SanguinariumSanguinarium Forum Posts (500)


But the Lords of the air or the Fortresses, the Saturni and the Nephilim had minions that survived many of the catastrophic cycles because it was believed that they were engineered by them. The Saturni were allegedly the offspring of their forefathers coming in to the daughters of men as reported in Genesis, Chapter 6. These beings have been known to be the hoarders of earthly resources, territorial, mysterious and predatory. They also seem to be very patient. This “patience of the planners” aspect eventually becomes evident to any sincere researcher, and literally haunts and even taunts with its seductive treachery. It’s beyond us. And that’s the key, they’re not normal. Something very powerful and sinister is driving them. It is evident that what they do and how they react is not human. In fact, their directives seem to be more alien, which makes for a compelling argument that aliens are among us, and they are directing the world leaders towards a more war-like footing because the agenda of these beings has always been the destruction of the common man and the raising the seed of what can be called, “The New Man of Heaven” or Homo Calaestis. There are others that call the infiltration and incarnation of alien and human as Homo Illuminatus.

Fully developed conscious humans wouldn’t plot and scheme for generations to take over the world at any cost to its inhabitants. Most humans inherently trust and positively contribute in conscious, natural ways, endeavoring to pass on to their progeny loving wisdom and a better world. In conspiracy circles, there are always dots that are connected leading to the great conspiracy of a dark order that has all of the secrets about just who is in charge of the planet. There are theories about ‘dark brotherhoods’ who receive their information by channeling the power of demons and there are other investigators that have shown for millennia, mankind has been directed by overlords that can only be compared to extra-terrestrials. We are now at a point in time where we weigh impossibilities and inevitabilities. It seems to be a never-ending paradox. The world, at the moment, seems unreal as we now understand that uncertainty is a certainty and that change can cause great upheavals that can affect us for years or even lifetimes. When H.G. Wells, a Fabian socialist, wrote his books he was revealing in the fictitious accounts what he saw for the future. Everything from wars fought between men, to speculating on the conquering of space to control the Earth from the air, and the final battle between extra-terrestrial beings setting out to colonize the Earth. It is imperative to realize that Wells was very much part of the elite that knew of the structuring of the New World Order and how it would be accomplished. It would be done so using artillery and scientific marvels on land, sea and space.


Synarchism is a term which generally means “joint rule” or “harmonious rule.” Beyond this general definition, both synarchism and synarchy have been used to denote different political processes in various contexts. Increasingly, the terms have been used to denote rule by a secret elite. The Synarchy that may be in power now is part of an alien /human alliance run by an elite priesthood who some have claimed to be the Illuminati. Unfortunately the word Illuminati paints everything with a wide brush and so it is impossible to pinpoint just who may be responsible and who is pulling the strings. If we wanted to be so bold as to identify an alien alliance with the rulers of the world we would not identify it as the Illuminati. We would identify it by its ancient devotion to the God of Fortresses and the Cult of EL. According the Biblical scholar, David Flynn, The God of Fortresses is a God from Mars. The war-like extra-terrestrial God. The Hebrew word for the God of Fortresses is Ala Mahozim. In Hebrew the root word for fortresses is mahoz (MARS) which means the “place of strength” or “stronghold”. According to biblical prophecy, the highly-feared Antichrist pays tribute to this “god” which is the Lord of the Sky and space, Baal. Besides the already established connection with Baal, or his full name in this case, Baalhazor, “Lord of the Fortresses”, there is a curious parallel between this Ala Mahozim and the god Melkart, worshiped in the island kingdom of Tyre. This god was supposedly brought to the island by Astarte after he had fallen from the heavens. His name means, “King of the Fortresses.”

The ‘fallen one’ in the Christian pantheon is the Morning Star or Lucifer. According to religious apocalyptic prophecy, the Antichrist figure will not only acknowledge the “aliens”, or the minions of the “alien god of fortresses”, but he will also control their activities. He will be their “emissary” and spokesman. He will grant them the ability to work in tandem with his new empire and divide up the areas of the earth so that they can have sanctuary and honor. Another good King in the heavens that watch over the fortresses of the air was Saturn. His name anciently was known as EL. The plural term, Elohim, appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘God’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, EL, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanuel, Gabriel, Bethel. It was EL, or Saturn, who eventually was called, Satan. It is believed that even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim. The Saturni and the Nephilim were the “fallen ones” found in the Book of Genesis. Their mission was to create alien human hybrids that would work and live amongst us to create chaos. It has been further maintained throughout ancient history that mankind’s myths, from the Bible to the Popul Vuh, were forged under the triple eye of Saturn, Venus and Mars, as viewed superimposed on one another from the Earth. It’s certainly true the Greeks and Romans identified Saturn (or Kronos) as an infanticidal monster, eating his children.


As for the terrorists, they will keep on being played for pawns as long as Saudi Arabia remains their breeding ground, NATO keeps them in their Gladio positions and America remains the source of their weapons. We will come to point where no one will smell the excrement until their noses are rubbed in it at gunpoint. That might sound extreme to some, and many people won’t see or even feel the effects of the paranoid government trying to confuse you or trying to recruit you into believing that your neighbor is a terrorist. We are people who police each other. We have been programmed into thinking that there is a threat lurking in our neighborhoods and so we must turn in those who are not following the social norm. While there is always the possibility that someone in the neighborhood might be up to no good, the new sport is to turn your neighbor in for something that may or may not be subversive. We have developed this sick need to protect ourselves from an unseen enemy. We are devolving into the attitude that internal security is more important than any violation of human rights. We have the great and terrible fear that our neighbors are not above suspicion and so the innocents must suffer the consequences and terror that comes with a nation that has been programmed into believing in an agreed upon threat. There is a “dirty little psych war” that is going on in the United States. It seems sickeningly anthropophagous when you can see that people are either dying, or are being psychologically harassed at the hands of a paranoid group of individuals that believe in shooting first and asking questions later.

You may or may not see the trend but it is definitely becoming more and more the norm. We base a lot of what we consider entertainment on the pain and suffering of people who do not necessarily agree with us. A healthy case of prevention is always a good thing. However when it gets in the way of your common sense, you can take desperate measures that may not be reversed. The battles we seek are not really battles at all but contrarian countering of people we think have unpopular viewpoints. We see it as an act of defiance to those who we think are irrelevant in the social strata. We are losing our sovereignty to global interests; The “American Dream” is over and globalization is restructuring capitalism. The rich are getting phenomenally richer while the income of the rest of Americans stagnates or falls. Both American plutocrats and oligarchs are fighting to hold on to and increase their wealth and influence during this restructuring. They are succeeding.


With the future technocracy that is planned for the world, the current forms of government will not hold and there will be changes happening which will be uncomfortable and hard to accept. At this moment in history the social structure of our civilization is already changing and there are a few people that see the changes as immoral. The world’s political and financial elite are currently operating in an epoch which features the greatest wealth gap in human history, and in a financial environment which is the most unrestrained in modern times – all controlled by a relatively small tribe of hereditary elites. Obligarchs are citizens who control and command an extensive concentration of wealth, who always happen to be ‘the few.’ Similarly, people who, due to their strategic positions in powerful organizations, have the ability to influence political outcomes are classified by most scholars as economic and political elites. Therefore, the terms oligarchs and elites are often used interchangeably. These individuals can “affect the basic stability of political regimes, the overall arrangements and workings of political institutions, and the key policies of the government.” While acknowledging that a perfect political equality has a particularly idealistic character, and while most Americans are of the delusion that all men and women are created equal the facts are a tough hook to the jaw. The enormous dichotomy in the system’s responsiveness to citizens at different income levels reinforces doubt associated with the presumed liberal democratic character of American society and that the United States, contrary to popular belief, is a liberal oligarchy as opposed to a constitutional republic or even a liberal democracy.

