Obama for President,Too!

Good Indyfella! Do it
no actually 275.000.000 dollers a day is does not seem to be puffed up at all.....You know there is a huge amount of soldiers and equiepment involved. I am certain the number are right and I am certain the number raises every day as well.....you know the cost of oil raises as crazy now on days?

This is one of the main reasons I hope your contry chooses a new direction. War is stupied ........no?

What freedom are you talking a bout Indyfella? Actually Iraq was a "socialist" country where people were allowed to drink and dance and do as they wanted to... I mean any thing than politichal involvement a gainst the Saddam regim.......Now Iraq has been given to Islamic Republic of Iran as a present and the so called Iraqi government loves it as well...exactly as Afghanistan , you know?

So they are not free at all, or are they?

Freedom must be difined by people of Iraq them selves and not by the rest of us whom "think" we can be able to know what is best for them.....just a thought

Obama for President,Too!

Sorry......I tried to copy an HTML which did not work any way laugh
See it your self at:


Obama for President,Too!

Is this not really the main roots a bout any economichal problem America and also the rest of us are suffering from now on days?

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="50" width="145" align="middle" data="http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar/flash/counter_white_bg.swf"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" > <param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" > <param name="movie" value="http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar/flash/counter_white_bg.swf" > <param name="quality" value="high" > <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" ></object ><br />
<br/><br />
<a href="http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar">click here</a> to learn more<br />

A stupied, not necessary and and illegal war based on lies and greed and revenge? I am just wonder........

Obama for President,Too!

Yeah actually the matter of heated discussion in red shows me that my oponent has some how many difficulties convicing othere s a bout what he says
and there for makes me feel I might be more right than my oponent a bout the matter any way
and that gives me a kind of Clam.........

Maybe I am wrong but this is exactly what I feel when I see the red letters.......dancing

Obama for President,Too!

I beleive this Fellow is a terrorist already and a result of a society where there has not been enough of useful efforts making him and others like him to wake up and seeing upon life differently.

It has been exactly like this not many years a go in Europe and in America as well and now the time has changed fortunatily. Honur killings were a part of western world as well you know? Stoning, burning people on fire, beheading people, taking eyes out, cutting them in pieaces in publik places hanging in the public and a lot other horrible things like that!

Sure there is huge need for changes amoung middle eastern countries and it will happen as well lillte by little and for sure but as told before it will happen slowly ....as it slowly happened here in the west as well.

Obama for President,Too!

VIVA TESTOSTERON!!!!!!!!!!! head banger

Obama for President,Too!

The Bushes and oil....na I dont beleive they will ever stop being in the oil business. I have seen a bout that on the net as well..Just search inder Bush...you will see a lot a bout this families deep involvment in oil.

Yeah you said terrorists and I ask what creates terrorism on earht? And I ask are these terrorists human beings or not? Can a human being being talked with or not?

Of course..if they came forward wearing uniforms and so on there be less bloodshed you are right a bout that...but they dont! Exactly because of that we have to find a way to talk with them and listen to what they have to tell? I am sure most of those terrorists are normal human beings like any body else...and any of them have a story to tell Why the became as they are? It is time to hear a bout "WHY"? We can not loose any thing by killings and more killings.

Where were these terrorists before America invaded Iraq? What made Iraq becoming a battle place between them and us?

Maybe you think I have sympaty with those? I have not with their ideology but I have sympaty for all lives no matter what side they are and I am proud of this sympaty in deed!

It is certainly time to hear a bout "WHY"....why the problem a bout terrorism exists at all?

Obama for President,Too!

I bet America would loose big because of the Kamikazes and if not America had dropped atom bombs it would be really difficult winning the war. Japan had a major peoblem a bout fuel for its war planes and so on but they were really brave fighters and absoloutely difficult to defeat I think.

There has been some news a bout the surrender of Japan in News lately and I heard that some people claim that Japaneese when they became aware of the existens of the Atom bomb decided to surrender but the desicion a bout dropping the bombs was already taken by Truman so they were dropped any way.

If these new information a bout how the second world war really ended are right we will both hearing more and if not then I am wrong of course.

RE: Dedicate a Quote to Somebody...

This isn't just about the past, it's about the future. I don't talk about my opposition to the war to say "I told you so."

Guess told by whom !thumbs up

Obama for President,Too!

It is not only Me saying this Indyfella.....But the whole oganisation of intelligence in your own country saying the same thing as well! Read things which not sweets your private point of view as well I suggest then you will know bwtter!

America has responded of course America dida that....but in a too devistated and in a wrong way! Afghanistan was the place you know? Iraq was destroyed because your president thought revenge cause Saddam "Maybe" wanted to assisinate his dad! And because Iraq has the worlds second oild reserves as well......Your president thought" Business" and his business thinking killed people Indy.......
Your president dreamed holding Saddams personal weapon in his hand and he did......he felt as Napeleon Benaparte I am certain but his actions has created hell on earht for all of us! thanks god it is soon over this dark periode in human history..... Really thank god!

