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After posting a comment about image, I thought I would do a blog about it, and get off my chest what I feel is important and not important. Some people, well when I say some I mean quite a few, who can be quite cruel towards others about their looks. A lot of things are looked down on and even laughed at when it comes to ones personal image, or even what a person is born with. For example freckles. I don't think there is anything wrong with having freckles, they don't make you look deformed or ugly. Having red hair, (natural not dyed) is in my opinion is a very beautiful look, and should not be frowned upon. Being curvy, while some men would think curvy is over weight in their eyes, in-fact being curvy quite healthy looking and quite appealing. Should we as people laugh and point even at those who are over weight? No. Imagine yourself if you were not the ideal weight and people were laughing behind your back, you wouldn't like it, so don't do it. I for one am the exact opposite, I am quite lean, and I have always been, and I personally do not like it when people say that I am so thin. Although I am reasonably happy with my own image, I still do not care for people making fun of what I was born with.
But we do have a problem in our society about our image. And in a lot of ways I blame the media and fashion. You got to look a particular way, or otherwise you are not in with the in-crowd.
My advise is, just be yourself and don't pay attention to what others are doing to themselves to make others like them. You don't have to wear your hair a particular way, wear make-up, diet, under dress just to make an impression on the world, because of pressures in our so called civilised world. Be yourself and be comfortable with yourself, for you will find that you will be happier for it.
Just one more thing before I go, I will tell you a true story that I was told only a few weeks ago. A friend was telling me how she knows of someone, who is married, and her husband has NEVER seen her without make-up. I was like, are you frikkin' kidding me? No, she said. If I was the husband, I think I would prefer to see my wife without the make-up. I know on the wife's part it is a confidence thing, but to not reveal the real you to your love is shocking to say the least. This is the kind of thing that I am worried about when it comes to the younger generation of today, not happy with themselves, so they feel they need to be someone else to make people like them.
I was told a few times when growing up, to be happy with yourself, and in saying that, I think too many are not happy with what they were born with. All in all we are all unique, but if we try to cover up who we are, doesn't that make you a sheep?
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70's & 80's

What was your favorite show back in the 70's and 80's? I have quite a few. I am in the process of revisiting one of my favorites, Miami Vice. When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a Police man, but because of my health, I could not follow my dream. But I can always dream it when I'm sleeping.
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From one thing to the next

If it's not religion it's about gay people.
I noticed in a blog that was mentioned that being gay isn't normal. Well let me ask you something, who are you to dictate what is or isn't normal? Just because it doesn't fit into your religious beliefs, doesn't mean it isn't normal or right. It's this kind of idiotic mentality that really does bring me down.
Can I ask, why is it, that gay men are always attacked and not lesbian women? I mean, to me, gay meaning having s*xual relations with the same gender, not just males with males, so why attack men?
I know a number of gay men, yes some were a shock when I finally found out that they were indeed gay, but does it worry me? NO. Now how would you feel if the role was reversed and you were the one who was continually harassed because of your sexuality? You wouldn't like it would you?
Another reason I am starting to dislike mainly, Christian religious freaks, who think they know everything and feel the need to dictate to people what is wrong and right. Don't forget, He who casts the first stone. Didn't your parents teach you NOT to judge people, for who they are and so on?
I also think it's an excuse to say, well I don't dislike gays, it's what they do that I don't like, I think it's wrong. It's this kind of mentality that goes back a few decades, about Black people. I don't dislike them, I just don't like them because they are black. Also another piss poor excuse from those that follow the bible. Before looking over the fence and looking into other peoples backyards, how about you keep your snotty little nose over your fence, and worry about what you are doing.

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Lets talk about religion and your god shall we? Nah, stuff that, how about I tell you what I believe in and you can either think it's just a good imagination or there could be some real truth to what I'm about to say. Now it states on my profile that I'm a Christian, and I've also said that I am on many occasions, but you'd probably think I'm talking about the biblical God. Eeeee ....Wrong. Because my belief is that God is an alien as was Jesus. I have good valid points, so keep reading please. It says in the Bible that God created Adam and Eve in his own image, right? And Jesus was also the son of God, well why are they always perceived as being white people? Not possible. But possible if aliens intervened.
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The Bible was written in what text? Anybody? I'll tell you, Greek. The amount of times it has been rewritten in English is great, and the translation from Greek to English, you would have to lose the real meaning behind the words that were written.
So anyway, "God" the alien, came to Earth thousands of years ago and basically planted his seed amost the natives, of which created Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were actually brother and sister. Now it was common practise to have s*xual relations between siblings, and they in turn had children of their own. Sounds kind of sick, but we are judging them of the laws that we practice today.
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As I've said that God is an alien, well thousands of years later, they returned and impregnated Mary and created Jesus. Moses was visted by an alien and was passed down the Ten Commandments, and one day they will return, and it's going to be like the movie, The Day the earth Stood Still. We as "humans" will be judged when they return, and if things aren't the way they should be, they will have the power to end all as we know it.
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Ask yourself this, why in the last 60 years, the sightings of ufos has increased? Are they keeping an eye on us? But if you look into history you will see that they have been here many times, not just within the last century.
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There are many reasons why I don't not believe in the Bible, but one of them is, no one can actually prove that what had happened in the stories were true. You give me solid proof that it happened, then I may believe. But I can prove to you that at least my belief is more possible.
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Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly, you are one man that I would like to shake hands with, and say thank you. Thank you for making me laugh when I needed it the most. There are some really funny comedians in the world, but Billy, you are guaranteed to make me laugh every time. You have this ability to state the truth without a jot, and at the end of the day, it's still funny. Such an intelligent soul you are too, with all the traveling and meeting different people from around the globe, the wanting to know new things and experiences still plays a part in your life. After watching the movie, Mrs Brown, I thought back then in 1997, this man has talent, and from then on I became a fan. I just read that Billy will be in the next Hobbit film, The Hobbit: There and back gain. Seen the other 2, but this one I am dieing to see knowing he's in it.
Thank you Billy, I think you're a wonderful man.

