This is a list of random comments on All Blogs - ordered by date. Click on the blog title to view the blog. Click here to create a Blog.


RE: Did Victoria Nuland resigned under pressure?

The text might be to long but I did read it. Again it shows us that concerning the use of power, violence and other criminal facts the US isn't better as Russia, China or any power on the geopolitical stage.
Since the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors the new immigrants have conquered the American continent by violence, spreading diseases and support of the Catholic church of Rome!! This legacy is still active today. After first have taken the continent from the natives the descendents of the colonists
want to tule the whole world by there philisophy of freedom! Their freedom meaning retrictions for the others. After the WWII the US made Europe a (economical) "vassal" state of the USA. Now they want to go further, after the fall of the USSR. The USA expanded its power by incorporating the independent states into NATO or European community under the guise of freedom of choice for nations, ignoring the agreements made after WW II. American imperialism !! Therefore nothing was to bad to obtain the chosen goals.
There is where people as Victoria Nuland appear, their life is dedicated to bring all the proposed ideas to a good end. Though several presidents of the US did know about her activities but they did nothing to slow her down or condemn her at least, on the contrary they let her do it. The presidents came from both camps democrats and republicans. This shows that there is little difference in the mentality of current American politics. That this leads to reactions and war as in Ukraine and Gaza does n't bother them. As long as the profits from arms sales and from energy export remain guaranteed and make America even bigger. Elon Musk did respond to her resignation but is no better. For him too, the only thing that matters is money and the power over it.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Jac you are one seriously unwell individual. I don't even know where to start with that laundry list of insanity you just spewed. Your mind is clearly VERY, VERY disturbed. Take care. I mean that, sincerely.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I have no idea what you are going on about and your hate. If draggrugs is me be proud and pat yourself on your back.

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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I realise you don't care and think it's irrelevant that Robert Reich is Jewish.

That's because you have no understanding of how being Jewish is relevant when evaluating the socio-political dynamic in the US and how it is relevant to your crass suggestion that it's Reich who is a Nazi.

Hitler's playbook is quite literally embedded in our genes and we recognise the same stories told to us as children by the survivors (our parents) with what is in front of us now.

It's clear you don't recognise Hitler's playbook in Trump's actions because you didn't respond to the question in my last comment.

I'm afraid you can't claim that white. male, Christian conservatives are the persecuted minority when not only are they the ones who are in power regardless of who you vote for, but that the constitution was created by the very same largely in their own interests.

It's not the non-MAGA element who have relegated women to breeding mares (Mutterkreuz anyone?).

It's not the non-Maga element who wanted to strip Muslim Americans of their citizenship, deport Muslim people and stop people from Muslim countries entering the US (as Hitler did with the Jewish people).

It's not the non-MAGA element who wanted to shoot BLM protesters in the legs (as Hitler had the Resistance shot in the streets like dogs, likely including my grandfather.)

It's not the non-MAGA element who want to strip LGBTQ+ people of their human rights (as Hitler did even with their rights to liberty and life.)

It's not the non-MAGA element who came up with Jewish space lasers starting forest fires (as Hitler blamed the Jewish people for all ills however ridiculous and fantastical.)

It's not the non-MAGA element who blame anti-fascists for their own fascism (as Hitler did when the Reichstag was burned.)

It's not the non-MAGA element who disparages the differently abled (as Hitler so famously did.)
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Well... whatever draggrugs is supporting, it must be shit.

What I've heart about opinion in USA, right now Biden is more popular among reasonably healthy Republicans, than Trump. Though, Trump is a populist and given the lowering IQ level in the global population...

Then the low IQ-level individuals will feel the burden of war / inflation / destruction / cover bombing... on their backs. But they don't think in those constructions. The main matter with poverty and deprivation, that it is not capable of thinking a few steps beyond now. Populists use and misuse that. Poverty is their main supporter.

As to Hitler's playbook... Hitler had an ideology. Trump has none. He is going to say what he thinks the crowd wants to hear here and now. Next day he will tell you an opposite story. It's called opportunism.

