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What I Miss

His eyes,
when they catch
my gaze,
ever present
upon him;
The love
in his voice
when he laughs
at my ongoing
to make him
happiness has,
at last,
found him;
his heart
in my own chest
as we hold each other
even in rest;
His hands
in my hair;
The scent of him
on the sheets,
from the hamper,
The sound
of my name
upon his lips;
His chest
against my back,
legs tangled
with mine,
while we sleep,
or at least
I try
too enamoured
to miss
a single
blessed moment
of gazing upon
his sweet visage,
or the chance
to steal

Callaghan Grant
May 2, 2013
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The Love vs. Fear Illusion

There IS ONLY Love. Love is the only Real emotion, in my experience. All the remainder of the emotions are Love masquerading as something it is not: Love that perceives its Self as, in some way, "Thwarted". All the remainder of the emotions are really Lies Love tells the world (and its Self) in order to perceive its Self as "safe". We are the Love the world keeps secret from its Self. Fears are the lies we tell our Selves about our True Nature. Love has no enemies, rivals nor threats. Love is invulnerable when it real-izes its Source and True Nature.

- Fear of Rejection = Love in retreat.
- Fear of Abandonment = Love seeing its Self as alone.
- Fear of Betrayal (AKA: "Jealousy") = Love perceiving its self as unworthy/insufficient.
- Fear of Loss/Grief = Love not focused in its PRESENT glory.
- Fear of Loneliness = Love perceiving its Self as "Unseen".
- Fear of Failure = Love again, not focused in PRESENT glory.
- Fear of Success = Love that perceives its Self as insufficient for happiness (unsatisfying) even when "seen", "embraced". (This is Love saying it is unworthy again.)
- Fear of the Unknown = Love perceiveing its Self as Foreign. Love is the one language every heart speaks and hears fluently.
- Fear of Commitment = Love perceiving its Self as insufficient.
- Fear of Illness, or getting old = Love that does not know it is Eternal, cannot age or be infirm, or "die"

NONE of these "Fears" are of any consequence to Love once it real-izes (makes real to its Self) that it is its own Reward. Love because you cannot do/be otherwise. Love, whether it is returned or noticed at all. Love, and allow your Self to be identified with Love. It is what you are and you deserve to know your True limitless Self. But only you can choose to give that to your Self by re-cognizing (changing your mind) about what you ARE. You cannot "get" love from someone else: You can only share it with them. You are the SOURCE of all you seek to gain from what you merely perceive as "outside". Love is not an exchange. It is a Transformation. Once you realize YOU ARE THE FOUNT of all you desire, the thirsty flock to your door--or not. But, by then, it matters little. Love is its own reward and its own company. Love may have me any time. I surrendered to Him a long time ago.

And so, I love you ALL.

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And Now for Something...

...Completely different. THIS music makes me want to fence saber or work out on the bowflex.

"C'mon freight train. What's keepin' you? Make good on it boyo." grin
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I LOVE this video and music!

It stands my skin in gooseflesh and makes me want to LEAP from high places! I just adore anything that gets me going that way.

Hope you enjoy...

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I love you...

Did you know that I love you? Do you know that every day I waken and I hold you in the embrace of my heart and that I Will for you peace and joy and health and prosperity? Do you know that I hold you ALL in my heart constantly? You are my Beloved. Everywhere I look, my eyes fall upon you, Oh, my precious Beloved! How can we ever believe we are alone?! We are not alone. We are all-one. I love you! I love you! I love you!

How can I help you feel this with me? How can I help you to not suffer? How can I help you see that it is your thoughts alone that seem to isolate you and frighten you?

When you are afraid or angry, please, remember me. I am loving you. You alone/all-one make me smile. You alone/all-one are the sun in my sky in the day! You alone/all-one are the stars and moon that light the heavens in my nights. With you I walk in my dreams every day and night. Let us make, my Beloved, happy dreams together. I love you! I love you! Please, remember me and love YOUR Self too...

Your Cailín
"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo..."
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Experience/Truth Paradox

There is Truth and there is "experience". "Experience" is a paradox. For experience to happen, there must be a separate self to do the experiencING. But there is no separate self. That thing is but specter. Truth is about direct experience of the INability to have direct experience through concepts and/or sensory apparatus. That is to say, Truth defies descriptors. It is fluid. It shifts "shape" but never essence.

Life is about having experiences. It is an attempt to be separate from other beings and from things in order to have sensory experiences of "them" as "not I". We have an experience of relative powerlessness in this world. THAT is the nature of THIS consensual dream. But experiences are not Truth. They are not REAL because they do not last: They are not Eternal. Only what is Eternal is True. Only Truth is True across all contexts.

