countryGcountryG Forum Posts (233)

RE: Obama administration made it possible! Support universal Health care for all americans!


Did you make the same statement about the U.S. & GWB after the Indonesia Tsunami? Or do you only give thanks when Obama does it?

TARP.. actually the premise behind TARP is very well thought out and would of helped this country tremendously if done as they said. This is a topic I've known about, studied and even attempted year and half before happening. TARP has actually made a 15-17% return as Obama says and so far.. it's successful.. However, this was implement by the Bush Admin! Funny how Obama will point fingers at the previous Admin for all of his and the Country's problems yet takes credit for the only thing that has worked thus far (TARP) that is not even his doing!

Global Warming? Come on.. how is FOX news manipulating this one bit? Interesting how all those scientist involved get busted for omitting, manipulating and lying about data to support their beliefs and you blame FOX News? LOL.. Curious, how is it that there were similar Co2 levels back in the dinosaur age? Those dinosaurs and their dang smokestacks, SUV's and other pollution methods!

I'm sorry and this is nothing against Liberals but how do ya'll live in this fantasy world of yours? How do you continue to ignore fact after fact thrown in your face? Hell.. I know many liberals who are hard core liberals that are saying WTF to Obama and the Democrats policies.

RE: Sarah Palin takes Fox News Commentator job

Keeneland loves insults.. usually it's a tell tale sign of loss in an argument. History Lesson? What's funny is your comments about not knowing about the internal workings of our Country yet keep on making statements like you do. Earlier in this discussion you said Bush & Right Wings and their WMD's.. blah blah.. Funny thing is.. WMD's have been discussed, documented and a concern of ours before Bush took office. Funny thing is.. Saddam's 2nd Hand Man wrote a whole book detailing exactly what happened.

A serial killer who kills 20 ppl is not much different than one that kills 100. I guess if you were in the force.. you'd leave the 20 killer guy alone and just go for the 100?

There's still lot of unanswered questions that you casually ignored.

RE: Obama administration made it possible! Support universal Health care for all americans!

Actually a majority of the ppl in this country don't want the plan that's in front of them.. Funny how Obama and the Democrats like to think for us. Nobody is rejecting reform but this country doesn't want socialized government run healthcare.. Our country can't even run the DPS or Post office efficiently much less Healthcare!

RE: Obama administration made it possible! Support universal Health care for all americans!

Obama's HCR is a complete and utter joke.. I bet most ppl don't realize it will rise premiums on the ppl that currently have and need it.. Or that it won't actually cover everyone as we all think, or that it ppl who don't want it don't pay will go to jail..

I want reform but opening state lines and allowing more competition will do this. Doesn't it seem odd that if passes we'll be paying for it before it actually starts? Doesn't it seem odd that this huge rush that Obama placed on it won't take effect until years from now (after 2012 elections)?

He claims it will be deficit neutral which is a bunch of ffn bull and that they'll do it by ridding fraud and waste.. Interesting and that's great but why not start now? Why wait years to eliminate fraud and waste? It's bs ppl..

90% of ppl in this country are receiving care by some of the best doctors in the world.. This bill will spread less adequate care across everyone.

RE: 100 year war on terror ...the Bush legacy ..what is it??

Interesting and I know ppl do have this thought about the whole ordeal.. however he's not taking any blame for economic crash- he blames bush every speech he makes.. including today!

Was Reid Right?

Oh & after this speech, he was in Mass. making a endorsement speech and oddly his voice, tone and dialect magically changed! What a smuck!

Does Biden Scare You?

normal? haha.. of course.. whenever a liberal does some nutty thing.. it's normal.. but Palin slips up a bit and she's a complete idiot..

Was Reid Right?

Noticed today while Obama was speaking about MLK Day that his dialect & tone does appear to change depending on which crowd he's with. This isn't the first time I've seen this.

Anybody else noticed this?

RE: 100 year war on terror ...the Bush legacy ..what is it??

redkayak for President! lol

Does Biden Scare You?

No I think I rest my case rolling on the floor laughing

Settle for the best.. or just settle

Yep.. settling for just anybody won't bring happiness in my opinion. I know girls that will talk to any and everyone and every time ends up the same.. going nowhere.. However, some girls try to sell something about themselves in their pictures and wonder why that's all guys want..

Settle for the best.. or just settle

At this point in your life.. whether it be searching for someone online or off line.. Are you wanting to settle for the best.. or just looking to settle.. so that you are with someone..

Does Biden Scare You?

I agree 100% and what Glen Beck is all about.. As much as ppl bash and trash the dude.. He knows what he is talking about, calls out anyone and everyone despite the party and lot of his predictions have come true. It's common sense thinking.

We do have other parties including Independent, Libertarian. etc but ppl seem to be leery of them for whatever reason and never make much of a mark in the campaign or voting.

For me.. I'm more about the Person than the Party, just more often the person I like falls in the conservative thinking.

You are right.. we are not represented fairly or at all. It's funny how we have a bunch of ppl in suits whom many have no prior experience in business or private sector making decisions for us.

We have ppl with absolutely no Health Industry experience pushing a plan down our throats..

I wish we could vote for some of these major issues like we do the President.

Does Biden Scare You?

Chris Dodd's State! Go Figure.. haha

Does Biden Scare You?

Yes fellow Texan! We have talked about seceding too!

Does Biden Scare You?

And concerning the Oil issue ppl love to bring up.. We have spent upwards to a Trillion Dollars in the Iraq War.. This trillion dollars is costing us around 100m+ a day in interest. How long will it take to profit from us invading Iraq?