By the way, rumour has is that there are 3 biggest opportunists in the world, that will survive any kind of catastrophe: rat, cockroach and man. From that point of view, Trump is in his element.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

The Democrat bill would have codified 1.8m illegal entries per year into law. It also would have transferred jurisdiction to hyper partisan DC courts. Enforcement actions were optional. In sum, it was a complete and utter joke and slap in the face to the strong majority of Americans who want actual strong border security. Also, House Republicans passed a bill over a year ago on the border. Democrat Chuck Schumer in The Senate refused to take it up for a vote. Lastly, and actually most importantly, the president has all the authority needed to take action. He could shut the border down right now and announce that illegals are no longer being accepted. He could reinstate Trump border policies which he rescinded on his first day in office. But he doesn't. Because 10m+ illegals during his term was always the plan. A cheap new labor base for his multinational donors, and a new voting base (at least that's their hope) in the long term. The Biden administration's destruction of the nation is despicable. The chaos is engineered, there will no doubt be terrorist attacks as a result of the millions of people allowed entry who received no proper vetting. It's a recipe for disaster. Even people in blue cities who have long voted Democrat are rising up and speaking up. They're seeing illegals get preferential treatment. Community centers taken over to accommodate them, multinationals firing American citizens so they can hire illegals for less money instead. At a time when citizens are ALREADY struggling to make ends. The ruling class has complete contempt for the needs and wants of citizen. Power is the ONLY thing they care about.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

You kniw as well as anyone that biden does not need that legislation to do his job to protect our citizens. Biden is a puppet for marxism. If what you say is true why did joe biden fight Texas for wanting to protect their own border with Mexico. All biden has to do is put back in place the effective policies Trump had in place. It is not hard to see what the democrats end game is.
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How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

BS, you criticize anyone who disagrees within your warped opinions.

You only get your information from conspiracy website, so anything you say here in CS I take as a joke and dismiss immediately, after the usual belly laugh.

Face it Chancer, Your hero is about to be imprisoned, you need to find a replacement, how about Kim, he fits your ideology perfectly.
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How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

The republicans under order from Trump, refused to pas a resolution that would have reduced illegal immigration, so don’t blame Biden for something your failed ex president did.
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 24

RE: He's letting you know...

Hi Bob ..good to see you. Hope everything is going well for you. hug

Here's clip about Pepsi.


RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I criticise people based on their actions, not on whatever their faith may or may not be. I had no idea Robert Reich was Jewish - nor do I care, anymore than if he was a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or atheist. That's irrelevant to me. Trust you to lower yourself to such a despicable accusation and insinuation though. Mr Reich is indeed very much the modern-day propagandist - his deliberate distortions are nothing less than evil. And he will have to answer for such at the end of the day, as we all do for our transgressions.
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And we hear that and we go, well, that's wrong. That's a crappy way of writing history.
Well, we're really. Really, just because 3500 years ago in the ancient Near East, they didn't deal with history exactly the same way we do in the West in 2020, they're wrong.

It's just different, as we talked about earlier, we have to understand the historical and cultural context in which the author was writing as well as their intended audience.

Well, perhaps you're thinking. But Jeff, Jeff Moses wrote the Torah. Even Jesus said so on this point.

I believe that we know for sure or as close as we can get to sure. That Moses was not the only author of the Torah.

Now, it's true that during his earthly ministry, Jesus quotes from all five books in the Torah.

And every time he does so, he credits Moses as the author.

It's clear from Scripture that Jesus considers Moses to be the primary author of the Torah, which includes Exodus. However, there are places in the Torah, including Exodus, where it's undeniable that somebody else is the source.

Joshua Miriam, if the Ma Lamar and the Levitical priests even during Moses lifetime.

There's also information in the Torah that could only have been added after the death of Moses, for example, the death of Moses in Deuteronomy 34. Now, yes, technically God could have had Moses write about his own death, but how awkward would that be? You think God is like, OK, Moses, sit down. I'm going to give you today's chapter for the Torah. Let's start with the title, The Death of Moses. What?

What now? Yes. Could that have happened? Yes, technically it could have happened.
But I think that suggestion is a little bit of a stretch, and I hope you'll agree with me on that. And so for this reason, I would consider myself to be what's known as a supplementary and when it comes to the Torah.

So a supplementary and agrees with Jesus that Moses is the primary.
He is the core author of the Torah, but a supplementary and believes that the Torah was also added to and edited a little bit later on across the centuries by other qualified writers who were also inspired by the Holy Spirit.

So a supplement, one believes that the Torah is still 100 percent divinely inspired. Just over centuries, rather than the lifetime of one individual, in this case, Moses, this is viewing divine inspiration of the scriptures as a process rather than a singular event. And if you're nervous, let me just point out, we already hold this view regarding the formation of the biblical canon. If you have a Bible in your hands, you're already a supplementary.

And when it comes to how the Bible was formed, collectively, we believe that it was added to it was a process of coming together. Books were selected to be left out and considered extra biblical. And we believe that process unfolded over thousands of years.

