Gemini_the_twinGemini_the_twin Forum Posts (7)

What do women want?

My god, I think you have hit the nail on the head!
So, so true!
Sad state of affairs when that happens, but even sadder when we know it is happening and we can’t (or won’t) do anything about it…

RE: What is the first thing that attracts you to a potential mate in physical appearance?

I would have to say that what makes me stop and go hmmmmm... would have to first be his eyes and his smile. Then if I was close enough and caught whiff of a pleasant and masculine scent that would be it... I can't help it! I love men who constantly smell good!

Hello out there!

I am new to this site... as u may have guessed! HI!

And I just have to say. I was looking thru the forums and I find it so welcoming how there seems to be a rapport here and a relaxed and inviting style to the posts.

It really did scream "Get in here!" I am not familiar with these sites as I have never felt motivated to join a site that I have to pay for. Mind you there were a few guys on those other sites that really did tempt me... but here as well I find the quality and quantity of men to be very satisfying and intriguing.

I am looking forward to being part of it all... oh I have to add, nice friendly women here too and that is certainly not something I expected… Nice to meet you ladies! I look forward to chatting and get to know you all better.

RE: How easy it for you to trust some1

I think I am still trying to figure out what works for me... so far it's only been one disaster after another...

I think in the past I have given too much too fast... then realized... ooops! Another mistake! From now on it will be much slower in coming..

No I am not a pessimist; I am slowly becoming a realist... finally and it only took thirty five years!

Justice for the Child Within

The air is dry.
The room hasn’t changed in 20 years. Time is frozen here. This room with its purpose of healing has held me.
Time crawls by with the world forgetting.
I sit, I wait for the day that Justice finds me and brings me back into reality.
My body has been frozen in time. Age cannot touch me.
I do not grow or change.
I sit here with my heart full of hope and my mind full of prayers of being finally saved.
I look up at a long forgotten sound. The sound is of the door opening and there I stand inviting me out into freedom and life.

What do women want?

Just something I wrote that I though I would post to see what others think.... come on feed me your opinions!!!!

It is five a.m. and as I write this the majority of you young, wishful girls are in your cozy beds dreaming of the handsome Knight in shining armour that will one day come and sweep you off your feet. Believe me I know of those wonderful dreams and fantasies, as I was once that young fanciful girl myself. Unfortunately that is no longer the case as the years have passed and time is certainly winning the battle.

I am now a thirty-five years old, slightly embittered woman. I know that not every woman feels the same as I, some of you have been lucky, but I must admit that I know more women out there who feel this way than ones who don’t. You’d be surprised at how many of us are actually out here.

I’m not pointing fingers (boy’s) but what up? Aren’t there any men left out there that are looking for a loving, trusting relationship? Has the women’s liberation movement erased the need for love and companionship? Hardly! There aren’t many guy’s that either myself or my friends have dated in the last few years, with the exception of a minimal few who even know how to open a door for a woman. Today women are paying bills, working in high-powered, stressful careers while also being a mother, wife and homemaker.

I know that this is what us women fought for and the leaps and bounds into equality have certainly been momentous (believe me we aren’t finished yet) but please, in the midst of all of the change do not forget the romance. Women are demanding, we admit it. It’s a gift given to us along with P.M.S. but if you truly want to know “what women want?” don’t forget the attention, the affection and the chivalry that goes along with normal tradition.

The answer to the timeless question of “What do women want”? is:
EVERYTHING!!!! And don’t you forget it.

RE: Bi-Polar

Hi everyone! This is my first post as I’m new here but Sam I have a question for you?
Have you ever known of certain anti-depressant to trigger manic episodes? Kind of like amplifying undiagnosed bi-polar?

This is a list of forum posts created by Gemini_the_twin.

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