘A’.

Taking evidence of Obama forgery to voters

A professional typographer with 50 years experience has submitted to investigators looking into fraud allegations and to judges in court cases his conclusion that the image of Barack Obama’s 1961 birth certificate released by the White House early last year is a forgery
But he’s received no response, and now Paul Irey is trying to take his concerns directly to voters.
He has created a full-page newspaper ad that covers seven of the most significant problems with the Obama document so that voters can see the evidence.
1. Mismatched typed letters: The ad explains that the letters on the document have been analyzed, and 15 pairs were selected. But the images reveal that the representatives of letters supposedly from the same typewriter key do not match. A lower-case “a” is not a consistent size, the width of an “l” is not the same, and there are other anomalies. “One set is from the word ‘Student’ that exhibits two different styles of the ‘t’ in the same word,” the ad explains. “This supports our contention that the type letters were copied and assembled from different documents. Note the size and shape differences. These letters could not have come from the same typewriter.”
2. The second question arises over a bent capital “h”. “We have enlarged the name ‘HUSSEIN’ below to point out the bent cap ‘H’. It is not unusual for typewriter letters to be bent. They are often bent when the typist gets 2 keys stuck together and must pull them apart. The reason this is evidence of forgery is that the other 8 cap ‘h’s’ on this birth certificate are straight. If a typewriter letter is bent, it stays bent and does not type bent for the typing of a single letter and then go back to typing it straight.”
3.Third is the certificate number, about which many questions have been raised since it is out of sequence with the other known births in Honolulu about the time Obama’s is reported to have occurred. “If someone decided last year to forge a birth certificate for a person, they would need a birth certificate number that is genuine and was issued in the 1961 era,” the ad states. “A baby that was born the same day in Hawaii as Barack Obama – died the next day. We believe that baby’s number was 61 10641. We asked the mother to request her birth certificate and they gave her the short form with a number way out of sequence for the month. So she asked for the long form and was refused. The family brought a lawsuit before the Hawaiian courts and were denied.” The ad explains the courts concluded the state Department of Health could decide if officials wanted to provide the documentation.

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

We have that here in the US, but the nutters want that done away with, and they lay claim that those things offend them. I say of you like how we live here, MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

If a group of extremest Christians when off beheading people and blowing up building and people that didn't believe as they did. The rest of us would see them hunted down and jailed for that, not put up as examples to be followed by our preachers.

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

Yeah but the Hindus and Buddhists don't blow up buildings here in the US.


I don't know much about politics..Damn right!!professor

Wasserman Schultz: Wrong Statements About Libya Doesn't Mean They Were False

A not so new low even for a Dim more lies to try and cover up the previous lies!!

Piers Morgan, CNN: The really important horse that should be flogged is the behavior and the statements of those who are in positions of responsibility and we would assume knowledge. And it's pretty unAmerican, pretty unAmerican to be putting up completely false statements before you know the facts, isn't it?

Debbie Wasseerman Schultz, DNC chair: Piers, it is not okay for you to be saying that the administration was putting out completely false statements. They put out information that they had at the time based on the intelligence that they were given --

Piers Morgan: That turned out to be completely wrong.

Wasserman Schultz: Well that doesn't mean it was false. It doesn't mean that it was deliberate. It means that.

Morgan: What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it's false, it's wrong. It's both of those things.

Wasserman Schultz: But you're suggesting that it's … Piers, what you're suggesting is that it was somehow deliberate. It was not deliberate. What they did was it was important to get information out that they had at the time. And they did that. And as they learned more information, they corrected the original information that they put out. But there was nothing sinister here. This was simply the president of the United States and the administration making sure that we did a careful investigation, gave the American people the information that they needed at the time that we had based on our best intelligence and then as more intelligence was gathered we gave the updated information. There is nothing sinister about that.

