PurposelyAdriftPurposelyAdrift Forum Posts (40)

This is a list of forum posts created by PurposelyAdrift

RE: Rehab !

I've had friends very similar to that for not quite as long, but close to 10-11 years. I've watched several of them die from drug OD's. Ever seen your best friend turn blue, and his eyes basically pop out of his head. While all your other friends are sitting their high on some other drug, and you're the one who ends up having to take care of the situation watching him die before the ambulance arrives. It got old real fast after watching the third die from a heroin OD. These guys were all really smart. Wasted their lives. Those of the group that are left are either still living with their parents, or living a life I want no part of. It's my choice, and it was just easier for me to walk away. Several times it resulted in runins with law-enforcement. Hiding a friend out in a car, giving him a place to sober up, or whatnot before he went back to his parents place. All that did was make me a crutch, and implicated me in their drug use. It was a no win situation.

You can push, prod, give advice, talk, do whatever, and they will not under any circumstances give it up until they're ready. I've got an uncle who's on the verge of losing his house, after losing his job, his wife and kids, over drugs. He still refuses to give them up. He drinks like a fish, does blow, meth, shrooms, and some nights he'll be snorting lines. You cannot change people until they're ready. Some people just won't change period. And you're looking at a whole group of them.

Your intentions could be the best on earth, but where they are is low. They'll consider you a stick in the mud. And if anything, there's a lot more of them than you. And you'll find yourself where I was. Group caregiver. There's two options, you can accept their drug use and continue on as it is now. Or you can find new friends.

You've adopted the life of a different social circle, which is now despite the fact, different from theirs. I've never drank, never smoked, never done drugs, I don't even drink coffee. I have a hard time finding friends that don't want to just sit around get stoned, and get smashed out of their skills. So I often find myself without friends...

It's got nothing to do with being a God. ;)) It's about self-dignity, and doing something with your life in a positive and pure matter for your-self. It's sometimes lonely, and it's anything but fair. It's life.

Peace man... ;)))

RE: closet queens

Oh... Rocky... that's a total watcher every halloween. Not sure when it hit the Skydome in Toronto... but that was an amazing riot. Anyone else no every line, and verse to that movie?

RE: Rehab !

Sounds like you're better off without them. Drug addicted friendships serve little purpose. It's like hanging out at a bar when you don't drink? What's the point? If there's nothing but drugs that was keeping you friends with them, then that is definately not a group I'd even ponder for a second thought. Friends come and go, you outgrew that experience, and are obviously a better person for it. Most people are, 'once a druggie, always a druggie'. It alters the mind, shuts down natural chemical functions, and just makes a mess in general.

Kudos, Knight for going clean... it's not an easy path. ;)

RE: closet queens

Simmy... still not sure on that one... think we're both a bit confused... keep your head up, and have a good 'k'night... ;)))

peace everyone...

RE: ................................................................

Vlokken, that's it. It was explained to me as one of the many reasons most of my relatives had dentures before they were 20. Candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was also amazed to watch them peel a grape with a knife and fork.

RE: ................................................................

Hmmm, there's major differences in the candy selection north and south of the boarder. I'd have to say all round the food is better in Canada. I've yet to find a good chinese food restaurant in the US. But the European chocolate is just untouchable.

Do they all use spring rolls (cabbage filled) as an egg roll?

Up here they use bean sprouts and pork, with shredded carrots, and a bit of cabbage. Tastes way better.

And sweet and sour chicken balls, with orange sauce. Oh man... now I'm just getting hungry.

RE: ................................................................

TE can you mail me some dutch dark chocolate, and salt babies? What that's chocolate sprinkles you put on bread for breakfast over their? I was adopted into a dutch family on my dad's side, and just remember being introduced to some interesting things when I was a kid.

RE: ................................................................

ohhhhhh.... chocolate covered peanuts... those are wayyyy better. Must be a US candy. They call them something different in Canada... Peanut Glosettes. Dunno. It's like our smarties are candy coated chocolate, and US smarties are called rockets up here.

RE: ................................................................

Rasinettes have really strange texture... whats a goober?

RE: ................................................................

This is an interesting plot development. Keep all your sticks on the ice. I should have seen this one coming, guess my intuition was lagging, and dropped the ball on the implication of another e-mail. Now I'm really confused...

Going inside to make some popcorn... ;)) Anyone else need anything?

RE: ................................................................