Pulling the kakistocracy card is not paint a flattering description of both the left and right however the left wants to pin the word on the president and his cabinet only… it is fitting for both sides because it appears that never in the history of this country has the government been ruled by the most unscrupulous or unsuitable people. They are corrupt, dishonest and incompetent politicians, regulators and bureaucrats that in their intentional bumbling and fighting are making the world government look enticing for the ignorant who know nothing about history. The idiocracy is being cheered on by the conspiracy spinning narrative pushing the Kremlin conspiracy. What is truly happening is a soft coup that has drawn its influence form a deep state that is hell bent on pushing the United States into chaos. The first casualty of war is truth, the casualty of false flag terrorism is thought. Both are being conjured by the elite to destabilize and destroy sovereign and free governments of the world. Western diplomats, politicians, and media are highly selective about who they call tyrants, evil dictators and degenerates. However, they are caviler in using these terms to describe our current president. Meanwhile, we see that the rich will continue to get richer, the poor will get poorer, the military will get more militaristic, the police state will be implemented to curtail civil unrest America’s endless wars will get more endless, and the idea of truth and thought will be manipulated and accepted through countless propaganda programming from a media that has been influenced by the resistance.


8. Sometime you can be sitting in a restaurant, or at a gathering, and if you would leave your food, drinks, or deserts unattended, a pill or liquid pill stuck to the a freezer or stove where the waiter-assassin at the restaurant was supposed to retrieve it. And when they try to unstick it, the capsule ripps open spreading the chemical within your food, drink, or deserts. Americans should understand that the FBI and the CIA are closely monitoring all Americans in 2017, and they know where you frequent, especially those of you they are taking a special interest in. They may even become friends to people you know, or family members, and at a certain time will give that party something to give to you. You won't suspect anything and will eat or drink it. It can even be clothes. Like we stated earlier, they are using things that can slowly kill you so that you'll never expect where the poison came from. And people are so divided in 2017, that its been very easy for them to take out Americans left and right. But there are those of you who think these things aren't going on, and you are voicing your opinions against them. And while all of those listening to you are becoming diabetics, is developing strange cancers (which is a major CIA way to kill), is dying, or is contracting mysterious sicknesses or diseases, those of you who claim that the CIA isn't interested in ordinary people, or isn't killing people, the death of those listening is on your hands. Thats why its best for us to talk about things we know, and that which we don't know, we should remain silent. But in 2017, noone is listening to anyone anymore. Americans have reached a point in their life where they think they know everything. Blackmen speak to one another while others are talking at the same time, and noone is learning anything! Caucasians are doing the same thing.

The wealthy have done a good job in driving Americans crazy. They know that if you are being bombarded by chaos each and everyday, nearly all day long, you won't have a change to gather up your thoughts. You are like the energizer bunny turned up on full blast, and once the battery weakens, later it will be dead, and you'll have to replace it. Americans are like those bunnies set on high speed. It isn't but a matter of time before your bodies will turn against you moving too fast! The star about to burn itself out! This was the trick of Deep State, the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, many within your local police departments, working for the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Rockefellas, the Du Ponts, and countless so-called royal relatives of theirs living in Massacusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina (the Reynolds family, et cetera), South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, to name a few states, are behind the mass conspiracies in each state within the U.S. They work with freemasons and eastern stars who are within the workplace, who live amongst you in your homes, who know someone you know and influences them, and who makes sure that police back up whatever they do.


4. There is also exploding laptops, cellphones, cigarettes, cigars, et cetera. This was no parlor trick. The FBI and the CIA use to pack cigars and cigarettes with explosives. Now there are chemicals in tobacco products that kill, and the batteries are set to ignite. When you go to any major cellphone and computer store, Hindu Indians, or other foreigners, seek to know your names, phone numbers, et cetera. You must show an identification which tells them everything they need to know about you. They'll get on their computers and will connect with a central system, that can pull up all sorts of things. This information is mostly known to those with the highest positions in the stores. And while they are working on the computer, certain information ties in with federal departments, and thats when your name will be scrutinized by those on the other end. You may tell the store manager that you want a specific type of computer, cell phone, or laptop, but they'll get one from where the things are being stored. You might just buy a device which listens to each and every word you say, anonymously, while tracking you at the same time. You won't know it though because you're only glad to get the device, and as long as it works, thats all many people care about.

5. Another way to kill Americans is by using thallium salt, the chemical in depilatory products, that isn placed in your shoes. The chemical would be absorbed or inhaled, and will cause the facial hair to fall out. An after a time, you'll start experiencing many other problems!

6. Another way to get to you is by using the strongest street drugs. In order to first discredit you, and not kill you, places where you frequent would be bombarded with an aerosol spray containing a substance similar to heroin, crack cocaine, molly, or LSD. This will cause you to freak out in a public place, and people would think you have lost your mind and will stop trusting or listening to you. This act was implemented against many Americans in 2016 and in 2017.

7. Another way to get to you is by cloths teeming with deadly bacteria. The CIA is obsessed with covering Americans in harmful bacteria and toxins.


At this time, many Americans who are taking the fight to the streets against the Police State, the New World Order, and all policies leading up to the New World Order are dying of so-called "mysterious" causes. The New World Order has a fragment of Communism within its global order, and according to historical facts, anytime humans taking on fascist regimes, people die. The CIA have advanced its killing methods and now they can kill while making it appear as natural caucses. In 2017, there have been over 600 ways the FBI, the CIA, and secret military contractors working with the Pentagon, have been able to kill Americans who posed threats to their New World Order agenda. The ObamaCare system was a conspiracy which tied each and every element of the Act into the American infrastructure, that was also tied into the federal government. This partially means that there are many doctors who were tied in with the government that was lying to patient's families after the threats were netralized (dead). A heart attack in 2017, isn't a natural death as many of you have been led to believe. Even when you go to the hospital for something, once your name and date of birth is given, an immediate check is done on you. Its not just an NCIC inquiry either! It also ties into a federal and military database. The treatment you'll receive is based on what they're told about you, and to whether or not treat you professionally. Like when many Pastors, Imams, Rabbis, Gurus, and Sheikhs, were removed by the government prior to someone else being appointed to those places of worship, those who the government sent changed everything about the way people once thought within those religions. The indoctrination changed, people were instructed to be more suspicious of one another, and chaos started taking place in those houses of worship. Police were even called on many occasions to remove Pastors, Imams, Rabbis, Gurus, and Sheikhs, from the mosques, churches, synagogues, temples, et cetera. People are literally being groomed to accept New World Order indoctrinations.

There are multiple ways the FBI and the CIA have been killing Americans, heavily since President Obama took office.

1. Mistresses, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, et cetera, who may be involved with a male who is a threat, accepts deals from the FBI and the CIA, in which they'll feed the men capsules filled with poison. It can also be where men would do the same to women. But from most of the stories on this since 2009, women have out-numbered the men when it can to grave betrayals.

2. Americans must understand that the CIA developed another way to kill which involves dyes within clothes sold at some of the big businesses where mostly women shop daily. These dyes hold a poison within them that takes time to enter the circulatory and respiratory systems, but when they hit, it will kill you slowly. They had to perfect a method where the time it took for their chemicals to hit you, you wouldn't have know where it first happened from. Some clothes and fabrics are lined with spores and bacteria that would give you a skin disease (and maybe worse).

3. Another way of killing Americans is from ballpoint hypodermic syringes. An ordinary-looking pen would be rigged with a hypodermic needle so fine that the American wouldn’t notice when someone bumped into them with the pen, and injected them with an extremely potent poison. Alot of this have been going on in Philadelphia, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. So watch out for those bumping into you, pricking you with these things, and later scratching because it at first itches.