A metaphor may help: A cut crystal Chalice/Grail of unsurpassed beauty appears to be shattered. Within each shard is contained the whole of the visage of the Grail and that visage may only be seen as the Light passes through each. (This dream is a hologram.) The shards think themselves separate but the Grail looks upon them and Knows each one. Then too the Grail knows its Self is NOT the Grail. Its Self is the Light that allows the visage of the Grail to be seen: the Light that makes it shine. The Grail Self Straddles the realms.

I have had "gnostic experiences" wherein a sense of self was at once scintered together by the concepts/understandings (in order to receive them) and then also shattered by those understandings received. It was instantaneous death/rebirth: an oscillation between the realms we must learn to straddle before we can summon and wield The Will. To KNOW the Will, separate "self" must be shattered. It is gradually replaced by all-embracing Self. Surrender, paradoxically, gives access to The Will.

It cannot be done justice in words. Words are symbols for concepts and thus, they are twice removed already from Truth/Reality. Would that I could give Understanding/KNOWing to everyone. What is required is a single minded desire to be ONE with Truth through the Daemon which is the Highest Self--the Truth Body still rooted in Oneness and yet straddling the realms. This unification of the Eidolon with The Daemon is known as "The Great Work". The only thing a "self" can do is desire single-mindedly that pearl of great price: be willing/ardent to cast away all that you have *thought* your self to be that it may be remade/replaced with the True Self/Daemon--and make the invocation. Do it whenever it comes to mind: invite being taken apart and "remade". Eventually, ardor will rise and the remainder comes without impetus from the you you have only thought your self to be.

Loving regards, as ever,

Cailín Joyce Callaghan
"Little girl Lord of Strife/Separation"
Queen of Cups
"Whom doth The Grail serve."

"Love is The Law. Love under Will. Let The Great Work begin."
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Excerpt "Beacon" A Glimpse of Magic Manifesting It

Desolate longing shattered the edges of my heart as I wakened again in that other life, the one that was not my own, not familiar—except in memories that seemed merely planted in my mindspace—messages from an imposter self.

Oh, my God, what have I done? How did I get here?

Darkness shrouded body and mind as I rolled over in the bed I knew, and yet it was not where I belonged. I’d made the bed. I was sleeping in it—and the dreams were fitful, full of tormenting loss and separation.

This is not me... I vowed as I wandered the timeline of that foreign life of solitude, of isolating perception and loss. That is not my story. I wept into my pillow, feeling acutely the presence of my Michael next to the bed where I lay. He was weeping as well, and my heart came undone.

I would sooner die…

“Would that I were dead,” I heard myself sobbing and felt it rending His heart. “Oh, Beloved, would that I were dead if it meant I could be with you.”

Shards of light and warmth scintillated down my spine, shafting out of my skull, dazzling with a kiss atop my head, and I sprang up in the bed, my spine snapping taut with tormenting ecstatic chills. My mind and heart focused in ardor, gathering into the moment, all of my Will, I summoned my Self into that expanding instant of now and heard my voice as from afar, uttering a solemn vow:

“What I have made of me is not fit to stand beside you, my Love. Therefore, take me apart and remake me as you would that I be.”

It tickled. That was how it started. It tickled, in my chest, my heart. And then it began to tickle everywhere: in my tailbone and at my navel and the top of my head. The tickling spread like rippling waves and I heard their humming, more like crackling and tinkling, and a voice laughed in the back of my mind. Its resonance was subtle and deep and like the sounds birds would make escaping their cages when they realized, at last: The doors had been open all along.

Angels sing in heaven this day, I heard Him say, that you spake aloud this solemn vow. But they will dance and fling wide the gates when they hear you so implore, “Thy Will be done”—and nothing more.

From "Beacon" by Callaghan Grant 2013
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Verities and Balderdash Part 2

The scenario described in Part 1 *IS* the consequence of unconsciousness: the inevitable cascading of events to consequences that then seem to have been "out of our control". That is the sad story we tell ourselves and it's pure balderdash. Poppycock!