Naughty what the heck have you been upto? My e-mails weren't enough to keep you outta trouble?

RE: ................................................................

This sure got ugly fast... ??? obviously the metaphor had a drastically deeper meaning...


You are just trolling for a beating from the women aren't you? ;)

RE: I have an important question

Depends on the area. I'm in rennovations and don't hold any licenses. For general contracting you're still required by any building code to book inspections, submit plans, roughin's whatever. I usually end up talking withe the building commissioner for the area to find out specific building code requirements. They can very in each province/state. If you're working for a company it's generally required/manditory, as they want to make sure you know what you're doing. It can also be required by your corporate insurance company to gain bonding and coverage. This specifically applies if you blow someones house up, or end up taking town a main support wall that turned out to be holding up the second story. Despite all this, you're still likely to have the city engineers involved in such circumstances.

As a business owner looking into using contractors, now you're potentially stepping on the toes of the local unions, politics, and other not so fun stuff. It's rewarding to get involved in trades as you have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I'd love to pick up my tickets, but it's just a piece of paper.

As for the business side of things you'll have to decide on what type of company you wish to form, ie: sole, partnership, corporation, llc, etc... tax benefits, and otherwise. Hiring employees as independant contractors you are not required as far as I know anywhere to collect taxes, you can right straight payment, and they are required to manage their own taxes. But having them as full-time employees you'll be required to looking into workmens compensation, state/federal taxation, medicare, matching the taxation to an extent for general income tax. It's a lot harder getting things going with employees.

Call your local business licensing bureau, talk with the building commissioner for your area, and try bouncing of the people at the local hardware stores in the electrical department. Most of them are likely going to hold some licenses, or had them in the past.


RE: Are there really born losers and born winners?

Hockey, eh... I don't see the strike ending... but I'm still an avid Red Green (Steve Smith) fan. It was borrowed from there. ;)

And I should have proof read that a little better... sorry for the somewhat incoherence. You can also dig around the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas of Aquinas. It can be found on-line at I'm in no way a devout catholic, but the book albeit a heavy read, is rather fascinating in it's arguement against, assessment, argument for, and rebuttal to the argument style of progression.


RE: Are there really born losers and born winners?

If there's born losers and winners, then we must be subjected to some sort of predestination. In relation to effort to overcome our predestined fates we look at things like hard work, prayer, or divine miracles to help us along. Theirs a few things to look at in relation to time being temporal, and not eternal. As existence preceded time, and most things in relation to what we know is strictly in relation to temporal existence. To skip past what would be considered predestined we would have to become aware of what it means to be eternal. So hard work for the born losers in this instance would technically do absolutely nothing.

Passing on through defective knowledge leads us to enlightenment, or awareness connecting us to our Higher Self, which in turns strikes a sacred chord with in some faiths the Creator, or all that is unknown in relations to universal knowledge and understanding. In this place it's said that we can become aware of the eternal and briefly, or in some cases of a complete awakening aware permanently of what is transpiring.

In this awareness it would apply to anyone no matter of their status of winner or loser, in the effect of creating a given path, instead of reacting to what is being strewn across our path. Most would say that some people are just born with bad luck, or under a bad sign, and could use all the prayer, faith, and assistance they can get.

If a person can be helped or help themselves, then they could obviously be hindered from making any headway. Whereas a predestined existence cannot be hindered by anything, only progressed along it's path. From this outlook, you can settle into the phrase, 'when you at your lowest point, you can only go up.'

The problem with this theory is the errors raised in how we think merely in the temporal existence and for the most part see divine certainly, prayer, meditation, and most things spiritual to be superfluous. Unhealthy skepticism, or pessimism could be argued to be a hinderance to anyone. And against opion all warnings against, or for hard work, or divine involvement usually gets left to good works by other who are ordained, or preordained to further their progress. This is why most people in a lull typically take refuge in a church, or deeper religious experience.

So this leaves looking at predestination in two ways. The divinity of it, and the effect of this divinity on it. There would arguably be no way to alter the outcome of being born a loser. It was technically the path of hardship that individual chose before they into this life as a lifepath to grow. It's natural balance, and natural law in the law of equilibrium. For ever evil their is a good, for every loser there is a winner. This branches into the philosophies of Cause of Effect, Karma, Universal Sin, or anything that could be considered hinderances to the development and growth of self. What we haven't mentioned is divine providence, in relation to predestination. Though, it does little more than add an effect, but it provides a way for others, guides, or God to generate natural causes in ones life that are designed to bring about natural effects in relation to that individual chosen experiences. Without these effects, a soul cannot grow.