What's terrible unfortunate though, is that you do -- there's no around these investigations that Republicans in Congress and Mitt Romney have left to go after the administration questioning whether or not there was any deliberate attempt to mislead. We should be closing ranks, working together to prevent this from happening again.

Morgan: Well the answer to that Debbie, is -- the answer to that is to make sure that the original statements that were made are accurate.

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

another Forrest Gump; stupid is as stupid does

Big Bird revisits Obama's birth certificate

In the 1st debate Obamanation reminded me of Professor Hasting professor who gives comically confused lectures, losing track of the subject and falling into short naps. doh

Big Bird revisits Obama's birth certificate

Maybe Amazing Mumford with do a vanishing Obamanation trick and get it right for once!! rolling on the floor laughing

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

Sorry you're wrong just go to DC and see all the building with "Christian" symbols all over them. That was the way our forefathers set the nation up to be. Just because the infidels that got elected after them morphed and corrupted that doesn't change that this IS a "Christian" nation.

Big Bird revisits Obama's birth certificate

Maybe Cookie Monster will eat all their cookies...rolling on the floor laughing

Spain Downgraded to One Level Above Junk by S&P on Risks

this is what too much Gov BS spending gets a country

Spain’s debt rating was cut to one level above junk by Standard & Poor’s, which cited mounting economic and political risks as the government considers a second bailout.
The country was lowered two levels to BBB- from BBB+, New York-based S&P said in a statement yesterday. S&P assigned a negative outlook to the nation’s long-term rating and lowered the short-term sovereign level to A-3 from A-2.
“The negative outlook on the long-term rating reflects our view of the significant risks to Spain’s economic growth and budgetary performance, and the lack of a clear direction in euro-zone policy,” S&P said. “The deepening economic recession is limiting the Spanish government’s policy options.”

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

Amen!doh very mad

Romney crushes Obummer in 1st debate!

All the more screwed when we could have tariffs and ZERO income taxes as we had for 160 years.

Is Obama manipulating job numbers after a weak debate?


Wynn On Obama: "I'll Be Damned If I Want To Have Him Lecture Me"

On the Tuesday broadcast of the nightly Nevada political program "Ralston Reports," Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts sat down with host Jon Ralston to discuss the presidential election.
Wynn, an outspoken critic of President Obama, didn't hold back in his latest criticism of the incumbent president seeking a second term.
"I'll be damned if I want to have him lecture me about small business and jobs. I'm a job creator. Guys like me are job creators and we don't like having a bulls-eye painted on our back," Wynn said about Obama to Ralston. An excerpt of the interview is below.
WYNN: I've created about 250,000 direct and indirect jobs according to the state of Nevada's measurement. If the number is 250,000, that's exactly 250,000 more than this president, who I'll be damned if I want to have him lecture me about small business and jobs. I'm a job creator. Guys like me are job creators and we don't like having a bulls-eye painted on our back.
The president is trying to put himself between me and my employees. By class warfare, by deprecating and calling a group that makes money 'billionaires and millionaires who don't pay their share.' I gave 120% of my salary and bonus away last year to charities, as I do most years. I can't stand the idea of being demagogued, that is put down by a president who has never created any jobs and who doesn't even understand how the economy works.
Wynn on a scrapped business plan: "I'm afraid of the president. I have no idea what goofy idea, what crazy, anti-business program this administration will come up. I have no idea. And I have to tell you Jon that every business guy I know in the country is frightened of Barack Obama and the way he thinks."

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

OK here is a different pic of O showing that ring.

Reaction to ring revelation suggests president's 'affection'

The director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, said that should the ring on Barack Obama’s finger prove to include an inscription of an Islamic prayer, it could explain his foreign policy attitudes and actions regarding freedom in the Middle East.

The comment comes from Robert Spencer, who has authored 12 books, including “The Truth About Muhammad,” “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)” and “Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry Into Islam’s Obscure Origins.”
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He’s a recognized expert on Islam and has written hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism. He’s investigated stealth jihad, how jihadist groups are advancing their agenda in the U.S. with and without terror attacks and his works have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Korean and Bahas Indonesia, among other languages.