I say "Blame me. Blame me and you empower me. OH! Yes! I *made* you feel so-and-so! I am SO powerful! WOW!" dancing

Honestly, people are so busy trying to avoid "blame" that they willfully disempower themselves. If it's not your fault, it's not in your power and, if it not in your power, it's not your fault. "That wasn't *my* fault," they protest. "*I* didn't make my life the steaming pile of horse sh*te it felt like!" <SNORT!>

"Oh yes, you did. THAT was but a rodeo, kid--and just a wild ride, my friend. And until you see that, you are going to have to repeat the lesson. And that is why the wheel goes round and round and round--and why your boots remain covered with horse sh*t." doh

Forgive the world! Here too, "Forgive" is not what you likely take it to mean. This is true forgiveness: the real-ization (as in "experiencing a truth as real for you") that nothing happened TO me. It all happened FOR me. The next level is the discovery and the wielding of the Will: It all happens AS me:

I am the god of my own reckonings. So are we all, but the sleeping know not what they are doing with their "saying", "naming", "ascribing".

It is not, after all, what happens in our lives that shapes our perceptions of the world. It is what we TELL ourselves -- the significances WE ascribe to those events -- which does this.

"In the beginning was the Word."
(And that's when the fight started.) cool

I look back through time and smile. This world is but a cosmic jest: "The Sons of God captive and hostage of the world they made as a toy, a diversion--a mere play thing!"

I am awake. I am lucid in this dream world, and I know there is no death. I have been and returned, and death is but what the sleeping call a corps. Sellin T-shirts. Want one?

There you have the keys to the cosmos. If you can assimilate all of that and accomplish its real-ization you have accomplished "The Great Work": the merging of your temporal self with your Perfect God-Self. I hope this helps. The shoes may be tight but they'll protect your wee feet from the oyster beds of life. And the muck would suck them right off your feet were they not so snug. Like everything that but seems to "hurt": "It's all happening FOR you. Wake up! Get up and go find them pearls in the mud!" Amen...

I love you ALL.
Cailín Joyce Callaghan
Little girl, Lord of Strife
An Faolchu Gaelach
Queen of Cups
"Whom doth The Grail serve"
"Love is The Law; Love under Will. Let The Great Work Begin."
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A little reflection

I am passionate and I'm only recently coming to realize how true that is compared to most people. But I'm quirky, even in my passion. What I care about, I care about intensely, and what I don't care about does not even register among my considerations beyond what is required for expediency sake. It makes me mostly pretty easy to get along with. In fact I am effusively indulgent of those I love, but not myself. I'm a little stoic that way. Actually, I am very stoic. I rarely feed this body and it's a worry. I run a farm and feed and water contentiously all my flocks and pets, but not myself. I often go two or three days without solid food and I don't understand this disconnect in my persona. It's as if I am saying to God, "If you want me here you'd better sustain me yourself or send someone to love me and feed me, because you know I never pay any attention to that until I am faint from hunger." And yet, I have this fairly large, muscley body. It's as if the laws of physics do not apply to my form. I'm soon to be 55 and people honestly take me for 39 to 40 years old all the time. (ANYway, back on topic:)

I was thinking about Dad last night. He was a lot like me. In fact, we were emotionally twins. But I always perceived him as much more fire and me much more sentiment (Water: My astrological chart is all water and air and a tiny bit of fire--just enough fire to spark the phase change from liquid water to steam/vapor/"air", But, by nature, I am quintessentially fluid.) Of course, fire consumes and yet it's no match for oceanic sentiment. When Dad noticed cobwebs on the house, he literally lit a handheld propane torch and burned them away. (Fire based emotionality--and Dad was emotionally combustible. He was also Captain of the Tampa fire department for 22 years. And what finally killed him was the loss of all his stuff: his machine shop and gun collection and everything he felt made him himself, when his shop burned down.) When I notice cobwebs on a building, I pick up and apply the pressure washer. Everything gets a thorough dousing. When I hurt or am angry, I do two things simultaneously: I leak emotion (cry) and I laugh. I laugh because all that drama surprises me and seems truly ironic. Life is a cosmic jest and I am amused that I can still tell myself the silly stories that result in "hurt" and "anger". My heart gets a thorough soaking flushing-out. My mind shifts, the locus of what "I" identify as me shifts: I am not these emotions. I am the space in which the emotions occur. I am not this story. I am the awareness that sees the story, watches the emotions come and go and I am blessed to have experienced them at all.

Above all, relationships are more important than things. Relationships are the temple we build together and that temple is a shrine to what we hold dear and precious. Certainly that is not these passing small lives. No. My temples are all built in honor of principles and so too is all that I write: Love, Life (as Love), Compassion, Truth, Honor, Candor, Dignity, Mutual Respect, Creativity and the invulnerability of the Being that makes its own life story a Tribute to these. Make of your life story, with each passing moment, tribute and shrine to these principles and you have embraced all that God Himself holds dear. You have, in effect, identified with Him. You have put your "self" on His team. You chose Him and you used your entire life to make that statement of allegiance. THAT is ART!