We take for granted that the targets will be Muslim extremists, but even now we know this rarely happens and it is rarely fool proof. When a drone or cruise missile implements an assumed right to take out a life, without a semblance of due process, Big Brother becomes god, and divine intervention at the hands of some privatized security apparatus is implicit. Tens of billions of taxpayer dollars in annual revenues go to corporate contractors servicing the NSA, CIA and other agencies of the military-industrial-surveillance complex. You can also understand that the alphabet agencies can fake intelligence, lie to government leaders and conduct false flag operations and use falsified data to frame you for a crime you didn’t commit. Malicious actors can easily position themselves as heroes by using any data they have against you or your family. They are bold enough to do it to the President-elect, which is similar to biting the bosses hand before he is appointed. No one is above suspicion in the precog police state. So prepare yourselves for a time when police will go out killing humans as they would ducks! Its coming folks, wether you trust it or not, and because you are allowing materialism and prejudices to rule over you, you'll never see it coming! ALSO, KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPENED TO MOTELS IN CONNECTICUT, AND MOTELS NEAR YOU. ALOT IS GOING ON THERE WHICH INVOLVES EXPERIMENTATION SIMILAR TO EXPERIMENTS GOING ON IN THE PRISONS.

DECEMBER 30, 3017


It is important to point out that in 2018 surveillance will not be carried out for the sake of surveillance alone and it is certainly not going to be undertaken for the sake of public safety. It will be used for the actions of full spectrum dominance and total predictive information awareness. The establishment is not just hoping to observe our present behavior in detail. No, they hope to use today’s data to predict our behavior tomorrow, and in 2018, they are extremely close to achieving their goal. Mass surveillance potential by the establishment is not just a threat to people who might be up to no good; it is a threat to everyone. For the ability to predict a population’s behavior makes that population highly controllable. It also promotes self censorship and self policing as big brother monitors your data, and can detect a possible threat namely a thought crime, which would generate a threat assessment on your behalf. If the American people are too afraid to speak their minds, and express what their gut instinct is telling them is right, how can the liberties that the Bill of Rights and Constitution seek to protect exist within society? Many people do not understand the greater implications or uses for full spectrum surveillance in predictive policing and precognitive crime. This is why you sometimes hear the argument that if you aren’t doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide. However, the advancements and upgrades in technology present the problem of big brother’s ability to have artificial clairvoyance and even create artificial telepathy.

The fact that the nothing to hide individuals can now experience a significant chilling effect speaks to how online privacy is much bigger than the mere lawfulness of one’s actions. It’s about a fundamental human right to have control over one’s self-presentation and image, in private, and now, in search histories and metadata. In our world today, it seems as we move closer to a tyrannical globalist empire no matter who is at the helm of our fraudulent government, few can gain redress for injustices inflicted upon them. Government intrusion is becoming the most common injustice forced upon the American citizen. The enforcement of this intrusion is carried out by police forces and soon by United Nation’s troops as many cities across the country are being coerced or blindly accepting what is being called, The Strong Cities Network. Many local governments believe it is for the greater good because of the threats of civil insurrection and possible terrorist events. Predictive policing is another tool to keep you in line. The use of predictive policing is likely now in force in a city near you. Memphis was an early adopter. Cities from Minneapolis to Miami have embraced predictive policing. The term predictive policing, suggests that the police can anticipate a crime and be there to stop it before it happens, and/or apprehend suspects right away. It is allegedly according to authorities, data that provides perfect, error-free input and unbiased processing. The truth is that it is simply spitting out approximations, potential and correlations. It is just a little guessing game where once again the terrorists win, and where everyone is a suspect. So what kind of data will they analyze?


Nationally, African-American women are three to four times more likely than caucasian women to die from pregnancy-related causes, with rates even higher in parts of the US that are considered neglected with worse facilities. Across the US, the number of women who are vulnerable to high-risk deliveries is rising. In addition, doctors rarely warn patients of the potential for serious injuries and complications that can occur following birth. Though laws in many states require doctors to inform women of the potential complications and dangers that can occur during delivery, no such laws require doctors to inform about potential long-term problems following delivery. The corporate news media have paid limited attention to maternal mortality and morbidity in the U.S. The culling of humans in the world has also been a story not being told by the mainstream media and is most certainly a concern as we have always assumed that world resource management would include a higher mortality rate in humans as a means of population control. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), there are nearly 30 million internally displaced people (IDP’s) around the globe who are, essentially, homeless. War is a primary cause. Making war is a conscious decision by politicians and military leaders who rarely consider the destructive consequences for the indigenous population, culture and infrastructure. America’s covert actions in the Syrian civil war and its two invasions of Iraq have contributed significantly to the IDP numbers. Remarkably, as a consequence of US war-making, the Christian cultures of Iraq and Syria have nearly vanished. Americans are told the killing of Christians in the Middle East have been the result of Muslim extremists. The reality is that the technocrats believe there are too many people in the world. A large number of them are a drag on economic performance. Many of them are “old” and blocking opportunities for the young. The culling process has been a covert and clandestine affair. The statistics are blatant and the body count has been made out to be normal, but it is far from normal. It is most certainly an organized effort by world resource managers that know what can be done to slowly decimate a population with plausible deniability.

This leads us to another crisis which has the earmarks of a human culling and that is the opioid addiction crisis ravaging our country. Every candidate, Republican and Democratic, vowed to do something about it once in office, including Donald Trump. “The people that are in trouble, the people that are addicted, we’re going to work with them and try and make them better,” Trump said. “And we will make them better.” As President Trump issued an executive order to establish the Presidential Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, a five-member panel tasked with proposing solutions to the drug epidemic. But the commission missed its first deadline, in June, and its second one, in July, before finally releasing its report in August.


Time is winding down for this New World Order cabal and the families that have implemented it and controlled it worldwide. And those who are involved and initiated into it, via, directly or indirectly, through secret societies, groups, and organizations. Many are in denial, but the writing is on the wall. They have been led to believe that they are special and protected by Satan himself. They are going to find out real soon how little he really thinks of them. Satan, Moloch, Jabulon, Reptilian Overlord, et cetera, hates humans. He/she doesn't care how much of his/her blood in them they have, what they've done for him/her, how hard they have worked for him/her, or how loyal to him/her they have been. It will never be enough because at the end of the day, they are still human and made in the image of their Ancient Ancestors. And when he successfully uses the Galactic Federation, New World Order, or whatever name they use to take over the world, he will attempt to kill and murder ALL humans, eliminating them off this planet completely. And what about the Queen? The matriarch of the NWO and the Rothschilds, and all the other top ranking families? He will kill them too. The entire cabal will be wiped out and eliminated while the new regime (4th Reich) takes over earth. How is that for all your wasted time and effort Satanists? You were used...puppets on a string...useful idiots to be used until no longer needed. And those who think they took the safe route by working for both agendas, the same fate awaits them to. It is not to late right now for any of them to repent of their deeds, and renounce Satan. Whether they are directly or indirectly involved with the Illuminati, or initiated into Satanism, Freemasonry, or any one of their many groups and organizations...the door is still open, but that time is closing fast. Many of them are relying on death bed confessions to escape Hell. Yes, they all know Hell exists and that that's where they're going for serving Satan. They dread death and fear it very much despite the outward appearance of boldness they display to others while they live for Satan. Many of them are relying on the "thief on the cross" story (yes they know the Bible better than most Christians).

However, according to an assessment issued by the European Public Health Alliance, a drug-resistant bacterium that originated in India (the land of devils) in 2014 has since been found in seventy other countries. The World Health Organization has cautioned that antibiotic-resistant superbugs may signal “the end of modern medicine as we know it.” Noting that superbugs “haunt” hospitals and intensive care units around the world, Chan reported that, if current trends continue, “sophisticated interventions,” including organ transplants, joint replacements, cancer chemotherapy, and care of pre-term infants,” will become more difficult or even too dangerous to undertake.” Once again the idea of a mass culling is not beyond serious discussion as many things that were once treatable are now killing human beings. Which leads to another underreported story and that is how these diseases and new diseases are now killing pregnant women all over the country. Each year, more than 65,000 pregnant women in the United States suffer life-threatening complications, including physical and psychological conditions aggravated by pregnancy, and more than 600 die from pregnancy-related causes.