Big Bird revisits Obama's birth certificate

Some might be wondering now that a Big Bird/Barack Obama controversy is once again ruffling feathers in the national news, three years after O’Brien featured Big Bird on “‘The Tonight Show” when O’Brien was still hosting the NBC program.

Since Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has said he’s looking to cut funding for PBS, which airs shows including “Sesame Street,” President Obama’s campaign has been saying that Romney is anti-Big Bird, one of the show’s popular characters.

The producers of “Sesame Street” this week asked Obama’s campaign not to include their character in commercials.

But this is not the first time the yellow-beaked giant has cried fowl with the Obama administration.

In 2009, Big Bird had a discussion with first lady Michelle Obama on a “Sesame Street” episode.

The appearance, though, was redubbed by O’Brien for comedic value on “The Tonight Show.”

As the scene opened up, Big Bird approached Michelle Obama, saying, “Well, look who’s here to push her husband’s socialist health-care agenda? Or maybe you’re here to finally show us your husband’s United States birth certificate!”

“No, Big Bird, I’m not,” said Mrs. Obama.

“That’s ’cause you can’t!” countered Big Bird. “Are you absolutely sure he wasn’t born in Kenya?”

“I’m sure, Big Bird,” said Mrs. Obama.

“That’s not what the Basket Bunch says,” said Big Bird.

A group of talking vegetables then chimed in: “Yeah, your husband’s a stinkin’ liar. We’re gonna run him out of office!”

Big Bird revisits Obama's birth certificate

Is Obama manipulating job numbers after a weak debate?

crying sigh dunno

ObamaPhones Profiting ObamaDonors


Romney crushes Obummer in 1st debate!

It really wouldn't be so bad if the Gov didn't just squander our money like they do. If the money actually did the good we intended that would be fine. But the sad truth is it gets squandered so very badly.

BUSTED!! Video: Obama camp helps you vote twice!

And vote as many times a you can legal or illegal they don't care.

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

America is a "Christian" nation, not a Muslim nation thank you very much. As Obamanation claims to be a Christian and is in fact a Muslim make Obamanation a liar!

"Chinese"based company, Acorn International

YEAH! Obama's Acorn is based in China!!!

The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) on Wednesday called out the Obama campaign for refusing to address the ownership of the domain by a campaign bundler who lives and has business interests in China. GAI also alleged that the Obama campaign has not fully addressed its weak online security measures to prevent fraudulent or foreign campaign donations.

GAI President Peter Schweizer said GAI was “troubled by the fact that the Obama campaign has nothing to say about one of the main concerns we detailed in our report: the mysterious redirect website anonymously owned by China-based campaign bundler Robert Roche.”

“Robert Roche has an unusually close relationship with the Chinese government, to whom he is dependent for the operation of his Chinese-based company, Acorn International,” Schweizer said. “At the same time, he owns this redirect website which sends international web traffic to a contribution page of the president’s campaign.”

The Chinese government has a history of trying influence American elections through campaign contributions, and Roche is not a random figure. He was seated at the head table of the China State Dinner in 2011.

Immediately after the progressive magazine Newsweek published a story, based on a nine-month GAI investigation of how easily foreigners can illicitly donate to President Barack Obama’s campaign due to lax online security measures, the Obama campaign responded with a purported “fact-check” that tried to dismiss the report as a partisan attack on the Obama campaign.

However, the report pointed out the vulnerabilities of Republicans and Democrats to fraudulent or foreign donations. The report noted Mitt Romney’s campaign’s vulnerabilities and highlighted vulnerabilities on Marco Rubio’s online donation pages during his 2010 Senate campaign.

“It’s disappointing that the Obama campaign purposefully misconstrues GAI’s concerns about foreign solicitations,” Schweizer said. “The fact of the matter is that knowingly soliciting donations from foreign individuals is against the law.”