It a complicated soup of experiences, but most of the winners I knew growing up, turned out to be on the losing end of life. They lacked the character building foundations of practical experience gained through adversity to experience. So in the end, those predestined to lead life on the losing end are more likely to gain the practical knowledge and experience to become the winners in the end. Nothing ventured, is nothing gained.

I consider myself one of those losers... but I don't have a problem with it. In the longwinded way life is more on perception, and maintaing a positive attitude. Keep your stick on the ice, and head up. What doesn't kill you, is bound to make you stronger.

Peace... ;)

RE: What's Your Ancestry?

Thanks Darkhorse. ;) Lol... got a bit of a writer/historian in me as well. Keep your stick on the ice... off to play webpages. ;))

Rather interesting on the way names were adopted, it's similar in most Clan type natures, for instance, and I think this is the same thing you're talking about...

Sounds like the early surname, which wasn't a family name at all... with the Mac/Mc you speak of, adopting rather the fathers Christian name as a surname.

So Iain MacConnel, has a son Alister, so he'd be called Iain MacAlister. Made tracing family names, and such a real pain in that time period, though I know that's not why they adopted family surnames instead of the traditional surname/father son of mixture.

Have a good weekend all... off to play. ;) Peace.

RE: What's Your Ancestry?

Lion, hahaha... my Irish good looks... hmmmm... you're too funny. ;))

Peace all... need to get some work done... hope you all have a splendid day/night...

RE: Astrology/Tarot/Fortune Telling/The supernatural

Astrology gets a bad name from Tropical Astrology, generic Sun Signs, and poorly drafted newspaper Horoscopes. For the most part in blind scientific studies with 12 psychologically different individuals, and 100 astrologers, not a single one could place the charts with any accuracy. This can say two things... 1) Astrology is a total non-science, or 2) Back to the, Astrology has not been studied enough to be properly made into a science. I'm all for 2)... and attempt to maintain my healthy skepticism towards it, along with numerology. Studies of my own with 10's of thousands of charts over the past several years have pinpointed some common threads, but for the most part it has yielded little if anything concrete.

It's all too easy and bash something that hasn't been studied. This is very similar to the debate and how long it took to convince people the world was round. Even to this day, their are groups still convinced the the Earth is flat.

However, upto to the mid 1940's you were still advised if not made manditory as an aspiring physician to learn medical astrology. This is very much science, and a well known fact that the Moon as it affect tides also determines when it a good time to perform surgery. Believe it or not, during certain phases of the moon you are more likely to bleed more or less depending on it's position. Also in the earlier days, it was considered accurate enough to predict whether someone was going to pull through a disease or not. A physicians time with travel and all, was considered extremely valuable, and they couldn't afford to 'waste' on someone who was going to die anyways. Now it's all about HMO's and draining your lifesaving's. They just love people in coma's on lifesupport.

As for bolts of lightning and raining fire and brimstone to strike you down, it's not likely... I do remember seeing something on the BBC about an older disgruntled woman who was angry after having a disagreement with her pastor. As she walked out of the church a piece of a gargoyle from over head struck her dead.

For the 'Do the Stars determine if I get hungry and go to McDonalds, where I meet a great girl and fall in love?'... this can be answered with a quick story, which has nothing to do with astrology, but very much with the dead, and a psychic.

August 15, 1999 I'd had a plane ticket to leave my ex-wife for unreconcilable differences (which our chart spelled out more than clearly). A friend of my mothers was told by a psychic she would meet a younger man from her past, with long brown hair, and a relationship would form. It would last 2 years, at which point, he would make a decision to stay or go. I was 2040.8 miles away, and there is no way this person could have known I was on my way home. She added that I would move in the week after she repaints her room. The week I was back, she painted her room, and it was her son that suggested I go live with them, as he'd heard I was back from another family of his own friends I'd been in contact with. This was to help him with his studies while I looked for work. To say the least, if was darn close to the time frames within a few days for both the start and end. The end resulted after a physical altercation with her son who hated everything about the relationship and the spiritual portions of what transpired while I was there. And to make this a little more stretched, I believe the whole thing was orchestrated by her dead Grandmother.