“In 1975 Bill and Hillary Clinton honeymooned on Haiti, meeting Max Beauvoir and attending a ceremony. ‘After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man,’ Bill Clinton recalled.”

Max Beauvoir was not just a voodoo priest; in the UK he has been called voodoo’s “supreme chief”. Since 2008, self-described Satanists have become increasingly became active in America, holding Black Mass in public places, making invocations at city council meetings, setting up satanic holiday displays at city halls, and erecting a statue to Satan in Detroit. There have been after school Satanic programs set up for kids and even Satanic coloring books and video games for the children. The rapid rise in alternative religions is gaining ground all over the world. Experts on witchcraft are gathering under the banner of the United Nations (UN) in Geneva this week for discussions aimed at tackling the phenomenon, which is estimated to kill, maim and otherwise affect thousands of people every year. The gathering will enable UN experts, states, academics and members of civil society to develop a greater understanding of witchcraft, which is believed to be on the increase.

Organizers of the gathering report that ‘In numerous countries around the world, harmful practices related to witchcraft result in serious human rights violations, such as various forms of torture and murder, discrimination and exclusion, including banishment from communities.” ‘The attacks and violations, which frequently target people in vulnerable situations including persons with albinism, are astonishing in their brutality. ‘In addition, there are gaps in applicable legal frameworks and challenges with implementation and enforcement, and far too often perpetrators are not brought to justice. This impunity simply cannot be tolerated.’ The workshop, which will hear from victims of witchcraft and activists working on the issue from various regions of the world, is being held in the margins of the current session of the Human Rights Council. The killing of albino people is particularly prevalent in Tanzania, where one in 1,400 are affected by albinism, according to a 2006 BMC Public Health report. This compares with one in 20,000 in Western countries. In 2015, the UN said that nearly 80 albino Tanzanians had been killed there since 2000. That year, more than 200 witchdoctors and traditional healers were arrested in Tanzania in a crackdown on the murder of albino people. The killings were driven by the belief, which is advanced by some witchdoctors, that the body parts have properties that confer wealth and good luck.


Much of what we can call the mechanism of a celestial event not only interferes with energy forces, but it also creates a familiar symbolic anticipation that connects to past, present and future events that if exposed, will show that humans do respond to celestial events in ways many skeptics will dismiss as coincidence. World events are not simply circumstantial, but the result of an organized campaign by an elite group of unseen and widely unknown world leaders whose movements are mysterious and at most times correlate perfectly with events that happen in the stars. Beliefs in ancient symbolism, secret societal occultism, and ritual magic affect us all, regardless of religious beliefs or practices. Leaders of the world, including religious leaders like the Pope, answer to other philosophies secretly, while outwardly they combine New Age and biblical symbolism to exercise absolute control over the world. While Pope Francis was here in the United States, the opportunity presented itself for the pontiff to speak of new philosophies about how humans treat the Earth, our position in the cosmos, and whether or not we are alone in the universe. The Vatican has reversed its geocentric view and has now opened up the discussion about cosmic brothers, the belief that aliens or extra-terrestrial beings exist, and that we will be having relationship with them in the not too distant future.

During the time of the first tetrad moons, the Pope met with President Obama, Prince Phillip, and Queen Elizabeth. There were photos which were published in the news that showed Pope Francis, Prince Phillip, and the Queen posing next to a curious painting. The artwork depicted what appeared to be human forms, or even extra-terrestrial forms, embracing in a wormhole as the angels were observing the event. The painting is called “Abbraccio Cosmico”, by Camilian Demetrescu. The title of the artwork translated means “Cosmic Embrace.” The painting represents love eternal even amongst the stars in the cosmos. It is definitely depicting a close peaceful relationship between those who live on Earth and their cosmic counterparts. Surrounding the embracing couple, there is a circle within a circle. The circle looks a lot like a wormhole or an open star gate in heaven. There are planets that are swirling round the beings. In the circles within circles and among the planets are four Zodiac signs or symbols. The symbols represent Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries. All four of the blood moons in the tetrad have happened in Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries.


There are also many religious apologists that have said that Pope Francis may be Peter the Roman, the Jesuit or Black Pope, that was fingered in the Prophecy of St. Malachi. This Pope is said to be the last Pope, and that he is to destroy the church entirely. Cardinal Biffi warned that there would be an announcement of environmental catastrophe, and that in order to sustain civilization there would be less talk of saving one’s self through personal virtue but with regulation and centralized planning. He also stated that the elite, whose goodness will not be measured by their own moral behavior, but by the brilliance of their statist schemes, will appoint themselves the saviors of the earth, and through a Marxist, Judeo Christian Islamist alliance, they will propose appeasement with the very forces that will lead to their own destruction. This would all be seen as the rantings of a religious fanatic if it weren’t for the fact that the Pope supports this new agenda, and then whizzed off to where the Twin Towers once stood in New York, to pose with leaders of other churches that also support the global sustainability agenda.

Who doesn’t dream of a world of peace and dignity for all? Everyone does, however, we have all been warned that a New World Order should not be trusted. There are so many things that are in place right now which indicate that the next phase of our religious beliefs will be the inclusion of politics, religion, and science. The stage is being set for the greatest politico-religious revolution that has ever been seen in history. (Note: Refer to the movie, starring actor Chrstian Bale, entitled, Equilibium. This should give you a general idea of whats to come) This will be called the New Dawn, a new age of reason. The hierarchy in the new age of reason will adopt the “Pactum De Singularis Caelum.” This is Latin for “the Covenant Under One Heaven.” It is the attempt to solidify a nationalist dictum providing a solid ecumenical backdrop for a religion, and a pseudo theocracy that is all encompassing and strong. Global spirituality and global sustainability is the new agenda of unity despite diversity. “All things are One,” and “As above, so below. And no external God. God is man, God is Earth, and God is nature.” All is God. The oligarchy believes their undertakings have been favored by God. Not a living God, but a dead, replaceable one. The Pope even met with President Obama. The timing of his visit coincided with celestial events that are part of a great convergence which happened during that week, which was set aside for the observance of world peace. It is also in the year that has been called the Year of Light. Both declarations have been made by the United Nations. 2015 have been the year of celestial events, from fireballs in the sky, to increase UFO activity which included what appeared to be flying humans in the sky. Mankind was forced to look up again on September 27th 2015, when the fourth and final lunar eclipse in the lunar tetrad took place. The first three eclipses of the tetrad took place on April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014 and on April 4, 2015. This is known as the “Blood Moon”, and it has established apocalyptic significance in some religious circles.


“The dramatic reality this whole situation of exclusion and inequality, with its evident effects, has led me, in union with the entire Christian people and many others, to take stock of my grave responsibility in this regard and to speak out, together with all those who are seeking urgently-needed and effective solutions. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the World Summit, which opens today, is an important sign of hope. I am similarly confident that the Paris Conference on Climatic Change will secure fundamental and effective agreements.”...Pope Francis. Even back in February of 2015, when speaking about the plan for this worldwide umbrella, Christiana Figueres stated that:

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history…This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” It is well known that deep within humans, we all long for a better world. But do we really want this ecumenical Babylon provided by the technocracy to govern us? You may look at their plan of freedom, liberty, eliminating poverty and hunger, and encouraging a greener sustainable planet, and ask what is the problem with that? The problem is that the elite have never really developed the need for handing more power and freedom over to anyone. They see the idea of handing freedom over to the people as a means to an end. To them, giving people freedom and liberty is dangerous because the technocracy has made it quite clear that they believe it hurts the environment, creates climate change, and causes societal chaos. We were warned that climate chaos was in our immediate future, and that the mandate for population control, reproductive restrictions, land confiscation, and the redistribution of wealth, would be part of the new model of government in the New World Order. This will involve Russia, China, and the United States as forces to manipuate humans all across the globe!