We just believe that God was in control of the entries from beginning to end. We're all supplementation when it comes to the formation of the Bible. What I'm just suggesting is I'm also a supplementary.
And when it comes to the part of the Bible, that's the Torah.

The tradition of the Jewish fathers teaches that Moses received the Torah on Mount Sinai. He handed it down to Joshua, who then handed it down to the elders, who then handed it down to the prophets, who then handed it down to the men of the great assembly. And any of those men may have been part of God's divine process in assembling the Torah. Now, just to restate this again, this view does not clash with Jesus's teachings that Moses authored the Torah.

Moses was the main author and editor, and he should be considered as such.

Almost any book you read has an editor that's different to the author, any book, and nobody then says, well, then the author didn't really write it. Of course, he did. He just had an editor involved in the process, often more than one. Or how about this?

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Uh huh.

Of course that was the irony, not you mis-translating the German, or accusing a Jewish man of Nazism in order to support your favourite adjudicated rapist, fraud and insurrectionist who wanted to strip Muslim Americans of the citizenship.

Now what does that remind you of?

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RE: What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Hi Jenny ..hope you and Cor are doing well.

Interesting information... So many things that people do and that have done are inspired by God or in some cases the Holy Spirit. We don't always know what the out comes will be but the impression is so strong it cannot be ignored. That's why we're not expected to know everything.. just have faith that God knows what needs to be done. Myself I've always wondered why there has to be wars and loved ones dying and the only reasoning that I am told is that God doesn't look at dying as we do. He gives us a memory so we can remember them. But to him death is no different than birth, when you die you go back to where you came from. hug

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And in those verses is, there's this relationship described between a slave and a master that's so wonderful that when the time comes for the slave to be released in the seventh year, the slave doesn't want to leave. Because living and working for his his masters just so wonderful and so the Book of the Covenant prescribes how to walk through the scenario, what do you do with a slave who says, I don't want to leave, I just want to stay with you for the rest of my life?

It's a vivid, beautiful, wonderful illustration of a biblical truth and it's clearly from the Lord.

And then later in the same chapter, Exodus 21 versus 20 and 21, we read this. It's on your outlines. And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished for he is his property.

So those verse is are saying, if you own a slave and you beat them so bad that they die right away, you're going to be considered a murderer. If it takes him 24 hours to 48 hours to die, you're in the clear because the slave is your property.

And that leads some scholars to say there seems to be sort of a different heart between these two laws about slavery, that maybe one is written by God and maybe one is written by a man attempting to apply the law of God and not doing a very good job.

And when some scholars put all this evidence together, they posit that perhaps the Book of the Covenant was written decades after Mount Sinai when Israel was settled in the land and perhaps it wasn't directly spoken commands from God.

Perhaps it's case law, legal verdicts from court cases by godly men in Israel who were appointed as judges and were attempting to apply the values of the Ten Commandments to everyday civil life in Israel, much like the Supreme Court in the United States is charged with applying the Constitution to everyday life.

Now, perhaps at this point in the message, if you're a Bible loving Christian, you're feeling super uncomfortable and you're telling yourself, OK, Jeffs got at least one other view he's going to share, maybe he'll come back from the heretical edge of the cliff and bring everything home.

And I'm going to get to that other view. But I just want to encourage you, if you're tense, remember what we talked about. The truth can handle being questioned, can handle being prodded and poked.

And when it comes to the truth, the solution is never to say, let's just shut down questions that shut it down. Let's not talk about it. The truth doesn't need you to do that.

So I'm going to stretch you further by addressing a couple of obvious objections that people might have to this first few, just as a quick reminder, when I refer to the Torah, I'm talking about the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus numbers, Deuteronomy in Greek.

It's called the Pentateuch. So perhaps you're thinking, well, Jeff, the answer is really obvious. If the Book of the Covenant shows up at this point in Exodus, then it was obviously recorded at this point in history and not decades later. Well, the problem with that is there's lots of stuff in the Book of Exodus and other places in the Torah that's out of order chronologically. And the reason is really simple.

They didn't write history back then the same way we do it right now. They recorded it accurately. They recorded things as they happened.