This brings about a whole lot of what if's... for instance, do the dead have enough power to influence the physical that much? If this had not happened the way it did, there is no chance I would be where I am today spiritually. Everything happens for a reason, good and bad. There is always a lesson to be learned despite what may be lost. And it might just be the stars, the dead, or God who orchestrated.


RE: Astrology/Tarot/Fortune Telling/The supernatural

Guess I should have added, it was somewhat controlled as there was another individual at the time, a retired Reverand trained at the British Lycium of Spiritists in the art of Trance Address, and Channeling who was doing a Reiki healing on me. The first part of the awakening was literally Nirvana. He didn't close my chakras, as I totally freaked him out. He'd never encountered this before, so much to point he told me not to come back. Later that night it resulted in a full blown OBE (OOBE whoops...), and the second half of a extremely painful full awakening. It was at that point I had to do a crash course in spiritual comprehension, attained my initial 4 guides, and started basically everything I practice now...

It was a dead relative of the lady I was living with at the time that got me into Tea Leaf reading, and guided me until she moved to a higher plane. There's a lot more to this which spanned several months.

I had a playful spirit Phoebe, who liked to play with people and make them do things. I remember one time at church there were two candellabras with 7 candles, and the center candle on the right one began to grow uncontrollably until the flame was about 1' tall and melted the candle super fast. Then a voice said, watch, he'll stumble, and then I'll put a frog in his throat. This was at a point when the Reverend was bad mouthing me in front of the congregation. Fittingly everybody laughed at him, and he changed the subject. It was also why I left the church.

I was visited several times when I was 3 by a number of figures from my distant past. The 'noheads', they were clad like Irish Highlanders, but beheaded. To say the least it was extremely scary, and probably most of the reason I wet the bed so much at that age. ;)

It wasn't until I was 24 that I saw them again, oddly also in the shower. This is the time besides sleep when we are most likely to see/hear spirits, as while in the tub/shower is the point when we are said be most relaxed. They introduced themselves, but this time they had heads... lead to some interesting research on family history, as they introduced themselves as Alexander, John, James, William, Adam, and Thomas who come up as the sons of the first portion of Clan McConnell as the children of Alexander and Elizabeth McConnell settled in Pennsylvania. They also said at some point they would tell me who I am??? Still hasn't been answered. And I still get tingles when I talk/write about this. ;))

There's countless premonitions... the most notable, and the first time I got an impression from a place. I still didn't drive at the time, so any hauls from up north at my parents to anywhere the people were and for work, he'd drop me off at the firehall in Toronto. I'd catch the subway to Union Station for the Train. Anyways, the snow was starting to melt and I was walking down the sidewalk feeling an insatiable urge to run. So I did for about a block to a bus stop and had to stop. I fealt really anxious and scared. Something said to look in the bushes. As I did a raven flew out. Where the bird was, a bank card, and a Student Card for a foreign student visiting from Libya was partially hidden in the snow. So I picked them up, as a police officer was parked very close by. The officer only took the bank card, and left me with the Student ID. So I went back to the firehall, and asked my dad to contact the University. When he came back to the cottage the girl had been missing for several weeks. Some time later (a year or a little more) they found her body chopped up in a bag with the rest of her ID on her in the backyard with another girl that the property owner had murdered. He was praying on foreign female students. ;(((

RE: Astrology/Tarot/Fortune Telling/The supernatural

My awakening was anything but prepared for, and at the time (October 24, 1999) I didn't even know what a chakra was. Though, I'd meditated a little, it was nothing formal, more getting a runners high, or sitting out in the canoe counting satellites on the lake.

Yoga has fascinated me, though, all the motorcycle accidents I've been in, among other things, my joints and body are anything but flexible any more. ;) I tried studying Tai-Chi but it didn't work out that well. There were always too many people, and had a really hard time watching the instructors. My brain had a hard time working in reverse. I thought maybe learning how to focus energies it would aid my Spiritual Healing/Reiki abilities. Turned out regular meditation worked just as well, as did regular use.

Any of those women in your circle want to write me up a lesson on how to read bones? Sounds interesting? Does it depend on the animal? Closest thing to this is Rush's Roll the Bones which was oddly playing on the stereo when I read those posts. ;))

As for the TV psychics, I'm somewhat of a fan of John Edwards, and can't stand Sylvia Brown...