I found this clip and had to post itgiggle
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Totally awesome dudes

I just watched the trailer for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that will come out this year. I checked it out on youtube, and as per usual, there was some negative comments on the trailer, some were positive, (thank goodness). A few of us grew up with the TMNT, and my growing up wouldn't have been the same without them. It also stars Megan Fox wow as April Neil. Although I don't think she'll suit the part, but it's Megan Fox wowgiggle
Here's the trailer if you want to see it.
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The Musketeers.

Has anyone been watching the Musketeers?
I started watching it because it has Peter Capaldi in it, as he'll be playing the new Doctor soon.
It's not like the recent movies that have come out, as I have found the Cardinal is soft compared to the movies.
I've just finished watching episode 6, and I am so far, enjoying the series.
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Science Fiction

Ever since my mum let me stay up and watch the original War of the Worlds, when I was about 5, I've been hooked on the Science Fiction genre. I've been a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, (of course hehe) Aliens, Predator, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Blade Runner, Baylon 5, Blake's 7, Space 1999, V, Terminator, Dune, Alien Nation, Planet of the Apes, Logan's Run and so many more. I could go on for ages, but I wouldn't want to bore you. giggle
The latest science fiction movie that I watched was Gravity. It would most likely send some people to sleep, but I found it so interesting, and how, if you thought about it, how scarey it would be to be in that situation. If it wasn't for Sandra Bullock's performance, I don't think it would have worked.
Although I haven't sat back long enough to think about, why I like the genre so much. Is it the idea about aliens? No, because not all science fiction deals with aliens. Is it because it's set in outer space? No, and once again, it doesn't have to be set in space to be science fiction. Then what is it? dunno I don't really care what it is about science fiction that rocks my socks. I just love it.
What science fiction rocks your world?

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She was the best

Sadly, my mother passed away about eight years ago. I cared for her as well as I could, as she suffered from pain 24/7. It all started when recouping from a brain operation, of which she was staying at a friends house. My mother was quite independent, and didn't want to depend on people to do even the simplest of chores. Anyway, mum was bringing the washing in, and as she climbed the stairs outside, she could feel herself topple. She knew that there was concrete behind her and grass to the side, so she decided to push herself towards the side where the grass was. But when she landed, she landed with a twist and damaged the siatic nerve down the back. She went to doctors and there was nothing really they could do for her except to put her on morphine when it started getting bad with the pain. The only thing that she found that helped, was smoking a joint. I watched her slowly fade away, as when she would eat, it would simply come back up. For those that don't know, try eating when you're in severe pain. It was the saddest and hardest day of my life, when I saw her pass away right in front of me.
Mum had many friends, and a lot of those friends considered her to be either, a sister, an aunt or a mother. She got so much respect from people, and it didn't take long for strangers to know and adore her.
I have a lot of memories when I was growing up, of a mother who was great with us boys, (there was 3 of us) but if we did wrong, we knew about it. But I was one of these kids who was in and out of hospital, mostly with pneumonia, and caught whatever that was going around. We were by far rich, but mum made sure that we didn't go without, and I'm sure that she had gone without just to make sure we were fed.
She met a guy, who was the father of one of my brothers, and he lived with us for a number of years. When he was sober, he was okay, but he was the cliche' of a drunk man, (in those days) and use to beat up on her. Well one night, while I was at a friends place, he came home drunk. Without going into details, she had accidentally killed him. She served two years, and all us boys were separated. Not long before that happened I started studying at The School of Fine Arts.
She was and had to be one of the best mums ever.
R.I.P. mum.
Miss you always sad flower
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The Doctor