American "respons" has killed more than a million at least "A MILLION" every body knows....Enough is enough Even you must think that some times when you have a good day.....no?

Wom made you think human beings are pigs Indyfella?

Obama for President,Too!

Not only one Indy...at least ten more and I bet you a bout that pal! People are not from bushes and trees you know? they have families , friends, collegs....people are not chickens and pigs you understand? People are people ....they are as human beings as you and I ......but of course they are on the other side and that has made us enemies unfortunatily....

They all love some one and some one loves them....when this war kills there will be more people taking a desicion a bout Revenge and some of those they just going a head and killing more!

Do you think when a terrorist is killed then it is over and out? You are absoloutely worng a bout this but that does not surprise me at all.....have been reading a lot from your point of views Indyfella.

Killings ....results in more killings and beside people whom do not care a bout their lives at all when it counts can not be stopped no matter how huge the military machine is! Remember America almost lost the war a gainst the Japaneese because of their Cameecaze pilots? They were easy to "see" and shoot down but this time the matter is much more complicated. Actually the poor Japaneese were promissed negotiations but they were bombed with atom bombs...a true shame the president ordered that massacre of inoncents was a democrat :-(

It is absoloutely difficult to stop those whom have no fear loosing own lives and therfor there is a need a true need for begining to stop the reasons why terrorists becoming terrorists.....it is time to listen even to your own intelligent agencies and accepting that wars has created a lot more terrorism in world and this is why Obama will be the best one strating a new wawe of policy in your country and internationally as well I beleive.

Obama for President,Too!

Oh oak........your earler posts in here told you want McCain and that is also fair with me lady if it was the case.

Hillary ...well I hope the best one win

Tell me a bout her experinces as well or why her abilities are much more needed than Obama,s....I mean travelling around with her hub or sitting and listening to his speaches are those experiences at all? We all listened to his speaches..almost every single of those...are we all more experienced and entitled becoming the next president of America than Obama is? He has also listened to Clintons speaches you know?

Ok she is a woman and that makes some exciting changes in the White house of course and she is a bright woman as well I may say. But ....I hope she looses because No way she can win over McCain and that will be a major defeat for returning of the respect for civil rights of all americans in your country and beside the poor rest of us whom will have to suffor ofr four more years because of an old dude whom has had his life and therefor does not give a damn a bout others lives at all!

Obama for President,Too!

what I mean by writng that is....solving the problems a bout terrorism and fanatism is easier than what the Bushneys telling it is....and not war is necessary. Communication is the key and nothing than the main key solving all that!....My point of meaning any way

I would surely and with no doubt being much omre intelligent or reiable or able or honest and sane than Mr Bush I am sure any way laugh

Obama for President,Too!

Oh my ! I surely would have thte job and I know exactly how to mannage that and creating a real peace raising right from the ashes.......

Obama for President,Too!

Thank you TT for sharing the inoformaiton in here. I appriciate your knowledge and the time you used to reply to my post a bout this matter.

No matter what almost every body is agree a bout the fact that Bush administration has not been good enough taking care of many domestic issues because of the amdinistrations deep involvement a bout the international issues and going much furter than neccesary for spreading his definition of how people in other countries must live and beside that his kind of soloution a bout the solving of the problems regarding Oil. Not agree at all?

Obama for President,Too!


I dont beleive there have been "death trheats" a gainst Ferro and if it has happend it is from some less bright minded, non important people and actually I beleive a lot claims like those or much worse than those will be made from McCain and Clinton supporters in the next hard 6 weeks of the battle to miscredit Mr Obama and his great and admirable abilities as the next president of America.

McCain supporters are aware a bout Clinton by no means will be able to be concidered as a match for that man being the next "Commandor in chief" and therfor they would love to see Clinton winning the nomination and because of this fact McCain supporters and Clinton supporters are "to gether" now!

I am certain... Ferro wants Clinton as the next president and therfor she makes these remarks and I dont care at all if she is right or wrong a bout those!

I am supporting my dream of the next president of the United states and because almost all my life even when I was a little kid I have loved policy , I know a lot Ferro matters and a lot other "attcks" like that will come ....it is a fight but it is also a Game ....It is exactly because of things like that I find policy so exciting! Nothing else can even get close to this much excitement ever I think!

It is exactly like Kung fu this politichal battle! Mastering Kung fu you are aware a bout it is not the matter of physichal surprimicy alone which shaping the out come of the fight.....it is a bout how you use your intelligent to over come your opponent and using your knowledge to make the oponent to surrender and respecting your strength and making your oponent accept that your are much more stronger than him when it counts but you will show that strength only if it is absoloutely neccesary....so he will decide to back off or he will loose.........big!