But when they were putting them in a book or in the Torah, editors would often group things together by theme. So it's entirely possible that an editor of the Torah moved the Book of the Covenant from decades later to this point in Exodus, because the more radically it's connected to the Ten Commandments, it documents the people trying to apply the Ten Commandments to everyday life.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

How can you conclude that nonsense. Mumbles biden is the one who is not protecting us , his people, from the global invasion at our southern border. I pray the Holy Spirit brings you wisdom and understanding soon.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I see you have issues with people who disagree with you.
Maybe you should go for a long walk...
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

I absolutely don't mean that. There's literally no correlation whatsoever with what I was talking about. Are you having trouble with your brain or something? If you're feeling overwhelmed maybe get up and go for a long walk or something and let some oxygen into your lungs (and brain).

Take care.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

The queen of obfuscation/misinterpretation strikes again. Do you have to practice to be so dumb? No one was mistaking the difference between the noun and his surname. That the surname and the noun happened to be the same WAS the irony, in the context of Mr Reich being a propagandist in the Nazi mould. Jog along now. I can see your cheeks going a dark crimson as you continue to fight with reality.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

And that person is tRump then as he supports Putin
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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And I'll tell you why this view exists. These are the questions Bible scholars ask. These are not men who are setting out to destroy the credibility of scripture.

These are men who love God and ask really important questions and believe in the authority of scripture.

And here's why some of them hold this view. Firstly, many of the laws in the Book of the Covenant only apply to a settled community.

And what I mean by that is a community that's built homes, they've planted fields, they've engaged in domesticated livestock farming. Additionally, it includes commands on how to deal with slaves. Does Israel have any slaves at Mount Sinai right now? No, because just a few weeks ago, they were all slaves write the Book of the Covenant addresses a context that Israel is not in at this time, at this point in their journey, their wandering in the wilderness.

And they're going to be doing that for almost another 40 years.

And by the way, this entire generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt is going to die before they enter the promised land.

Their children are going to go into the promised land with Joshua and they'll still have to conquer the promised land before they settle.

And so many scholars will say, listen, it makes no sense that God is laying out all of these laws at Mount Sinai when pretty much all of those who are hearing these laws are going to be dead before they get into the promised land, which, by the way, is still decades away.

They'll point out that Moses is going to die. He's not going to enter the promised land.

Therefore, they'll say it cannot be Moses who recorded the Book of the Covenant and it cannot have happened at Mount Sinai. Tension plus one, I could feel it. Now, scholars also note that the commands in the Book of the Covenant seem to be incredibly specific. The Ten Commandments, they're broad laws that encompass all of life and they could be applied at any place in any time.

The Book of the Covenant deals with incredibly specific scenarios that seem bound to a specific part of the world at a specific time in history.

And there's no moral code that could possibly encompass every potential scenario a person and community could face.

And the Book of the Covenant doesn't cover every possible scenario, which makes scholars ask the obvious question, well, why these specific scenarios?

Why not others? And when you read through it, the commands can be seemingly very random, leaping sequentially from issues like executing a sorceress to not charging interest on loans back to back.

Seems a little random tension up another notch. Thirdly, some of these commands bear a striking resemblance to commands that appear in other contemporaneous.

That means, at the same time in history, ancient Near Eastern moral codes such as the Code of Hammurabi and the Mesopotamian lore codes of Qanoon, which we probably all read growing up.

So scholars note this and they say, well, well, well, doesn't that mean this is kind of evidence for human authorship in response to surrounding cultures rather than commands coming directly from the mouth of God?

Another notch of tension and then lastly, scholars note that there seems to be sort of a contradictory heart behind some of these commands. Next Sunday, B.J. is going to teach on Exodus 21, Verse is one to 11.

And it lists some commands related to slavery that paint a powerful picture of our relationship with the Lord.

And be just going to walk us through exactly why it's such a wonderful illustration.

And in those verses is, there's this relationship described between a slave and a master that's so wonderful that when the time comes for the slave to be released in the seventh year, the slave doesn't want to leave.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

That's not a good reason. I'm a naturalist.
I don't believe in miracles. So if this is about a miracle, then it can't be speaking literally. It's not a good reason or you know what I find a literal interpretation. It's going to embarrass me in front of my friends.

If I say I actually believe in the flood and the plagues of Egypt and all that stuff, your embarrassment is not a good reason to not adopt a literal interpretation.

Our ego and our level of knowledge should not determine when the word of God is and is not speaking literally. So write this down. We begin by taking the biblical text literally and change our approach if there is a compelling reason to do so, if there's a compelling reason to do so, that's the second principle.

The third principle is already on your outlines, the primary meaning of a text.

Any part of scripture in the Bible is determined by the person who wrote it, their intended audience, and the historical cultural context of the time it was written. So if you want to understand the main meaning of a biblical passage, you got to understand who's writing it, who are they writing it to, where are they living, and when are they living?