In the meanwhile and they many years to turn a profit from Iraq War, we are slowly transitioning and developing alternative fuel while making our vehicles equipped with more MPG's, Electric Cars, Hybrids, etc etc.. Hell, I've seen cars run on water! The point is.. there's a lot of time, lives & money invested in Iraq if it's solely for the purpose of Oil.. It's not a very good investment or opportunity cost in my opinion..

Hell, we have our own oil offshore and in Alaska to supply us plenty and probably forever if the Liberals would let us drill on our own soil!

Does Biden Scare You?

Nothing wrong with that and least you are honest. I respect that in a person. A lot of ppl don't know much or anything about the person they support or criticize, yet they continue to praise or bash them.

Does Biden Scare You?

Huh? No what enabled the mess was the expansion of the CRA in 99'.. first implemented by another liberal.. Carter..

This allowed and pushed anybody with a pulse into a home they couldn't afford. Bush and the GOP saw the demise coming and tried to regulate 17 times but could never get the needed support by the dems..

I & others have already gone into the details of the Iraq war in another thread that we can direct you too..

I watch all news and Yes I do watch Fox News- who will tell you how things actually happen unlike CNN, NBC, MSNBC who reports what benefits their liberal party..

.. but simple research will show you exactly enabled all of this.

Does Biden Scare You?

Huh? How is Perry a Traitor? Because he wanted to secede?? Hell.. a lot of ppl would love to- the way this President is mortgaging many generations future and taking away our rights and privacy more and more everyday while leading this country to socialism.

If you weren't aware.. Texas has a surplus and doing very well under the GOP/Conservative mentality.

Your state on the other hand following liberal policies like more taxes and spending, etc.. is bk..

Does Biden Scare You?

Thanks Conrad.. it's good to see someone that knows their history and how things occurred.. It's shocking how misinformed this country can be..

Does Biden Scare You?

Bush tried to regulate 17 times..

He never turned his back.. the Democrats turned their back and refused to cooperate in any form of regulation.. Every single Democrat in the Senate Banking Committee Voted no while every Republican voted Yes.

The turmoil of this country is due to the housing crisis.. it was a huge domino effect .. that I'll be happen to elaborate.. I know everything to a T when it comes to this issue and researched extensively.

Check this video out of all the Dems laughing at GOP's faces when they said there is problems ahead for Fannie: Look who was looking out for you and this country..

Yes.. it's that simple.. That's what scares me the most about this country.. Being misinformed or not informed at all..

Does Biden Scare You?

Yea I saw it.. funny seeing those 3 together.. Clinton hates Obama.. Obama blames Bush for everything whether it be the economy or a ingrown toe nail.. And Bush probably inside wants to punch Obama for all the bs finger pointing..

We are surviving an economy that Bush fell into bc of a bill dating back to 99' and the lack of cooperation from the left wings in regulating the housing market.

Bush did look older but he also looked like a little kid today. He couldn't stay still, kept grinning, and he'd brush up against Obama every once in while. Kept cracking me up..

Does Biden Scare You?

LOL.. actually there was a poll/survey that showed that many people do want Bush Back now! LOL.. that's pretty bad when that is the case..

Does Biden Scare You?

Bush is peanuts to Biden/Obama. Since you are from Michigan, I'm sure you are aware of the $1,000 homes for sale from foreclosures. You do know that this is bc of the policies of the democrats who allowed any and everyone into a home and refused to vote for any sort of regulation until long after said & done.

Does Biden Scare You?

LOL.. Dan Quayle did get a lot of beef when VP.... However, I think Jimmy Carter who of course wasn't VP would be a greater partner in crime with Biden! :D.. I think some of these Presidents choose their running mates like Biden so they always look good in comparison!

You can see it on Obama face that he's rolling his eyes on the inside during one event in particular...

Check this out.. so funny and scary! And this doesn't include all the gaffes since this was put together in 08'!

Does Biden Scare You?

Earlier while watching Biden give a press conference on Haiti.. It made me realize once again how much this guy scares me! If something happens to Obama, we will be stuck with this guy!

He kept rambling on and on making no sense. It's almost like he was rambling random thoughts in his sleep.

RE: do you revenge ur lovers??

Haha.. I know exactly what you are talking about bc ppl have called me numerous offensive things over and over again in 2 or 3 threads or so.. It doesn't bother me but uncalled for.. Better ways to get your point across with an intelligent response.

And as I've said in other threads. I've seen the other gender disagree with me, make comments which I respect bc there are no attacks.. but is an opposing view.. then see them view the profile.. and give something like a 3 rating.. lol... Maybe that's what they think of me for real but interesting nonetheless.

alright Younger Ladies 18-25 ...Why no Love? LOL

Absolutely Nothing! haha.. I didn't mean to sound that way nor saying not interested.. The group in question was the 18-25.. the older women have been very nice!

RE: do you revenge ur lovers??

So it goes to prove your point.. ppl seek out revenge when they disagree or upset by another's comments that goes against their beliefs.

If some random person who has no emotional connection or love interest takes out on some forum... they just might be tempted to take revenge on someone they cared deeply about or had a lot emotion invested into..

RE: do you revenge ur lovers??

That is Real! ppl get upset by comments made in threads all the time and report them to moderators.. Hell, I've had a poll that ppl liked, replying that didn't violate any terms that got deleted bc it displeased someone..

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