The matter is the same here some how....McCain is a boxer, Clinton masters Ashihara Karate but Obama masters Kung Fu ...so I am begining to be more calm a bout the out come after all! Unless a catastrophy happens a gain or if all of a sudden they find some body looking like Bin laden and showing his "head" in the news! Or if.....Bushneys success to repair american econmichal problems as a miracle all of a sudden but this "miracle" will be a ......not! as well :-)

Have you seen Chuck Norris verses Bruce Lee in the excellent movie called "Way of the Dragon"? Chuck loosed big because Lee was much more intelligent. I imagined the picture form that great fight when I saw Norris supporting Huckabee dude in his campain...thought like : Chuck dude !you knew you will not be able to win a gainst a Kung Fu master so why didn,t you just back off Man?

Obama for President,Too!

Aha!!!!!!! thats what I am talking a bout man! thumbs up

Obama for President,Too!

No sir...... I beleive what millions of other americans beleive as well a bout why and how come the federal government was too late and too slow helping the good people of Neworleans and Missisipians as well after Katrina!

What I beleive is thet where the most victims were african americans the government of Bush did not care enough and this happened exactly even under his trying becoming the president in the first place! Bush has even admitted that he did not count afraican americans on his way taking over the White house and that dmition came when journalists kept digging about Katrina actually. My ressources? well go take a look by your self .....tons of info a bout that matter on the net I asure you TT!

There are a lot excuses a bout why the help was so late and so little but I dont beleive any kind of those excuses at all TT! If they can move millions of tons of equiepment and hundreds of tousands of troops and billions upon billions of american taxpayers money to regions so far from America and regions which those troops were hated a gainst from the day one they enetered and occupied the regions any way.....they could surely mannage Neworleans very smooth if they wanted to!

No sir....american abilities are much more powerful than that! they could do it better way and they would do it as well if Neworleans was a "white" domnated area with rich people as they do every time there are fire catasrophies in an around LA where the rich ones live!

People are no "Morans" you know TT? People know this stuff and they cant be fooled by explanations far from easy to accept !

And the main question...is it not some how an adminstration whom has destroyed a global fight a gainst global warming , whom partly should be blamed a bout why "Katrinas" happening at all?

Obama for President,Too!

MISISSIPI Goes for Barack Obama as well!And his vicotry will be huge!

Congradulation Misissipi and congradualtion America!

Next stop.....Pensylvania.........

Go Obama go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering cheering applause banana banana banana

Obama for President,Too!

So far wonderful for Obama!

1591 delgates for Obama, and 1467 for Clinton.....29 out of 43 states....to night Misissipi as well?

I certainly hope so......

In a bout 90 miuntes only the results from Misissipi will begin to come......

Another exciting ellection day in deed ....I wish I can stay awake and if not I am looking forward to see the results tommorow.

A terrible horricane devistated New Orleans and because of that...a huge politichal horricane a gainst hatered and indifference and lies and unjustice began when people saw how indiffernet the administration of the white house was to helping people get back to their homes, while the same administration used almost all what America have for stupied wars and stupied destruction of civil rights for billions of human beings around the world and in America as well!

I guess Catherina was the begining toward the end for populism and hatered as the main part of american agenda!

And now poeople want to hope for a better feauter and they will soon get that ......I wish!

go Obama go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! banana

Obama for President,Too!

Really? Idevil

Obama for President,Too!

I know Conrad.....

But I really beleived you are a rich american whom have moved to Swiss because of less taxes and more "private" banks and therefor was so republican.

What do you think a bout "The State Of The World" since Bush/2001?
Every thing runs great or what?

Obama for President,Too!

No suggestions because those whom making desicions a bout those matters dont give a damn a bout my ideas any way....but if I could have any posibility to decide a bout those problems it would be to let the results stay as they are, and dont creating new crisis in this important peridoe of time when any conflicts amoung democrats is just good for the republicans and not others!

Some people say this conflict is a result of pressur from Clinton side because they want people going a way from Obama and are calculating a bout confusions a bout nomination will be the best methode....

Obama for President,Too!

rolling on the floor laughing beer

Obama for President,Too!

You surely do enjoy your self....how ever I never say damn americans or things like that and only critisising some damn american politicians and parising other american politicians instead and thats all!
I beleive it is better that way but your way of having fun if ok with you then just continue this way! It gives me posibility to write my replies any way and I like to write.......

Obama for President,Too!

I see what you mean RW ! dancing

Obama for President,Too!

rolling on the floor laughing

Obama for President,Too!

Gosh RW! It is great you know how exactly to answer people in here!

Obama for President,Too!

thumbs up

Obama for President,Too!

I wish you would!

But a man with your kind of oponions voting for Obama? No way. I dont beleive you at all Indy...you are McCain follower and that will be the man you will vote for. Dont try to make fun of me this way also Indyfella.....

I really wish Obama was able to convince people like you too but some things in life is just impossible!

McCain sweets you much better no matter what you say!

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