You got to understand those things to really understand what it means. And many biblical passages, let me say, have secondary meanings and even tertiary meanings. But those cannot be entertained or explored until the primary meaning is first established.

And this requires a much greater level of humility than most of us realize at first, because if we take Exodus as an example, none of us are experts on ancient Near Eastern anthropology or archaeology.

I play one on TV on Sunday nights at five, but I am not an expert on ancient Near Eastern anthropology or archaeology. We have not studied the oldest Torah manuscripts in the original Hebrew. Even though I've been studying this text all week and reading materials, I'm only scratching the surface of what we know about it and how much there is to know.

And so with that in mind, how arrogant would it be for any of us to say, if I can't understand any of these verse is in Exodus after reading it once, then I'm not going to believe it.

Right, that would be like me trying to build a house from scratch, inevitably failing in the first 10 minutes and saying, well, it can't be done. It's impossible to build a house.

Is it? No, of course not. What's the problem? The problem is I don't have the skills or the knowledge required for the task, so I need to acquire the skills or knowledge or I got to get some people involved in the process who have the skills and knowledge.

But wouldn't I be a fool to essentially elevate myself so highly that I declare if I can't do it, it can't be done?

If I can't understand this verse, it's incomprehensible and therefore cannot be speaking literally why I am the smartest human being alive, I am the gold standard of biblical hermeneutics.

Come on now. Come on. Now, as I said earlier, there's enough that we can learn from scripture, all of us right now to reveal to us that we have a loving and good heavenly father.

And when we understand that we're able to keep faith in those areas of scripture that we don't yet fully understand.

Now, I'm going to share a couple of different views on the Book of the Covenant and I'll share which view I subscribe to personally. But you don't have to agree with me.

As always, I encourage you not to believe anything I say simply because you hear me saying it. Do your own research, do your own study, come to your own conclusions, pursue the truth actively.

Now, the first view holds that the Book of the Covenant was not recorded by Moses at Mount Sinai, but is rather a compilation of case laws that document rulings made by judges in Israel decades after Israel's time at Mount Sinai.

What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

No more asking. Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life.

Jesus doesn't need to be shielded from our questions and his word.

The Bible does not need to be shielded from our questions. The more you question the truth, in fact, the more clearly it reveals itself to be the truth.

And our job is not just to question the truth, but to pursue the truth. Please understand the difference.

I hear people all the time who say, Oh, I'm a spiritual seeker. I just have all these questions. Well, what are you doing to actually look for the answers?

Because sometimes we're just throwing out questions so that we don't actually have to commit or respond in any way to the evidence. Will I have this question? I have these doubts. Have you pursued answers in any way?

Well, not really. Well, enough, you know this, but the term seeker implies action, it implies that you're actively looking, you're not really a seeker, you're more of a sinner if you're not doing anything.

I'm a spiritual sinner.
What does that mean? Well, I have questions and doubts, but I just don't do anything with them. I'm a spiritual sinner. Copyright 2020. Geoff Thompson. And our job is to pursue the truth.

So write this down. Record your questions and issues. Pray and seek the answer. Record your questions and issues. Pray and seek the answer.

Second, spiritual principle. You know, when we talk to somebody, when we read something, we always begin with the assumption of literalism. If I ask you, are you going to church tonight? Your first response is not going to be based on the assumption that I'm speaking metaphorically to you because there's no reason to make that assumption right.

You're going to assume that I'm asking you as a human being with a body if you're physically going to the gathering of the church this evening.

Now, if I said, oh, it's so beautiful outside right now, I feel like I'm in church, you wouldn't say, I don't understand.

I don't see any walls. There's no worship team. We're not in a. You wouldn't say that. You wouldn't take what I said literally, because I use the word like and I told you by doing that that I was not speaking literally.

But in everyday conversation, we always begin with the assumption that we're speaking literally and then we change our interpretation if there's a good reason to do so. And so we approach the biblical text the same way we approach the biblical text the same way. And let me say this. It's too difficult to understand is not a good reason to not take the text literally. Well, it just seems unbelievable to me.

I don't believe in miracles. So if this is about a miracle, then it can't be speaking literally. It's not a good reason or you know what I find a literal interpretation. It's going to embarrass me in front of my friends.

If I say I actually believe in the flood and the plagues of Egypt and all that stuff, your embarrassment is not a good reason to not adopt a literal interpretation.