The 2030 agenda will be implemented to tightly regulate and control what everyone is thinking, saying, and doing. It will mean more central planning by world religions and governments, and governing more power for them and less power to you. When the Pope spoke, there were plenty of people willing to sell their souls. From the planned gate crashing and kissing of the little immigrant girl, to the meeting at where the Twin Towers once stood in New York, with spiritual leaders of all faiths, we are beginning to understand how all of this pomp and circumstance is the grooming process for something that will degenerate into a greater form of tyranny.Humans are being sold the same lies that have been sold to people for thousands of years. Back in 2007, the arch conservative Cardinal, Giacomo Biffi, the archbishop of Bologna, warned that the Antichrist may already be among us, but he will not seem evil to many. Rather, this fascinating personality (fascinating in the sense of mesmerizing) may be seen by many as a great humanitarian because of his support for things like vegetarianism, pacifism, and the protection of the environment. Biffi was referring to a Pontiff that would occupy the throne after John Paul II.


Many Hindu Indians, Pakistanis, arabs, and pale Egyptians, to name a few, have verbally admitted how they love the United Nations, and its views about humans. Hindu Indians claim that they are aliens from a six star constallation, and most countries surrounding India bare the bloodlines of the Hindus. So they are protected. They agree and belive that humans must be exterminated, and those poor and weak should have what little wealth they got tooken away through manipulation, and then they should be shunned and cast out of society. They say the New World Order speaks for them, and what the United Nations is doing will make it happen sooner than later. According to the United Nations website, which reads: “Agenda 2030 aims high, seeking to put people at the centre of development; foster human well-being, prosperity, peace, and justice on a healthy planet, and pursue respect for the human rights of all people and gender equality.”

It all sounds so pleasant and non-threatening. The 2030 Agenda also has its preamble and its objective which reads: “This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty, want, and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal agenda.”

It’s a universal agenda that people of all faiths and political beliefs must adhere to. And the most important thing is that you have no choice. This agenda is now the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order. The planners are now using the euphemism Sustainable development a term that I always said was the real reason for all of the worry about Global Warming and Climate Change. The environment is now a perfect vehicle for the Catholic Church, and other denominations, to use for bringing in their version of Utopia. Most of the religions of the world will support the sustainability movement, or the global warming cult, because just about every possible form of human activity affects the environment in some way. The 2030 agenda will be ratified in order to centrally plan and strictly regulate virtually everything that we do, and we will be told that it is necessary in order to save the planet. President Putin, President Trump, and countless other global leaders, will put aside their differences and shall work towards this New World Order. Pope Francis has spoken! Christiana Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, tweeted a huge thank you to Pope Francis for supporting this agenda. She also posted an excerpt of that speech which she appreciated the most, which reads:


Book bags have been randomly searched, lunch boxes held in the principals office, and children told to go home and change their clothes because they are wearing subversive messages on them. This is America? Conditioning at its highest form. Sending the message that Children have no human rights. That they are controlled and forced into learning about a non-conformist global utopia. They are subject to unconstitutional searches and seizures that are called necessary evils because of a manufactured epidemic of "in school" terrorism that is blamed on students that cannot think for themselves. Products of the new outcome based education. This is the outcome. Frightened, paranoid, and sometimes violent children. Then there are the words and actions of people who are the self appointed examples of Children. Spike Lee said recently that "Charleton Heston should be shot, because of his pro gun stand. The same Spike Lee directed a film about the Son of Sam Murders.
Rosie O'Donnell attacked Tom Sellek, on television, for being in the NRA. She is the spokesperson for K-mart, a company that sells guns. Bill Clinton stated in a press conference after the shootings in Littleton, that young people need to talk out their problems and not give in to the temptations of using guns and bombs. During that time America was heavily bombing Yugoslavia. And in 2017, Philadelphia's Boule Society Members, along with other Illuminated Ones, are using children and guns to crush Americans rights to bear them!

The message is clear to the youth of the world. Cause-effect, event-reaction, quick fix, termination, either of others or of self.
If the control mechanisms are not enough children are becoming clouded with the use of Drugs to keep them in line. Many will point to marijuana and cocaine use, but those drugs are old scapegoats. Arguably those drugs may play into the picture, but as we are seeing with many of the violent uprisings many of these children are drugged up on psychotropic drugs prescribed by doctors to make them stable. Drugs they are told to take, because parents, teachers, and doctors say they are necessary.

There seems to be, in the generations to come, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude. This will produce a dictatorship without tears. It will be in a sense a painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties stripped from them. They will enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel. It will be used in tandem with propaganda, brainwashing, and brainwashing with drugs. He declared that these will be the silent weapons in the final revolution. Ritalin makes overactive kids more manageable and obedient. However, in some cases Ritalin can induce mania and psychotic episodes, including hallucinations that subside upon discontinuation of the drug. While doctor prescribed Ritalin use has increased since 1990, many kids are using it as a way to get high. Ritalin is also popular on the Rave scene and research shows that its effects on the brain are comparable to that of cocaine, which can also trigger violence in some cases. In some colleges, kids grind up Ritalin into a powder and snort it like Cocaine.


Not long ago, on Sesame Street, you would never hear the word paranoia, Mr. Rogers doesn't have a song about rational suspicion or rational fear. How can a child survive in a world where every major government has a secret agenda, and resorts to dirty tricks to get their way? The answer is another word that children never hear but they will have to succumb to it for survival. Conformity. The elitist system is out of control in the United States. A rigid control system that takes away the fundamental principle of choice. People believe that they are powerless to combat influences that bombard them everyday on television, radio, and in print. But you do have a choice not to watch or listen, or read. Freedom of choice is almost non existent because people rely on the newest technologies, and media to make their decisions for them. The bottom line is you still have a choice in this country, soon however through a unique conditioning process, the choice factors will slowly slip away. There will be those who will fight to keep their fundamental freedoms, but lately the American way is becoming the way of fear and limited privileges. Clipping articles that show injustices being carried out is not enough anymore. Watching CNN or FoxNews, and seeing the horrors of the world and not speaking out against them, will only signify that you don't care. That's fine. Its your conscience. There are plenty of other things more important than the future. Think about all of the things you don't care about. Think of all the things you take for granted. Think of all the things you neglect. These are the very things that are most vulnerable. Think of a newborn baby that is born into a home of irresponsible parents. It comes into this world and already the cards are stacked against it. It is already born into an environment of apathy and non-acceptance. It is thrown into an environment that already has its control mechanisms in place. Placed into a maze like a lab rat. The child doesn't realize that the experiment it has been thrust into has what appears to be a pre-determined outcome. The child is prevented from understanding his situation and without parental guidance and love he does not see the controls that can dictate his actions. So he imitates his friends, and what he believes is reality that is performed in front of him every day. Not all children are born into this situation, but no child is immune from feeling alienated even with the kindest of parents. Lack of money and an acceptable lifestyle have forced even the most well intentioned parents into getting two or three jobs destroying the family.


It will only be a matter of time when your thoughts and actions that you thought were harmless will be legislated. It will be in the not too distant future that you will be held under suspicion for your unconventional viewpoints. The majority will decide what is to be believed and disbelieved. If you think openly you will be held up for scrutiny. One of the most hypocritical human beings to surface at the turn of the millennium is the ever-faithful cult watcher. These defenders of the faith are very meticulous in warning us of the strange religious rituals that they witness that aren't typical "Christian" rituals that everyone should be privy to. They suffer from "Gladys Kravitz" syndrome. The nosy neighbor on the television show, Bewitched, was always watching the peculiar witch next store, and was always willing to start a witch hunt of her own. It seems that these latter day Gladys Kravitz types are worried about people who have not found the right Jesus. They believe that if you aren't speaking gibberish in tongues, jumping up and down on one leg, praying to a cross, or waving your hand to the angels, you must be on your way to rendezvous with the mother ship. A recent story in Corona California makes you wonder where one should draw the line.