RE: Astrology/Tarot/Fortune Telling/The supernatural

It's a shame this thread died sooooo soon. ;)

I'm a firm believer in nearly all things Occult, short of spell casting...

Most of the past 6 years of my existance has in some way been implicated by a forecast or something that was given to me.

It might be interesting to get a tarot discussion, or possibly the uses of different tools to do readings. I'm all for open discussion on these topics.

As for outwardly experiences... way too many to list and the earliest I remember was when I was 3. There is another side, we can, and they can contact eachother through various means. Certain practices on this side, supposedly are capable of temporarily shifting us to the other side.

I've had 2 OOBE, was practicing transcendal meditation for a time, experienced a Kundalini Awakening, and for the most part thought I was totally, completely, and utterly nuts. Turns out I'm sane, which leaves me with one conclusion, it has to be real.

RE: The seven deadly sins..

I used to volunteer with the terminally ill, cancer survivors, etc, at circle of friends, ran meditation circles, and worked with the severely disabled getting them ready for surgeries and such in healing circles, helped at soup kitchens off and on, the animal shelter (but I couldn't take seeing the animals who were tortured and such), about wherever I had time. And location, life and making adjustments just right now forbid it. God knows I would love to be doing it. I just have soo many obligations in the next few coming months... it's not that I don't have it in me, I just don't have time. Gotta be on the road tomorrow to head back to work. So many excuses, so much to do... It's all good, some time shortly, I'll get things sorted out where I can get my spiritual side back in the forefront. Just have to tend to the physical right now, and it's truely torture. God knows I'd much rather be doing his work, but unfortunately, God doesn't pay the bills, he merely provides me the means... It's a continual journey filled with lots of need for patience.

I might just head out for a canoe paddle on the lake tonight, it's a full moon and do some serious contemplation for direction. Nothing better than quiet time. Hope you have a good day/night all, and that you're all where you need to be.


RE: The seven deadly sins..

I don't understand why some guys are just hellbent on picking on the ladies around here... ;((

RE: The seven deadly sins..

Rhythmatist... totally man... wish I could maintain your optimism. ;) Need to get back into the studio get some music rocking...

RE: The seven deadly sins..

Well hitting the funds was meant to go down as a business transaction, which eventually leads to greed... Greed has been becoming a growing problem, or a need to survive depending how you look at it... But in this case, I'm chasing a dream of more money. Need to get the second bike back on the road, have a house to build, and a nightclub to get off the ground, as well as keep the business going. Can't have your toys without the funds to support them. ;)

Just got the turbo on the road... wooohooo... had to retire my old bike. poor thing.

My relationship with God is pretty on the level. But I just haven't had the time lately to sit in contemplation, introspection and whatnot as I've done in the past. I miss meditation, and healing circles. I'm actually envious right now of Simmy's time to do all that volunteering. Bills, and other things inevitably got in the way. Too much time in the clouds and not enough time with my feet on the ground. I did study theology for a number of years, and just couldn't do the total devotion thing. Just wasn't strong enough. Adopted a more mixed spiritual philosphy but even that has dwindled over the past two years. I miss it very much.

RE: The seven deadly sins..

Rhythmatist, indeed... it's no fun living in such a physical world, as a spiritual being. Too many darn things to temp me. ;((

RE: The seven deadly sins..

Simmy's pic, I think is innocent, forthright, and perfectly suited for her apparent demeanor. Just with a little bit of smirk, yet childlike with the way her hair is done up. Also in a way makes you look sophisticated, intelligent, and humble. It brings out beauty, and a sense of modesty. I'd leave it. There's plenty of guys drooling over it. ;)

Now it's getting into lists... I was pride over the weekend, lustful on wednesday, tomorrow I know I'll be greed just hitting funds... Though with envy, I'm more in self-pity, feeling somewhat sorry for myself and a little bit jealous of people with good friends, and those who they equally spend time with. It's not so much covetting, but envious of other people's ease of apparent happiness.

Guess I need to get meditating and make my peace, calm the inner turmoil and get myself adjusted. I need to spend more time working on acceptance, modesty, humility, and love. Suggestions? I so need a spiritual anchor...


RE: The seven deadly sins..

I'd have been pegged by all of them at some point in my life more than once. Though I'm probably Envy at the moment... ;(

RE: Chinese proverbs

Person who try to smoke pot end up choking on handle.

This is a list of forum posts created by PurposelyAdrift.

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