GAI also noted the Obama campaign’s “fact-check” did not even bother to acknowledge some of the most important and salient facts from GAI’s investigation.

“Our report is a comprehensive analysis of a bipartisan problem: the vulnerabilities that campaigns face when it comes to fraudulent and foreign donations,” Schweizer explained. “The Obama campaign is particularly vulnerable because of its aggressive solicitation of online donations, their failure to employ rigorous, industry-standard anti-fraud security tools (CVV and AVS), and because the name 'Obama' is a global brand.”

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

Yeah I had thought he was Muslim but this is proof. There is no other reason to wear a ring with that on it.

BUSTED!! Video: Obama camp helps you vote twice!

Watch the Video at the link!!

A regional director of the voter mobilization group launched by Barack Obama, Organizing for America, has been captured on video helping an undercover reporter cast a ballot for the president in two states.
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, known for its hidden-camera probe of the controversial national community organizing group tied to Obama, ACORN, carried out the investigation.
The group’s latest effort in Texas, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut shows Obama campaign workers, including Organizing for America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero, helping people who declare they want to commit election fraud. The investigation was inspired by a column by WND columnist Chuck Norris.
In April, a Project Veritas investigator was offered the ballot of Attorney General Eric Holder at a polling place.
In the new video, Project Veritas has a hidden camera on an undercover reporter who poses as a voter at the Organizing for America headquarters in Houston, Texas.
The reporter, in two separate visits, Sept. 7 and Oct. 1, tells Caballero she has a voter registration card in Florida, noting it’s a battleground state, and she also wants to vote in Texas.
“Keep it! Keep it!” Caballero interjects in the first visit, referring to the Florida voter registration. “So you’re gonna vote, umm, yeah, vote by ballot?
Reporter: “I’m gonna vote by ballot, and then I have mine here (in Texas), too.”
The reporter then emphasizes the importance of doing everything possible to ensure that Obama wins.
Caballero offers to print out a ballot that the reporter can mail in to Florida.
“Oh my God, this is so funny,” Caballero says. “It’s cool though.”
Project Veritas discovered Caballero is a salaried employee of the Democratic National Committee, the parent of Organizing for America. OFA was founded after Obama’s inauguration to mobilize supporters in favor of his legislative priorities.
Commenting on the video, O’Keefe noted the reporter was even offered advice on how to avoid getting caught.
“These individuals showed no concern whatsoever when our investigators declared their intention to vote multiple times for President Obama,” O’Keefe said.
In the video, Caballero says when discussing the possibility of getting caught, “If anyone checks, say ‘I don’t know.’”
This year, Project Veritas says it has been conducting an ongoing series of investigations in more than a dozen states “demonstrating the ease with which election fraud can be committed and legitimate voters can be disenfranchised.”
At an Organizing for America voter-registration table in Hackensack, N.J., a worker is seen in the latest video assisting an undercover reporter who declares his intent to vote both in Minnesota and in New Jersey.
In Central Park in New York City, an undercover reporter tells an OFA worker: “I’m gonna vote in both places, probably, so Mitt Romney does not take New York or Minnesota.”
“Nice,” the worker replies.
In New Haven, Conn., when a helpful OFA worker learns that the undercover reporter posing as a Democrat intends to vote twice, he is told to take as many registration forms as he likes.

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

Obama is definitely a liar and a Muslim, his wedding ring says so!!!

NEW YORK – As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no god except Allah.”

Inscription on Obama's ring

The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet.

Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all other gods.

Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., examined photographs of Obama’s ring at WND’s request and concluded that the first half of the Shahada is inscribed on it.

“There can be no doubt that someone wearing the inscription ‘There is no god except Allah’ has a very close connection to Islamic beliefs, the Islamic religion and Islamic society to which this statement is so strongly attached,” Gabriel told WND.

This is a list of forum posts created by intomiltech.

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