A family of six made the big mistake of telling their neighbors that they were leaving earth. The Associated Press reported that a neighbor worried about their safety because they were all sitting in their front room staring at their belongings that were piled on the floor waiting to be beamed up. The neighbor told police that the family had made doomsday predictions, believing the end of the world was coming. The family was taken to the Riverside Emergency Treatment Services facility, for a 72-hour psychiatric observation and evaluation. The case also was referred to Child Protective Services. When we hear stories such as these we always wonder what belief system the neighbor had. What religious beliefs the neighbor practiced. Roughly 40 percent of mainstream Christians believe in a little something known as the Rapture. The Rapture is the belief that before the end of the world, Christ will beam up believers so that they will never taste death. It is by all interpretations, a mass evacuation of the planet conducted by who many term, God. Once again the notion that all perfect beings will be taken into heaven, and all imperfect beings will face the tribulation for their non-belief in Christ. When nosy neighbors begin to report people who are practicing their religious freedom, one has to stop and ask what kind of crime has been committed?

The idea of a mass evacuation of Earth is also preached by Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, John Walvoord, and Jack Van Impe. These freemasons aren't sitting in a Psyche ward waiting for the results of their evaluations. So the question is why are freemasons causing so much chaos in America, whether they be Boule Society affiliates, Scottish-rites, York-rites, or the Kngihts of Columbus?


We are being turned on to the idea that the American neighborhood is now the neighborhood of Phantoms. If the news is any indicator, a dark cloud of mistrust is finding it's way into neighborhoods making it a crime to even appear to be out of the ordinary. The reason the paranoia is becoming more prevalent is that we have become isolated, and in reality most of us do not even speak with our neighbors. So we have become a community of strangers. Strangers become suspicious of each other and eventually someone who may be different always ends up being pushed out of the area. If they do not go quietly, it is easy and convenient to call upon a group who can force them out.

In Cave Junction, Oregon, a man was awakened by his 9-year-old who was upset because some men in black were at the door with machine guns. Clyde Highbarger rubbed his eyes and realized that he and his family were the target of police terror. Highbarger and his wife, Ruth, were handcuffed by a number of federal agents, and state police wearing black combat-style uniforms, helmets and visors. Their children, of course, were standing there terrified and freezing in the cold air as their home was being searched an ransacked by agents who were tipped off that there were drugs in the house. Mrs. Highbarger was holding their 2 year old daughter Madeline, when she was ordered out of bed at gunpoint, and told to keep her hands up. As Mrs. Highbarger headed for the front door, baby in her arms, an officer aimed a semiautomatic handgun at her. The agents found no drugs, but what they did find was a number of pamphlets on survival, and what they determined were anti-government propaganda. Luckily the family escaped with their lives, even though most people are not that lucky anymore.

We are people who police each other. We have been programmed into thinking that there is a threat lurking in our neighborhoods, and so we must turn in those who are not following the social norm. While there is always the possibility that someone in the neighborhood might be up to no good, the new sport is to turn your neighbor in for something that may or may not be subversive. We have developed this sick need to protect ourselves from an unseen enemy. We are devolving into the attitude that internal security is more important than any violation of human rights. We have the great and terrible fear that our neighbors are not above suspicion and so the innocents must suffer the consequences and terror that comes with a nation that has been programmed into believing in an agreed upon threat. There is a dirty little psyche war that is going on in the United States. It seems sickeningly anthropophagous when you can see that people are either dying, or are being psychologically harassed at the hands of a paranoid group of individuals that believe in shooting first, and asking questions later. You may or may not see the trend, but it is definitely becoming more and more the norm. We base a lot of what we consider entertainment on the pain and suffering of people who do not necessarily agree with us. It is as if the new course that has been set for our future is the removal of all "imperfect" human beings. The horrific part is that when you are in the crosshairs there will be no one that will pull you out of harms way unless we wake up and realize that we are outnumbered.


Its a known fact that when truth speakers and whistle blowers speak or post information on the internet, parties with serious debt is made deals with by their local governments. Others who are poverty stricken is used as informants, or lying informants, and is later rewarded with housing, or rent payments. Beware of the stranger who walks up to you for no apparent reason and starts a conversation about the evils of the government. Many of them are acting as double agents, or civilian double agents, in an attempt to get information from you. Some just want you to speak a word, and is being watched by police or others, for the sole purpose of saying that you had a conversation with them. The officer(s) or federal agent(s) will state that they swear on their shields that you were communicating with so and so. Even stores are involved in the conspiracies, and will price gauge on those being monitored closely. Store price gauging has become a trend in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Yet, those who employ them as informants, lying informants, or provocative agitators, overlook their illegal activities.

Many people fear that some dark presence is in their midst and they can't pinpoint exactly where it comes from. So, everything is suspect and the goose bumps and nail biting have become business as usual in the apocalypse. Also, many people assume that there is a crime taking place because we are programmed by the media, religious groups, and certain watchdog groups, to be suspicious of people who dress differently, who have a different skin color, who listen to certain types of music, and whose belief systems are unconventional. This type of fear that has been engineered by these groups is reminiscent of the Satanic Panic that existed in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's. There is evidence that does show that crimes do happen. The body count is the evidence. However, we have become myopic in our way of dealing with such crimes and have resorted to blaming, and in some cases, have created a rigid prophylactic stance thinking that it will prevent or deter potential crimes. The enemy in some cases is the next door neighbor. You don't know him/her, and so you must always hold him in suspicion. He hasn't done anything bad to you, but he could. He hasn't said anything abusive or cruel to you but he would. He may look like Mr. Rogers, but he could be a John Wayne Gacy. The Movie Arlington Road was a film that stands out as the modern day parable that admonishes you to re-evaluate the relationship you have with your neighbors. It digs up the bones of events like the Oklahoma City Bombing, and many other organized terrors that make the front page and shakes you into a vague paranoia about the status of the American domestic terrorism.


On December 27, 2017, a bombshell was unleashed by Pakistanis, Arabs, and pale Egyptians. It was revealed by a few foreigners speaking amongst themselves that the FBI has been using foreign muslims to commit acts of terror in America. Once they are tried and convicted in strange courts, many of them are financially set in remote locations where they are spending the rest of their lives in luxury. They aren't being sent to prisons as the lying local and national news medias want you to believe. Other foregn muslims are saying that their roles involve stirring up strife between the black and caucasian races. The plan is to cause an internal race or civil war in America, and after black and caucasians have killed each other, and lowering their numbers, all foreign muslims will attack, no matter how much they've proved to both black and caucasian Americans in 2017, that they are totally trustworthy. Pakistani muslims also claim that the federal government pretty much have removed all Imams from mosques across the U.S., and have planted secret agent Imams trained by the federal government in their places. One Arab even swore that within the past 8 years the same have been done to christian churches. Many Pastors and Ministers, within the past 8 years, were removed from their roles in churches, and parties from other parts of the country came in as the new Pastors and Ministers. Unfortunately, if we reveal the names of mosques in Connecticut, where all of this information was received, the feds will clean up their mess. They will never be able to kill this truth because there are Arabs, Pakistani, pale Egyptians, et cetera, who have been recording this information. Its suppose to be some sort of insurance policy. Many black muslims claim that they have knowledge of this and have been moving out of Connecticut, down to either Georgia, or Tenneesee. Something is about to happen in Connecticut within the next 12 months, and according to reliable sources, residents will never see whats coming.

Americans must understand that corrupt police in Connecticut have been working with Companies like AT&T and Verizon Wireless, while targeting Americans who are no threat all. One cop said that they are targeting anyone who reveals what goes on in cities all across the state. They are also working with the federal government, and at times, the military. While speaking with an AT&T operative today, it was revealed that police are saying that the targeted Americans are either being secretly investigated, or is persons of interest, just to get into their account and intercept the master signal. Once they've got your signal, no matter where you go they'll monitor you everytime your phone is turned on. They will drive down a street one or two blocks from you just so they can get a better signal. Pakistani even said that many blacks in New Haven and Bridgeport, Connecticut are killing each other so due to police manipulation and instigations. Some people have even claimed that they know federal agents they've tooken photos of, and then conducted background checks on them, who have took personal part in turning people against themselves. Things is getting so bad in Connecticut that people are moving to other states in droves. Very wealthy caucasians is saying good riddance to the black people because they wasn't planning on sharing any of their wealth anyway. Arabs, Pakistani, and pale Egyptian, to name a few, detest President Trump, and he'll be responsible for what happens to America. They claim that Trump won't be able to stop what they have planned, and some even say that there are agencies within the federal government who supports the foreign muslims, and might just be the co-conspirators.


