bent1bent1 Forum Posts (5)

RE: What is the most important thing in Life?

It's all important. Living, loving, growing up, growing old, the good times and the bad, the mistakes and the accomplishments.The most important thing in life is life.

RE: Dating & Mental Health

Well, where do I start? The abusive childhood, or the 15 years of being a hermit while self medicating myself with marijuana, or the felony, or finally getting married only to separate after 6 years together, or the mental health counselor who diagnosed me with a personality disorder that no amount of counseling or medication can help. So I've been through some s**t, hasn't everyone? Even though I have this disorder I already did all I could do before counseling. Basically it's a matter of learning how to live a life I can deal with. That doesn't mean I can't have a meaningful relationship and was not the cause of my failed marriage. The original charge of the felony (non-violent) was 13 years ago and I haven't smoked pot in almost 10 years. Even though I'm living a happy stable life all of this together scares the hell out of most prospective dates. I believe in total honesty, so when I tell people these things ( the ones I feel should know, like dates) they tend not to stick around. So then I get caught in a conundrum, do I tell right away and they run or do I hold it back and they run later because they feel I lied to them. I feel it's only right that I tell a prospective date these things. It's up to them to chose if they can deal with it, which really isn't much, I know how to handle myself and when I need to back off of certain situations. I think if someone choses to use these things as an excuse not to date someone they may have more issues than they realize. Of course you should weigh your issues with the other persons, sometimes it's just too much for two people to deal with. Any relationship has ups and downs, issues, things that need extra care. Even when the two people are completely "healthy". Love is a gamble, life is a gamble, you never know what's around the corner.

RE: I need to know!!!

It's not strictly a man or woman thing. It's a people thing. Some people are just like that. Takes all kinds to make the world go round and round and round. Great now I'm dizzy.

RE: How do you do it...

Inanities, inanities, an obscure form of the vanities.

RE: How do you do it...

TurkishDelight, I'm fairly knew here and have not posted on any threads before but your thread brings to my mind a chatter in one of my exes rooms that used to really get her "goat". It seems he and a couple of others had a habit of calling people goats. At the time, not knowing the room or any of the members I just agreed that he was annoying. Now though I think I understand what he was talking about. These people he called goats were doing the same thing you were commenting on. I myself have thought of alot of epople this way for some time, but I call them sheep. They have a sheep mentality, they follow the flock, and can't think for themselves. Not all are like this and not all are like this all the time, but they are everywhere. As in life, keep the good and throw the rest away.

This is a list of forum posts created by bent1.

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