Our ego and our level of knowledge should not determine when the word of God is and is not speaking literally. So write this down. We begin by taking the biblical text literally and change our approach if there is a compelling reason to do so, if there's a compelling reason to do so, that's the second principle.

The third principle is already on your outlines, the primary meaning of a text.

Any part of scripture in the Bible is determined by the person who wrote it, their intended audience and the historical cultural context of the time it was written. So if you want to understand the main meaning of a biblical passage, you got to understand who's writing it, who are they writing it to, where are they living and when are they living?

You got to understand those things to really understand what it means. And many biblical passages, let me say, have secondary meanings and even tertiary meanings. But those cannot be entertain

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Putin is the biggest invader of them all.
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Fusion been more than just a jazz-rock phenomen for quite some time now.
But is it really closer to production - did the article say how cost effectve mining
and transport of this perticular mineral would be (is my question).

I bet Elon Musk could be wild enough to look into this:)

Thanks for the blog, interesting.


RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

No, he is an autocrat only in people’s minds who disagree with them. Democrats are good at throwing goofy things like that around. They like to so people are homophobic, islamaphobia, social phobia etc they do this because they don’t have any good thoughts to explain their position on any certain issue or person.

The person to fear in the oval off is the one who believes in globalism and will not defend his own people but who will defend invaders instead. wine
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Reich is a fairly common name amongst Ashkenazi Jewish people, the adjective meaning 'rich', as in 'a wealthy and powerful man'.

That's different from the noun 'Reich' meaning 'empire'.

Perhaps the irony is your ignorant assumption.
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

It was the Jewish space lasers that are to blame, I tell ya.

They fry everyone's brains and only the the superior, real American patriots (who just happen to be white) can resist such evil doings.

Keep doing your star jumps, Chancer. joy
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RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

You mean the same as Trump did against Hilary Clinton in 2016 then.
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The difference between fusion and fission is that the former produces much more energy, whereas the latter produces more radioactivity which needs to be contained. But yes in the meantime I would agree that smaller nuclear power stations would be better.


Aha. if thye don't need tonns and tonns to deliver power then maybe.
A question of what does the transport cost vs effect, i guess.
How many kilos they need per mwh?

Are you sure fission is not still better?
I'm a big fan of new modern nuclear power.
Maybe in this smaller portable types, the ones that can be cooled without water.

RE: After writing a condolence letter

"The doctor comes into the room. He says: You were in a coma for 5 days, we had to revive you twice, once it took quite a long time."

5 days?? How did that happen? Your account reads like an authentic dream and is not easy for strangers to interpret. Good thing you wrote it up while it was still new. Hope you copy to CD and print on high-quality paper.

RE: Kissenger

For once we agree on something.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Hitler's playbook involved using the German justice system to persecute and essentially eliminate his foes (look at everything Democrats are currently throwing at Trump from trying to remove him from the ballot, to trying to bankrupt him on an absurd premise, to trying to jail him for having documents from his own administration and legally protesting the stolen 2020 presidential election)

Hitler's playbook also involved using a controversial event as the excuse to do so. The Reichstag Fire in 1933 was this event. Democrats have sought to use the event of January 6th 2021 towards similar ends. Upwards of 1,500 charged from that day, most who committed no violence, but who had their homes raided at 6am by a dozen or so armed FBI agents nonetheless. After that many took guilty plea deals, because the alternative was racking up onerous legal bills and facing a judge and jury in a district that voted 92% for Joe Biden.

Of course Hitler had his army of propagandists too. Low level plebs, and then the higher ups like Mr Reich here (oh the irony with the name) who worked overtime to poison the well and set the preconditions to justify ever more persecution. Of course we know what came after the initial political persecution phase in the case of Hitler and The Nazi Party. They felt emboldened to do more. That's kind of what happens with one party rule and a captured media and judicial system (America's not there yet, but it's teetering).

Of course to anyone paying attention (and bold enough to be honest) - Democrats' playbook when it comes to Trump is to try and project their proclivities onto him. Projection - the oldest propaganda technique in the book - accuse your opponent of that which you're guilty of. Then they simply repeat the accusations over and over and over again - it's a demoralization technique - 'if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself' (quote attributed to chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels).
View Blog    1 Likes    Last Liked: Apr 8

RE: Kissenger

While Mr Kissinger’s policies have been very effective in terms of advancing American foreign policy interests, they are also considered to be extremely uncaring towards the fates of civilians, values and quite often simple common decency.
View Blog    3 Likes    Last Liked: Mar 25

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