The Change We Have Coming....where humans are soul scalped, eaten, and ruled by "Aliens" i.e. Satan's Fallen Angels...and it won't be hidden anymore! With Obama it will all come out in the open!

Welcome to Hell on Earth...

Welcome to the New Age and New World Order...


CNN has become a cheerleader for Maitreya. They have been advertising Maitreya as a World Teacher during commercials during Larry King Live and on their Headline News channel are now offering a 800# to call to learn about Maitreya....Share International is also once again, promoting his arrivalival I have warned that this is the year for HELL ON EARTH.

Maitreya is the Rider of the Black Horse (brings famine when he arrives and is a candidate as the Antichrist). Do NOT be deceived by him folks!! HE IS NOT JESUS, He is a deceiver and a liar. Those coming with him are also liars and deceivers.

There is no such thing as "friendly aliens" coming to earth to help mankind. They are coming as prophesied in the Book of Revelation to DECEIVE AND DESTROY just as their leader Satan does!

Wake up People!!

And Benny Hinn will help coordinate Satan's arrival to earth as "Jesus",

President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to
impose a Marxist dictatorship.

"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one
who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of
Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just
trying to bring attention to the fact that we may or may not, I hope
not _ but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of
radical socialism or Marxism."

Watch The Video:


- Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception and her leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Is. 47:12)

- Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Is. 47:9)

-Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of end time nations (Jer. 50:12)

-Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN nation (Jer. 50:12)

-Babylon has a mother (England) nation that remains in existance from her birth to death (Jer. 50:12)

-the mother of Babylon has the symbol of the Lion (Dan. 7:4, Jer. 51:38) - England

-Babylon is called a lady and has the symbol of a lady (Is. 47:7-9) Statue of Liberty...she would also have the symbol of an eagle (Dan. 7:4, Is. 14:13-14, Jer. 51:53).

Famous Freemasons Exposed -

Babylon becomes the home of all Antichrist religions in the world (Rev. 18:2)

-Babylon's Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy AND SALVATION (Jer. 50:6)

-The people of Babylon would think they are God's elect and eternal ((Is. 47:7-8, Rev. 18:7)

-Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev. 18:2)

-Babylon sets up detention centers for Jews and Christians (FEMA camps) and rounds them up for extermination. Babylon slays millions of their own people (Jer. 50:7, 51:35, Rev. 17:6, 18:24, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 13:7).

-The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (New World Order) Rev. 17:8 and would become the center of a global economic order (Rev. 13:16).

And the snakes in the churches tell you America isn't mentioned in the Bible? Get out of the snakes was prophesied...."Babylon's Christians leaders are "STRANGERS" in the Lord's Houses of Worship (Jer. 51:51). HE DOESN'T KNOW THEM!!!"

Don't walk....RUN away from the Mega-Churches of today!

Big snake....little snake...if your church is celebrating Christmas as "Jesus birthday" and Easter bunnies...ten RUN you're NOT in a "house of worship" that was established by the Son of Yahuwa and His Apostles!


The 2nd Sun

Are there really two suns? If there are, why are they trying to hide the 2nd sun with chemtrails, extreme clouding, and even volcanic ash? You will be amazed to find out what this second sun is and why they are in such a panic about it!

How To Kill A Zombie

The H1N1 Vaccine is causing Zombie outbreaks. So will the other vaccines that are being forced onto the population. Learn how to Protect yourself against Zombies. Having a huge outbreak of Zombie's in America isn't an "if" but a "when"!

Orgone Water Blasting!

Burn and Destroy Aliens and the coming Giants with Orgone charged water. You won't need a super-sized rifle you can't handle or that will run out of bullets...Orgoned Water will DESTROY them! Be Prepared to Protect Yourself!

Chemtrails, Plagues, Alien assaults on Mankind...they are working in cahoots with our government to destroy and conquer earth....

Learn how to protect yourselves...

They Sell Their Souls for Fame and Fortune

American Idol and its Illuminati Connection

The Music Industry Exposed Part 1

Katy Perry Admits She Sold her Soul to the Devil

Kay Perry Reptilian Shapeshifter - watch her pupils...instead of snake slit eyes her pupils look like triangles..

Bob Dylan Admits He Sold his Soul to the Devil

Kanye West Admits He Sold His Soul to the Devil

Jay-Z Admits He Worships the Devil

If you want to become a Star in the Music Business then you must Sell your Soul to the Devil and Represent him.....Is it really worth it? These are just a hand full of those in the business who have aligned with Satan for fortune and fame. In fact to make it to the top there are NO exceptions!

What's with all their Hand Signs? They "Represent" via Hand Signals

Illuminati - Music Industry and why Michael Jackson was killed

Jonas Brothers Subliminal messages

Music Industry Blood Money Part 1 of 3

Breaking the Oath in the Industry - You Break it, You Die, Such as Tupac...

Blood Sacrifice for Fame - Was Kanye West behind his mother's death? Was the American Idol Star Jennifer Hudson behind her mother's death?

Once you realize what and what controls Hollywood and the Music Industry you'll never look at it the same again. Remember folks there are NO Exceptions to the rules, these people sell their souls to the Devil, they even offer "blood sacrifices" of their own family members for fortune and fame.


Truth Revealed in a Non-Official Format - The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency

From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA),, also known as "the Vanguard," was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe.

After 1975 the Agency went "underground" and still exists to this day under a different name.

Russian Sniper Gets Attacked by Zombies - This is NOT a clip from a video game, the cape the soldier is wearing is a common part of the uniform for snipers/assassins.

Powerful Message To All Humans: On November 8, 2010, Barack Obama was incarnated by the Egiptian Sun God Amun Ra, during an occult ritual at a cave in India.


The X-Files | Video Trailer | Fatal Infection |


Colonization - 2012

December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan Calendar was the date of THE FINAL ALIEN INVASION AND THE BEGINNING TO A GREAT END

Obama Admits He's a Muslim -

Pay Attention folks because his destiny was to destroy America and conquer Earth for the Islam beast! There's many videos proclaiming Obama's Muslim faith and heritage, and many claiming he's not a Muslim. They just want to keep you from knowing what the real truth is and the REAL TRUTH that they can't hide from the Bible Codes is that he IS a Muslim and not a Christian! That HE IS and Already IS destroying America and "conquering earth for Islam". We haven't seen anything yet of what he's doing behind the scenes already and going to enforce in the future!

Food - The Ultimate Secret

Killing us through our food Planned Bio War Against Mankind through the foods we eat and the water we drink! Planned and Engineered Genocide! Stop Eating food from Corporations!

Dead Cow Carcasses "Resurrected" To Produce Cloned Beef

We already know that cloned beef has entered the food supply both in the United States and the UK . Now, thanks to revelations from JR Simplot, a U.S. company specializing in the cloning of cows for beef production, we're learning that dead cows are cloned to produce the next generation of beef cattle.


Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy

The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.

They don't want you fighting back against them and their Alien-Satanic takeover of the world they're dumbing you down and taking your energy and health away!

Satan's Seedline Pt1 Aliens, Reptilians, Hybrid, Nephilim

See also


Artificial Intelligence Life Forms

Nano tech robotoids, also known as Artificial Intelligence or alien robots...they have human-alien-animal features but are machines, operated via nano tech. Notice the human arms and legs on the first picture. They harvest human body parts to put on these robot/machine/aliens. Also known as Artificial Intelligent (AI) forms or beings. This AI faction destroys everyone in its path whether human or alien, whether good or bad. Some refer to them as "synthetic evil." No one seems to know exactly 'who' controls them as they've been responsible for destroying other worlds inhabited by fallen angels, i.e. 'aliens'. These have now taken form on earth.

