breadcrumb doeicjr218 Blog

logic states I was cursed.

as I gained the awareness and knowage of a adult
finally of life I think back about her another bit of a long set
of circumstances she was another stranger at times to leave a scare of
another deep seeded bitterness of the family very little kindness
of intelligence to plant for one to grow above.
she hated man the grand father slept alone as she spent her life
on the front room couch yet they had a least a common need of surivial
and in time it turned to a working friendship.
the philosophy of the kennedys lived on ( a working society that is)
yes me too I worked to keep myself preoccupied when knowage and under-
standing of failed and lived on dreams to motivate me when depressoin
was a problem and still to this day ignorance within society still does
exist morole support by professoinals like mental health to resolve
issues in a court are very hush hush and medication to cope is the
talk of the town as the underlaying burdons get strenghtened .
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I almost feel wanted here lol

well my socail life is improving again
as I logged on to this site the red letters are there and of course
as I clicked my email and read the letters there scammers as one
states shes from africa but living here then another as I read her
profile flooded with the words she needs a man one more down another
was glad to hear from me but I dont recall ever responding then on
and on one was near 80 and had someting very important to tell me
so at least someone is interested in me (sad).I placed blogs on the
matter on another site Im on yet they are bound and determined.
as alot of others write on the topic too.
I even contacted them on there famous (yahoo emails) chats and I wasnt
surprized after a few days of flooded screens of emotional attachments
understandings of and love words directed to me soon they asked for money
for all sorts of reasons of hardships,for there internet a plane ticket
etc.etc. yet some are real as I was chating to a teen (didnt know till)
she had to go due to her mother it was interesting but I just assumed
a friends role added some and soon cut ties.
risky perhaps yet I dont have nothing important on my pcs as I dont
trust them as they find ways around even the best security measures
one could have.
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the great wall of china

I figure the old timers back in the construction era then
had great visions to forsee the white peoples desperation
of of worldly rule as the british were so then the french
with canada the mutts of N. america and
south africa and australia they were popular
(keep out).guess the should had posted
a sign on it..
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the magnetizing effect of being popular

good for you just be careful theres humans
here sometimes. consequences are great as is
the problems players looking for a wheel
chairs others building and lonely isolated
people with burdons of disbelief.
logic sometimes is as terrible as a inocent
humor sometimes.
the numbers really add up and no/matter
who or whats in the blog they come running.
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slander me

I totally agree a biological link with somone
does not give the right to unconditional friendship
and love there are conditions that have to be met.
as my life started with questions unanswered I had
often wondered what was so wrong and as the yrs,
went on more unanswerwed circumstances happened a
example was my mother bitter like my granmother at
times while a kid I was fun loving and mostly no
troubles to them at all and I was rather shocked by
my mothers comments one night I drove her to the
store on the return she out of guilt asks me why I
wont talk to her or father as i kept silent she
then explodes and says(I'll drive you out of your
ever loving mother fking mind) my family never had
the insight of intelligence to suspect problems us
kids had and I never seen them personally talk
expressing any. so I was surprized.and as I often
think back in time she was doing as she spoke of.
stupid,was later my conclusion of her,my other
parents a punk.and like I said I never caused any
trouble for family yet later in life I sent both
back to there parents home to live with them for
there behavor.(nice example huh they didnt like that)
as for me I almost belived that there was something
seriously wrong with me at times as I couldnt
distinsih between reality and a dream and I lived
unknownly on her guilt trips (traumitized me )
as I later victomized myself the professoinals
didnt help just record and file no discussoins
or requirments to do anyfurther more.
so the dilemma continues.its a sad world of
authority that governs us.
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I belive in

where I stand in life is just a normal outlook
that is I just belive in a normal man women relationship as
as Im straight and dont see anything else end of
discussoin peroid.
as I was reading a blog that someone wrote here I
was quite surprized for there shallow depths as
the person writes of his bi nature,and seeking
it and then insulting his victoms as a surrender
perhaps someone was light yrs ahead of people like
that calling them bisexuals good for them and
good bye

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god works in mysterious ways (911) was a real 911

mybe its the god fearing part gone in reverse I
as I posted a blog (god fearing people?)gee the
so called bad people most of done there home work
as they later declared it a holy wardunno dunno
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mine is simple

its sad the ongoing repeated blogs and comments
I read nothing much out of the ordinary
mybe Im the exception or at least a mere
bit more down to earth for,
I wont out of this gang I didnt start it
nor did I ever join one no matter what it
represents a badge of a cop or a
degree of psychiatry or a legislature
of our congress of laws
I just
want to be just me for once in my life.
Im after you who plays with viruses redirects of
our social and misunderstandings.
Im after you who prey upon others hiding behind the
groups looking so inocent and kind

IM after you who look for smypathy from a loss or crime
and your logic fails to reason your not alone but insist
any criticism isint healthy and negitive most be evil

Im after you who thinks your the beauty of the world complaining
of strength /ignorance of man and not understanding why
Im after you who think medication is the best support
of resolving issuses and using a court of laws isint a option
Im after you who call yourself a peer forcing others to confrom
to your ways
and Im after you because I dont wont to be so sensitive anymore
to others overwhelming influence,I want out.....confused confused professor yay yaywave wave
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Im a outdoors person

Im the outdoors type a bit extreme sometimes yet whats a little
snow and cold my campsite (sometime in 2002).
Embedded image from another site
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I like reading logical respones

I read the blogs and comments by everyone and I just
sit here wondering perhaps this is the reason failure happens
divorces are common and domestic violence-horrors,
decades ago the old world ways of efforts that formed
our moderen societies was different women didnt have the
right to vote and heaven forbid if they left there spouse
under any terms less the domestic violence.yet I try to
understand the logic sometimes here setting aside
the simple mined provocations some do for humor and others
that try to play upon the ignorance ,acting as a sociopathic logic its surprizing
yet some times its just a open door for the truth perhaps there
really serious sometimes as I try to match there wits
trying to stay inocently kind rattionale eludes me finally
of there comments and it brings me to thought again Im glad
it isint a requirment to have friends or be married as the
psyic ward would be my second home.peace
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just a thought reading the blogs

the magnetizing effect of failed romance why do we pander such
repeatly time after time are we setting our expectations to high
or do we really thrive on the rejection and negitive responses
that make us feel guilty of we defend a common desire
to keep ourself what makes us,us, our own personalityconfused confused
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the con games people play

should I remind you people confidence is the start of cons games the
scammers preying upon lonelness as the easiest to figure yet they walk
besides us here chat as friends and offer the advice like a real friend
waiting for there chances if only on another site I read the blogs and
see it all the time redirects, off site chats,isolation it works quite
well society is full of dsyfuctional people not so wise as the cons keep
the most of intelligent people leary of the trust factor and other who
know Im right use them to start a cat fight as I read I get a idea of
there understandings and knowage two more females on the mens list to
watch.I guess its only human to use evil and ilegal activity to find out
about a prospectful date,friend,etc.yeah we can be magnetizing yet dont
worry the cons and scammers will keep you on your oaught most senses if
your wise, so start playing along.
professor peace
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