Live this way and you cannot die because you are Life its loving Self. And so I say again, as I always do and maybe you will know, if you chance upon this posting (led hereto by God/Life--which is what we all are) that I mean it intensely when I say...

...I love you ALL.

You are ALL mine, mine, mine. God blessed me not with babies in this life. But He gave me the world.
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Verities and Balderdash Part 1

The only true power in this world comes through "Surrender". It is quite the paradox that by Surrendering, you overcome.

It all started with what many would consider an "insane" prayer/vow:

"What I have made of 'me' is not fit to stand before you. Please take 'me' apart and remake me as you would that I be."

PLEASE, do not EVER underestimate the power in such a vow solemnly uttered.

We are all here in the world to learn one thing: To summon our "Will". But that too is not what you might take the word to mean. There is True Will and there is willfulness: an unconscious state of striving after some "this or that" which we tell ourselves will allow us to be "happy".

The "True Will is Threefold: Firstly, it was the discovery of "godly estate". Godly estate is experiencing whatever comes with the knowledge that "Nothing happens TO you. IT ALL happens FOR you." What we experience IS what we name it. We create subjective experience, for the most part unconsciously. Discovering of one's godly estate is the awareness that this is happening. Once you "know" this directly you are not unconscious. The second aspect of the True Will emerges: The Will looks for what it "wants" to find/encounter/experience and it declines to "judge" what *appears* to be "not in keeping" with those desires. It "forgives" CONSCIOUSLY as in "under direction of the Will.

There is yet a third level to the True Will -- and that is that all others in this realm ALSO know and understand ("have the ability to wield") THEIR own True Will (which is the same for all) which would result in the disappearance of the illusions ("personal experience") of "suffering" and "loss" and "separation". This requires a shift in perspective: from what is "real" only temporally to what is "Real" = Eternal.

This is not to say that you do not see "suffering". Quite the contrary. It means, however that you FORGIVE the "visage of suffering" because you know that suffering too is redeemed because those who are dreaming happy dreams do not ever waken at all. One who sees this is moved with compassion but not overwhelmed and rendered unconscious in sympathetic suffering. Of course, it also involves the awareness that, to a great extent, we create our own suffering, by acting and thinking (and labeling) unconsciously--and therein is an inevitable cascade of consequences to all unconscious acting/thinking/labeling/doing/being.

When I first "saw" this, I was dead. That is to say, I had just been killed in a freak accident with a horse and had entered luminous darkness, where I met a being of massive intelligence and unsurpassed love. 'Twas He that made it clear and it was so clear and simple that it remains so to me now, 35 years later. We create our own suffering experience by judging and resisting what already IS. What is, IS and sometimes it passes: situations change. Change is the only constant. But we have control, RIGHT NOW, over what we call the situation and what we *choose* to call it IS how we will experience the situation.

An analogy (aptly named in this case): "When the back yard of your life seems full of horse sh*t, it is a sure sign of ponies. Procede with care, on account of the sh*t, but keep looking up, so you see the ponies. If you can catch one, you can ride it right out of the sh*t and on to a higher level of perception. In fact, until you see and catch one of the ponies, you are doomed to slog through sh*t."

I hope that made you laugh. wink For more clarity, read part 2.

When in doubt, laugh.

Loving regards,

Cailín Joyce Callagahan
"Little girl Lord of Strife"-- and my mother had not a clue when she named me. Never underestimate the power of a label.
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"Dauntless," I've heard it said of me
by those who badger with all the same cautions
I hear you whispering in my ear.
But what have I to fear, my love ~
that I might die?
I wither for the want of you even now,
and when I lay down each night to rest
I have but one unfailing prayer:
Let me die to this dream world where we are apart,
and awaken in any world where I am in your arms.

Callaghan Grant 1995
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"I Am": the Love we keep secret from our selves.

My Love came to me and gave me kisses in the night. So sweet were they that I saw within the lights of Heaven and was lifted up, and in His arms proclaimed “Lo! I am the All In All. I am become in your arms the very Ocean of all Life!

He laughed and sayeth unto me “Thou art but a precious drop of the water of Life” His eyes shining, and in them I saw Truth again and returned to Him the very words He had Himself placed upon my lips:

“Is not this precious drop the Mighty Ocean’s Temple unto its Own True Self!”
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