Another AI type of Alien

The creature featured in "Alien" the movie...actually exists.

This kind of AI life forms live almost as 'bee' hives do...they have the Queen and the others serve as the foot soldiers. Just as Hollywood has tried to inform people via their alien movies. There is a base of these kinds of beings just off the California coast. Dianne Fienstein who proposses to take away human guns serve them.

Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.


Halliburton Confirms US Concentration Camps Ready to Detain up to 2 Million “Terrorists”

Map of New Madrid Rift Zone - Are you in dangers way?

U.S. Foreign Trade Zones or Chinese GREEN ZONES on U.S. Soil! -Our government is granting whole areas to be claimed by the Chinese to build their own cities on our soil where Americans will be forbidden! Still don't think the U.S. gave China Eminant Domain? It's WAR on America without firing a single shot! Our government is submitting to the Chinese! This is a list of the Green Zones per state!

Look! Real humans singing! No lizard slit eyes revealing a complete lizard soul scalping! Just real human beings! Getting rare in our world today amongst the Hollywood, Music, Political and even Religious realms!

Flying Without Wings -

The Coming Zombie Pandemic!


Time is winding down for this New World Order cabal and the families that have implemented it and controlled it worldwide. And those who are involved and initiated into it, via, directly or indirectly, through secret societies, groups, and organizations. Many are in denial, but the writing is on the wall. They have been led to believe that they are special and protected by Satan himself. They are going to find out real soon how little he really thinks of them. Satan, Moloch, Jabulon, Reptilian Overlord, et cetera, hates humans. He/she doesn't care how much of his/her blood in them they have, what they've done for him/her, how hard they have worked for him/her, or how loyal to him/her they have been. It will never be enough because at the end of the day, they are still human and made in the image of their Ancient Ancestors. And when he successfully uses the Galactic Federation, New World Order, or whatever name they use to take over the world, he will attempt to kill and murder ALL humans, eliminating them off this planet completely. And what about the Queen? The matriarch of the NWO and the Rothschilds, and all the other top ranking families? He will kill them too. The entire cabal will be wiped out and eliminated while the new regime (4th Reich) takes over earth. How is that for all your wasted time and effort Satanists? You were used...puppets on a string...useful idiots to be used until no longer needed. And those who think they took the safe route by working for both agendas, the same fate awaits them to. It is not to late right now for any of them to repent of their deeds, and renounce Satan. Whether they are directly or indirectly involved with the Illuminati, or initiated into Satanism, Freemasonry, or any one of their many groups and organizations...the door is still open, but that time is closing fast.
Many of them are relying on death bed confessions to escape Hell. Yes, they all know Hell exists and that that's where they're going for serving Satan. They dread death and fear it very much despite the outward appearance of boldness they display to others while they live for Satan. Many of them are relying on the "thief on the cross" story (yes they know the Bible better than most Christians).

Watch out for DRACO - MIT Scientist Develops Vaccine To "Cure All Viral Diseases"


Draco Death vaccines, causes cellular murder.. Is this the zombie virus.. DO NOT GET ANY VACCINES ESPECIALLY THIS ONE.. PLEASE WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO YOU WILL BE HORRIFIED!!

They are going to create another "revitalized H1N1" prepared folks but not with their vaccines!! They create flu pandemics to scare the public into getting the 'solution' which is more chemicals and nano-tech based vaccines for you to put in your body so they can change and even harm your DNA. They're using vaccines to pump hundreds of tiny chips into your body, to fuse into your tissues and cells that slowly turn you into robotic zombies!! Don't listen to them folks!!



Our government has sold itself to its people as a force for good; however, now we are being forced into a new political radicalism on that can be called a New Order. This is leading to a generalized feeling of stress and anxiety. Intellectual resilience and emotional coping is falling victim to despair, powerlessness and hopelessness. These are the emotions that tend to keep us from confronting reality. Our over-reactions to most scare stories we are hearing about in the mainstream are making an already bad situation much worse. All of our responses seem to be hardening the resolve of those who wish to continue their radicalism and they are also strengthening the groups we wish to eradicate. The blowback resulting from the propaganda telling you there is no hope is psychologically destructive and it is leading to an angry populace which is on the brink of serious revolt. The growing frustration of feeling powerless, leads individuals to lash out violently. This of course hardens the resolve of the Police State where most Americans are finding their once-peaceful communities being transformed into military outposts. We’ve seen the same pattern unfold abroad, as the CIA and its secondary organizations undertook regime change operations in countries throughout the world. Remember the color revolutions? Or look at what happened in Ukraine, where the elected president was driven out of office by a CIA-bought-and-paid-for mob. It looks as if they hope to replicate their Ukrainian success in the United States. It isn’t really all that hard to express how this is most definitely a deadly threat to the Constitution, the rule of law, and everything we stand for as a nation. If left unchecked, 2018 will be the year of more attempted coups, counter-coups, and a political police answerable to no one.

DECEMBER 24, 2017


The drills and operations were based on multi-emergency scenarios operating both abroad and at home. In the combined exercise, Rex-84 Bravo, FEMA and DOD led the other federal agencies and departments, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secret Service, the Treasury, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Veterans Administration through a gaming exercise to test military assistance in civil defense. In 2010, the Department of Defense prepared a document called, Internment and Resettlement Operations. The document painstakingly describes interrogation processes, food preparation, the transport and care of detainees into resettlement areas and camps like what was detailed in REX 84 Alpha. Now, there is a move being proposed that the President is considering creating his own national security private police force that will be employed to investigate seditious Deep State operatives that are trying to destabilize our government. The President is now courting the likes of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, ex-CIA officer John R. Maguire, and Iran-Contra figure Oliver North in a bid to create his own private version of the Central Intelligence Agency. A proposal has been submitted to the current CIA boss, Mike Pompeo. Their proposal is to create a private global network of expendable spies that would report directly to Trump and Pompeo, and Pompeo wants Trump to approve the contract. The intercept reports that the Amyntor Group, Maguire’s employer, is a potential organizer of the new private spy network. The creation of such a program raises the possibility that the effort would be used to create an intelligence apparatus which would enforce Trump’s political policies.

The proposals would utilize an army of spies with no official cover in several countries deemed “denied areas” for current American intelligence personnel, including North Korea and Iran. The White House has also considered creating a new global rendition unit meant to capture terrorist suspects around the world, as well as a propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to combat Islamic extremism and Iran. Once again, organizing something like this would mean the President would have a private spy network that could easily set up Black Sites anywhere in the world including the United States. Also, Black Sites were mentioned in the 2010 Department of Defense document Internment and Resettlement operations. There have been independent reports that there are now Black sites set up in Chicago that now appear to not only use American agents to detain and in some cases torture their captives, but that the United Nations is also involved in this project. Black Sites are here people would go to disappear for awhile. People who are arrested and taken to the site are subjected to extreme treatment, denied basic liberties including the right to an attorney. Black Sites appeared on the Radar in 2015 and their purpose is outlined in provisions found in the National Defense Authorization Act. Last week the Chicago Tribune reported that Cook County Commissioner, Richard Boykin, flew to New York to discuss what he described as a quiet genocide in Chicago’s black community with the U.N.’s assistant secretary-general for peace building support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco. Boykin is asking for the United Nations to deploy their soldiers on U.S. soil. This would side step Posse Comitatus. It was reported two days ago that over 50 heavily armored United Nations vehicles and various pieces of equipment sufficient enough to support a small company of peacekeeper troops are sitting in a parking lot behind a U.S. government-owned warehouse in Maryland and appear to be ready for some type of rapid domestic deployment.

This is a list of forum posts created by Sanguinarium.

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