The show aired in November 23rd 1963, with William Hartnell playing the role as a grumpy, but intelligent alien from another world. I really do miss the 1st Doctor, because now days, the heroes that we see are mostly young and full of life. But there was something about him that made you feel secure and a certain mystery that wanted you to know more. Towards the end of Hartnell's role as the Doctor, he fell ill and the producers wanted to continue the show, so they decided that the Doctor was an alien that was able to regenerate his body but still retain the memories, (which for back then was a pretty cool idea). In came Patrick Troughton, he was more of a clown and didn't come across as bold as the first incarnation. Unfortunately, most of his stories have been lost, and it's a shame, because I didn't get to see a lot of the 2nd Doctor. But then after he left, in came Jon Pertwee. Now he was/ is my favorite, (even to this day). He had a certain charisma, that to me is how the Doctor should be. I suppose in a lot of ways, this incarnation brought in a few things that I still love today, the Master, Sarah Jane Smith, good ole Bessie and of course we got to see the Doctor in colour finally. After Jon's departure, along came the Doctor who had the longest air time ever, Tom Baker. His scarf and curls made him still one of the most popular actors to play the part. Many fans were devastated when he left, understandable, as he was in our lounge rooms for 8 years. During those years, we were introduced to a fan favorite, K9, a witty loveable "tin dog." Peter Davison was the youngest at the time, to replace Tom, and I think it think it took a while for the fans to accept him in the part. He was a more relaxed Doctor than the others, and I think Davison did a marvelous job. Colin Baker, (not related to Tom) was next in line, and came across as a loud and slightly more aggressive than the others, with his very colourful outfit. Personally it took me a while to adjust to him, but now I find him loveable. Sylvester McCoy followed after Colin's short reign, and although I love all the incarnations, his would have to be the least favorite. But the BBC decided to ax the show after 33 long years. But in 1996, we got our 3rd Doctor Who movie, which Paul McGann did a fantastic job. I found the story lacking, but thanks to the efforts of Paul, it was watchable. For 9 years, we waited, 2005 was the year for the new series, and what a great year that was. Christopher Ecclesston only did one season, but thanks to his brilliant acting, he managed to save the show. A shame that he felt that he had to leave as he didn't want to be type cast. I'd be over the moon if I was type cast as Doctor Who. Anyways, David Tennant, who was a hit, and we saw the return of the Master since the 1996 movie. When I heard the news of who was going to replace Tennant, I searched for interviews and anything to do with Matt Smith, the youngest to date. I came across one interview, and I was mind blown to his idiosyncrasies, and they so reminded me of Hartnell. I knew then that we've got our Doctor. The bow tie and the fez, became popular icons for the fans, and I must admit, bow ties are cool. During his last year as the Doctor, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the show. Matt became my second favorite Doctor, for I liked how more eccentric he became, and I think I had more laughs and tears with Matt than I ever did in the past. But I also digged the new threads he wore in the last season. So now we wait. September is apparently the month that we will see the return of the show plus a new and older Doctor. I've been waiting since the return of the show, to have a much older Doctor. Some so called fans don't like this, but I don't think it will take long for Peter Capaldi to enter the hearts of the fans.
Hopefully in the near future, I will write blogs about each separate Doctor.
Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to share your loves and dislikes of the show.
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I do this out of respect for a member who once was a very big part of the CS family here. I only found out the news today that sadly he passed away 2nd of March 2014. My thoughts go out to his family and close friends, and to the ones who knew him well on CS. His motto on his profile is, Life is short...Enjoy the moment. Very true words spoken, and hopefully we live by his words.
We shall miss you friend. May you rest in peace.
sad flower

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Some of you might find this boring, but if you're right into music, then you're going to appreciate it.

Back in 1985, I started my college days, and I was studying Fine Arts. The six years that I studied there, would have to be one if the best times if my life. Anyway, because I love music so much, and found that music also helped me be more creative, I use to take my little tape recorder to classes and share what I was listening to with other class mates. Because it was a college of study, the age groups were different, ranging from just out of high school and those that had retired, so the music I played I had to find a balance. One day, a friend came up to me and handed me an LP, she said, "have a listen to this, it's different but I think you'll like it." I looked at the cover and thought, wow, this looks very surreal and unique. Can't wait to get home and listen to this. After hearing the about minute of the first track, I was mind blown. By the end of listening to side 2 I was hooked, and from that day I became a fan. I knew that after hearing, what was their forth album, I wanted to hear more of their works.
Now for those that have never heard of Yello, their style is Electronica or Electronic Music. They have been going since 1980 and their last album was released in 2009.
When I mention to people about Yello, they say that they've never heard of them, till I say, well have you heard of the song, "Oh Yeah" yes I've heard of that. Oh Yeah has been used in a number of movies and is the most heard song. Although it is a great song, they have so many that are just as good or even better.
My favorite songs are, in order of release.....
Bostich (1980)
Homar Hossa (1981)
Base For Alec (1983)
Oh Yeah (1985)
Si Senor the Hairy Grill (1987)
The Race (1988)
Rubberbandman (1991)
Suite 909 (1994)
To the Sea (1997)
Croissant Bleu (1999)
Planet Dada (2003)
The Expert (2009)
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You can find a lot of their works on youtube. Listen if you dare.
Oh and by the way, the image was done by me grin
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